Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 365: 4 Great Demon Kings

Approaching Tianniao Peak, Gu Shaoshang did not approach rashly, but instead climbed to the top of a nearby mountain.

Gu Shaoshang looked far into the distance, and saw the mountains rolling, the vegetation deep, and the roars of beasts one after another.

Standing on the giant mountain, looking up at the blue sky and sky that is close at hand, makes people feel at ease.

"The way to practice is to use a body as small as dust, comparable to the mountains and even the heavens and the earth."

Gu Shaoshang stepped on a huge bluestone and muttered to himself.

He looked at it, thousands of miles away, a mountain peak, like a giant bird hovering to the ground, the peaks on both sides stretched like wings for thousands of miles, and the uplifted peak was like a roaring bird's head. .

"Interesting, what kind of elixir could this be?"

Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness.

The mountain looked too much like a fallen giant bird. Although he could not see any doubts, he was almost certain in his heart that after the fall of a giant bird, its corpse turned into a mountain peak.

Gu Shao made a sudden movement in his heart, dodged over dozens of meters, and hid in a forest.


The trees on the top of the mountain blown by the gust of wind from the hurricane fell down one after another, and some were uprooted.


The soil lifted up to a height of several tens of meters. The huge boulder weighing hundreds of thousands of kilograms that Gu Shaoshang stepped on rolled down from the top of the mountain, and the trees along the way were broken. Press into meat paste.

Gu Shao frowned, only to see that it was a golden bird of prey. Its wings flashed with metallic colors. It stretched hundreds of feet long, and it swayed slightly, like a gust of wind.

The shadow that covered the sky and the sun gradually faded away, and the golden bird of prey moved slightly before reaching the sky above Tianniao Mountain, hovering gently.


Gu Shaoshang breathed lightly, and his heart sank: "A giant demon of the sky-level!"

The monsters on the vast continent are not the same as the monsters he knew before. Although there are many changes, almost most of the monsters still maintain their own form.

Because only their own form is their strongest and the most suitable form for their cultivation.


Gu Shaoshang stepped lightly, jumped from the forest, and in half an hour, he went down to the foot of the mountain, in a pine forest, watching the top of Tianniao Mountain from a distance.



And only then did the birds and beasts frightened by the golden bird of prey flee one after another.

The golden bird of prey hovered on the top of the mountain, without looking at the fleeing herd, hovering on its own.


Suddenly, the golden bird of prey screamed in the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the clouds above the sky rolled over and over again in the huge sonic shock, disappearing in an instant, and countless birds and beasts soared into the sky, bursting open under the sonic waves, turning into clusters of blood mist. , no bones left.

Even Gu Shaoshang, who was thousands of miles away, felt his eardrums vibrate slightly: "It really is the sky-level."

"What the **** is this elixir?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned. If it was just a Qiongtian-level monster, even if Gu Shaoshang was defeated, he would not be too afraid, but in his spiritual sense, things were far from that simple.


The mountain shook, and the countless boulders on Tianniao Mountain rolled down.

A large snake was born and drilled out of the canyon. The huge snake body was coiled into a snake mountain, and the snake body with a thickness of dozens of feet was white and terrifying, and it was nearly a thousand feet long.


The upper half of the giant snake stood up, protruding hundreds of meters high in the air, as huge as the head of a small mountain, a pair of erected snake pupils the size of a house, staring straight at the gloomy and indifferent eyes. A golden bird of prey in the sky.

"Snake King!!"

The golden bird of prey hovered at a height of ten thousand feet, with golden wings erected all over his body, and he was very jealous: "You came early?!"

The golden bird of prey's voice was extremely sharp and faint, and Gu Shaoshang could hear the deep fear in his tone.

Obviously, this giant snake is much stronger than it.

"Sss~~~ King of the Golden Eagle, the things of Tianniao Peak belong to this king, you, get out!"

The cold voice of the white snake swept through like a cold current, and wherever the breath reached, whether the grass, trees or rocks, all vaporized and disappeared.

Obviously its poisonous, extremely violent.

"What a big snake..."

Gu Shaoshang frowned.

He has traveled through several worlds so far, and the largest beast he has ever seen is just a "dragon" swallowed by anger in the world of Jiuding, but compared to this snake, it is really nothing.

The snake body that is more than a thousand feet long, and the icy silver light flashing on it is enough to show that its physique is not imaginary, but condensed to the extreme!

"You want to swallow it alone?!"

The piercing sound waves of the Golden Eagle King roared in the sky, and said viciously: "Although you are from the bloodline of the Celestial Serpent, you are only in the middle stage of the sky. Do you really think you have eaten me?"

"Black Bear King! Yak King! Are you still not coming out?!"

As the sound wave oscillated, the air waves in the void rolled and oscillated, and a black bear with a height of three feet broke through the air.

