Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 366: Make sure to cross, Yang God

"act recklessly."

The Snake King's body twisted, silver light sprayed from his eyes, turned into ripples, and spread out in all directions. The sound was loud, echoing in the mountains and forests for hundreds of miles.

The huge snake body moved, with a terrifying aura, like a long silver river swept across the sky.


The sound waves vibrated, the space vibrated endlessly, and it was not as close to the body of a snake. Countless monsters were already bursting into blood and flesh in the sky under the terrifying wind and air.




The sky and the earth roared violently, and the rolling ripples of the sound wave burst into a huge air wave.


In the sky, the huge golden eagle king swooped down, straight like a golden meteor, swaying like a dragon, and flew towards the snake king.

The huge golden claws flickered with golden light, grabbing straight towards the snake body of the Heavenly Serpent King.


At the same time, the giant yak king standing a hundred miles away slammed down!

In an instant, the earth swayed like water, and the mountains and forests within hundreds of miles shook like waves, and hundreds of thousands and millions of tons of soil lifted a huge curtain that stretched several miles.

Under this terrifying hoof, countless monsters were smashed to pieces, and their flesh and bones were mixed into the huge mud wave.

In the midst of the earth-shattering commotion, the Yak King leaned down, snorted, and spurted a ten-foot-thick airflow.


The next moment, a huge black streamer instantly spanned a distance of a hundred miles, and the two dark and dark horns pierced the snake body that the Serpent King slashed in mid-air!

The speed of this cow is unbelievable!

The airflow squeezed by the huge body turned into a terrifying hurricane, which even scraped a thick layer of the surrounding hills!

"Damn old cow!"

The gloomy voice echoed, facing the attack of the two demon kings, the snake king suddenly moved that day.


It was as if a galaxy swept across, the mountains crumbled, the low mountains were broken, and the snow-white snake body hundreds of feet swept across all visible and intangible things.

The boulders collapsed, the ancient trees were broken, and the hills collapsed!


The tail of the snake slammed down in an instant, and the yak king who rushed in suddenly trembled, and the black streamer all over his body trembled.


The Yak King roared angrily: "Damn long worm!"


The horns on his head immediately shot out a hundred-zhang-long cold light, and under his shaking his head, it was like two huge long swords criss-crossing in the air.

On the entire Tianniao Peak, countless boulders flew over, and the hills collapsed.

tear it up~~

Even though the Snake King dodged extremely fast, he was still swept away by the black streamer.

Countless scales fell off the silver-white snake body.


Not as good as the Snake King's counterattack, the golden eagle king swooping down above the sky had already arrived, and the huge golden claws broke through the void and grabbed straight to the seven-inch land of the Snake King.


The Heavenly Snake King has a tens of feet of snake letters, and in the silver-white streamer, he immediately jumped into the sky.

The thousand-zhang-long snake body twisted and circled, straight like a silver-white dragon flying in the air.

His snake pupils were indifferent and ruthless, his huge body swept across the mountains, the ground collapsed, and wherever his silver body passed, nothing was broken.


Under the rolling air waves, the snake body swept through the air like electricity, and slapped heavily on the golden eagle king in the sky and the angry roaring yak king.




The two large objects smashed to the ground, and the earth split into huge ravines.

"Old snake, take a punch from the old bear!"

At this moment, the sound of urn in the sky came, and a huge shadow covered the sky.

I saw that the black bear king did not know when to show his true body, and he was a thousand feet tall.


The bear's paw as huge as a mountain slammed down from the sky!


The four demon kings fought fiercely, and the area of ​​thousands of miles around turned into a huge battlefield.

Except for the Heavenly Bird Peak, which was deliberately protected by the Four Demons, the surroundings were in a mess.

It was not targeted at all, but the sea of ​​beasts surging around was still a mess.

In the rolling air, the **** smell permeates thousands of miles of land, which is extremely terrifying!

"This bear and that snake should be in the middle stage of the sky, and the eagle and that cow should be in the early stage of the sky, but the bear feels a little wrong, it seems that it is not in its heyday."

Gu Shaoshang moved around, wandering freely around the battlefield, thinking in his heart.

With his cultivation, he would not be hurt by the aftermath of the battle, but the battle between the four demon kings still made him frown.

Qiongtian-level combat power is indeed tyrannical. With his eyesight, he naturally knows that these four demon kings are only tentatively fighting each other, and they have never killed the real fire. Obviously, the elixir is not yet fully mature.

"These four monsters, I can't get them now. If I want to get that spirit medicine, I still need to think of a way."

Gu Shao thought in sadness, stepped forward, dodging a hill that fell.


The silver snake's tail rubbed the mountain, split into pieces of giant trees, and cut through the mountain wall, passing by the side of Gu Shaoshuang's body, leaving a huge ravine more than ten feet deep.


Amidst the smoke and dust, a pangolin the size of a zhang was shaken into a pile of flesh by the force.


Gu Shao moved in sadness, his consciousness slightly protruded, and he shook his head.

The underground undercurrent was turbulent. Every time the cow stepped on the ground, the boundless undercurrent condensed the earth and stone into steel. Obviously, he was afraid that someone or a demon would sneak in from the ground.

These old monsters are obviously not fools. Although they are holding hands, they also keep their backhands in case they are picked peaches.

At least Gu Shaoshang noticed that two eyes swept over him. Although he didn't care much, if he approached Tianniao Mountain, he would definitely face a thunderous blow from these four old demons.

Even he is not sure that he can retreat completely.

"However, it's not impossible."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, breathing the ubiquitous fragrance, his palms turned slightly, and his fingertips showed silver light.