Compared to the golden eagle king hovering in the sky, and the celestial snake king who is a thousand feet tall, his body is as small as dust, but his whole body is extremely arrogant, and facing the two behemoths, he is not timid at all: "Heavenly Snake King, here It's my old bear's territory, do you want to take it all alone?!"

The black bear king's hair fluttered, but he secretly complained in his heart: "Fuck his grandmother, Lao Tzu's map of the sky has been destroyed, I'm afraid I can't handle this dead snake!"

But he must come out. On his territory, if he is shown off by this snake, how can he still have any face?

Spread it out, how can he be the king of a country?


In the low voice like a series of muffled thunder, a mountain peak in the distance of Tianniao Peak suddenly collapsed, and a huge black cow with a height of several hundred meters screamed in the sky.

The giant bull's limbs were as thick as hills, and the whole body was black and shiny. The black hair was like silk and satin, flowing black light. A pair of thick bull horns raised up and pierced the sky.

"Old snake, my old cow has come, but I can't come back empty-handed."

The giant yak king said angrily: "That grass, I have to let my old cow eat it first!"

His huge eyes twitched, shaking his head, and the thick horns on his head flashed a dark light.


On that day, the snake king's body swayed, the thousand-zhang-long snake body twisted, and the cold eyes swept the three demon kings, and slowly lowered the huge snake head.

"Then only see the real chapter under the hand."

The yak king shook his head, his body suddenly moved, the sky was shaking, and he leaned on a nearby mountain and rubbed his body.


Large pieces of rock rolled, and the yak king narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Above the sky, the Black Bear King and the Golden Eagle King looked at each other, one disappeared into the sky, and the other continued to hover in the sky.

The sky and the earth fell silent in an instant, only the wind whistled, and there were no more birds and beasts, even the sound of insects disappeared.

"What kind of spirit grass is it? It actually provoked four Qiongtian-level demons to come over?"

Gu Shaoshang restrained his breath and pondered in his heart.

It is not easy for the demon clan to gain wisdom, the starting point of cultivation is high, and the cultivation is difficult. However, they are more solid than the human clan in the same realm, and their physique is stronger, and they must surpass the human clan of the same realm by more than one step.

As a Qiongtian-level monster, its physique is much stronger than that of the human race, and ordinary elixir can only play a small role on them.

And looking at their willingness to fight, it is clear that they do not only have a little effect.

Gu Shao became curious, slowly pulled away from his figure, concealed himself, and prepared to wait to see what kind of elixir it was, which could arouse the four demon kings to wait here.


Time flickered, several months passed, the sky and the earth were cold and solemn, the autumn wind was bleak, the leaves fell, and the strong wind blew, and it was the yellow leaves in the sky.

Gu Shaoshang was hiding in a small hill a hundred miles away from Tianniao Peak, and within thousands of miles around, there were countless monsters hidden in shadowy shadows.

Since two months ago, a strange fragrance rose from the Heavenly Bird Peak, and the surrounding monsters came in an endless stream, but they were caught in the breath of the monster king and did not dare to move forward.

The four demon kings never let go of the slaughter, but just stood by and ignored everything.

Gu Shaoshang naturally knew that in the eyes of the four demon kings, only each other was the biggest competitor.

"Huchi! Huchi!"

Suddenly, between heaven and earth, a strange aroma rose up.

That strange fragrance is so soul-stirring, even if Young Master Gu smells it, he can't help but sway in his heart.

His bloodlines were shaking slightly, and it seemed that as long as he got that kind of elixir, it would be enough to further activate the bloodlines.


Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

If he stepped forward at this time, he would definitely meet the Heavenly Snake King. Even if he was lucky, he would be attacked by the four big demons at the same time.

Therefore, even if Young Master Gu is sad and interested, he will definitely not rush out at this time.

Only when the four demon kings fought with each other was his shot.

Countless monsters stared at the Heavenly Bird Peak with blood-red eyes, intertwined with desire and fear, and a series of gasps sounded all around.


Suddenly, a streak of golden light rippled from the Tianniao Mountain and shot straight into the sky, which could be seen for tens of thousands of miles.

At the same time, a large handful of pollen surged up, and the rich aroma between heaven and earth was immediately magnified ten times, a hundred times!


Gu Shao jumped in sadness, his body moved slightly, and he leaned behind a huge boulder.


The fishy wind came, and one after another monsters rushed out from all was densely packed, and there was no end in sight.

The monkey with golden fur, the whole body is like a wild wolf made of bronze, the liger as huge as a hill, the cyan snake as thick as a bucket...

The only thing they have in common is that their eyes are red, and they have lost their awe of those Qiongtian Demon Kings!




In a radius of thousands of miles, countless beast roars resounded immediately.

The next moment, countless monsters roared and roared, surging like a sea tide, and in the sky, the birds and beasts that covered the sky screamed and swooped towards the bird peak that day.

Except for the four Qiongtian-level demon kings, all the demonic beasts seemed to be mad at this moment and flocked to the Heavenly Bird Peak one after another.

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