In the slight tremor, a silver-white flying knife flashed, and bursts of glorious light blocked Gu Shaoshang's figure.


Suddenly, the silver light converges, and a silver horse streaks across the sky, disappearing on the ground in an instant, and going straight to the place where the fragrance of Tianniao Mountain comes from.

And in the huge crack on the ground, a black shadow disappeared in the depths of the crack.

"Does anyone really want to take grain from the fire?"

The four demon kings thought about it, and the speed of the silver streamer was extremely fast, even if it was similar to the few people, the four of them naturally couldn't let it go.

The next moment, the four big demons shot at the same time!


The golden light swept across, the silver light burst, the black streamer was vertical and horizontal, and the huge bear paw was pressed down.

The sky and the earth shook immediately, and the surrounding mountains that looked like ruins exploded.

The endless rocks flew in all directions when the four of them shot, and in mid-air, they were swept into a cloud of stone powder by the violent airflow.


The speed of the silver streamer was greatly reduced in an instant, and Gu Shaoshang stood on a flying knife in a black robe. Facing the simultaneous attacks of the four demon kings, his expression did not change.


Gu Shaoshang's whole body was covered with golden color, which complemented the flying knives under him, breaking the sound barrier in an instant, rolling sound waves oscillating, and dodging in all directions.


The earth cracked, the rocks lifted hundreds of feet like water, and layers of ripples swayed in the air, sweeping across a hundred miles in an instant, impacting Gu Shaoshang's figure.


The flying knives suddenly became larger, and the extremely sharp knives were raised, criss-crossing in the air, and splitting the ripples.

"Human race?! Treasure of the sky? I thought it was a monster of a different kind that turned into a human shape, but I don't want it to be a human race?"

"The treasure of the sky, hehe, it's not bad, the old bear wants it!"

"After killing him, we are dividing the elixir!"

"I'm here to kill him!"

The four demon kings looked at each other and talked with each other to reach a unity.


Half of the sky seemed to have been trampled down by the yak king. The huge waves that expanded in circles were like tsunamis, rushing out in all directions. The beast was shocked on the spot!


In an instant, the yak king standing on the ground roared in the sky, his thick horns suddenly slashed in the air, and the black streamer around his body suddenly rose, turning into a black picture scroll.

On the picture scroll, one side is blurred, a huge green cow rests lazily on the ground. Under it, the ground criss-crosses, and countless huge mountain peaks support his huge body.

It is a picture of the yak king's family. Even in the entire demon clan, it is a famous "green ox lying on the top of the mountains".

As the picture scroll opened, the huge green ox lying on the top of the endless mountains opened its eyes, and above its horns, a stream of pure yellow light burst out, bursting out in an indomitable and indomitable state, with a mighty thunderous billowing A sonic boom, a meteor pierced the sky, shot directly at Gu Shaoshang!


The space trembled, the earth trembled.

The yellow streamer that ripped apart the world brought a roar like a landslide and a tsunami, like a tyrannical sword light, breaking through the void, and in a thousandth of an instant, Gu Shaoshang, who was not in a hurry, would dodge.

Shoot in the air!

click ~

Gu Shaoshang's figure shattered into thousands of pieces in an instant, turned into an endless rain of light, and dissipated in the air.

Only the silver-white flying knife flashed in the sky and disappeared into the void.

"not good!"

"There is a fraud!"

"Damn human rat!"

The four demon kings did not have the slightest joy. Instead, they shouted at the same time, turned their huge bodies, and swooped to the top of Tianniao Mountain in an instant!

However, where is the time!

I saw that at the top of Tianniao Mountain, above a rising purple flower, a bright red fruit that was as crystal clear as red colored glass fell with a "click", and was grasped by a white hand.

"Ha ha."

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly, the black robe moved, and his arms slowly moved: "Goodbye, four big demons."


The next moment, Gu Shaoshang's figure disappeared on the top of Tianniao Mountain.


The next moment, the four angered demon kings roared and collapsed the entire Heavenly Bird Peak.

The endless rocks rolled down, and the entire "birds and beasts" of Tianniao Peak disappeared.


A huge roar resounded for thousands of miles, and in the sky, the Heavenly Snake King who was more than a thousand feet long let out a roar: "Damn! Damn!"

His cold snake eyes spurted out silver brilliance, and in the sky, he fluttered vertically and horizontally, with indescribable anger.

The other three demon kings looked at each other in dismay, not daring to touch the furious Snake King, forbearing the grievances in their hearts, and slowly retreating.


mirror world.


Gu Shaoshang slowly let out a sigh of relief.

Before, he transformed into an incarnation with one person and three transformations, holding the treasure of the sky to attract the attention of the four demon kings.

And his real body concealed all the breath, traveled hundreds of miles from the earth, and took off the fruit from the top of the mountain.


Gu Shaoshang took out the red fruit from his palm with a little regret: "It's not fully ripe I'm afraid the potency is only half."

The reason why the four demon kings did not take the fruit first was because it was not yet ripe.

Gu Shaoshang naturally also faced this problem. He never expected that his incarnation was actually destroyed by the yak king. He had no time to take off the fruit first.

Otherwise, if you hesitate for a moment, not only will you not get it, but you will have to face the four demon kings in rage.


Gu Shaoshang waved his hand slightly and called out his anger: "Blessed are you little guy."


Anger whispered softly, pale golden eyes full of longing.

"Now is not the time."

Gu Shaoshang flipped the palm of his hand and put the fruit into the Jiuding: "The mirrors of the heavens, it is certain to cross, the world of the sun god."

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