Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 30: Did you press your face today? (For complete order)

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Although Ye Shenyue did not go to monitor, Hui Ye trained her routines well in accordance with Hayaka's plan.

She took two days off.

╮ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭.

All are training routines.

And even Sasaka had to admire her, "It's really amazing. I have given my routine training in two days, and it has been within two days. It shouldn't be necessary."

"Needed." Hui Ye replied, "Student Bai Yin must confirm the candidate for her election speech in two or three days. Make a speech. "

Campaign speech?

That is a procedure in the election process of the student president.

Ask others to give a speech by themselves, that is, to draw votes.


The student Bai Yin suppresses the performance of Miss Huiye, and now if you still let Miss Huiye give a speech, then probably, many students in the unknown will think that Miss Huiye has approved the student Bai Yin, so they Please vote for the silver classmates.


In fact, Miss Huiye made a wedding dress for Bai Yin.

"..." From the perspective of an outsider, Sasaka thinks that Huiye doesn't need so much effort.

But she still didn't speak out.

Because Miss Huiye is now in love and wants to do something for someone she likes, she has not been so uninteresting to stop.

Moreover, Bai Yin was very inspirational, and Sasaka was sorry that he had doubted the other party's motives in the past.

"Let's try it." Haosaka decided to become Quanhui Ye, so she found a 16-color photo of Ye Shenyue, which was printed with a printer.

Put the photo on her face.

"Look--ah, it's the husband of the future--"

Probably out of Sasaka's own taste, when choosing photos of Ye Shenyue, she chose to beautify it slightly.

Huiye probably likes the other person's eyes with dark eyes that stay up late.

But now is to test Hui Ye, so she can only take out the photos that show a very fierce momentum after staying up late.


And Miss Huiye's cheeks suddenly turned red.

It was fixed like a small animal.

Isn't this completely resistant to photos?

"Okay, please touch your face." Sasaka prompted.

Touch your face.

That is to raise the right hand and touch the cheek on the left, this is the state that Hui Ye chose to feel most at ease after her experiment.

And after touching it like this.



The originally fixed expression changed instantly and became expressionless.

This is the state of sane super online. It is also a very calm state.

"It's really amazing." Zasaka took the photo off his face. "I remembered for a long time that Miss Huiye was a genius."

"What does [long absence] mean?" Hui Ye in a calm state has the ability to capture all kinds of information.

Even though Sasaka is now talking about Tucao, she is a sand sculpture.

But she has a lot of adults. "I accept the word genius, but this is an experience. I have received similar psychological hinting exercises during my training, so now I can find a trick to learn routine actions."

It turns out so.

"Then, even if it was kissed by Bai Yin, then you can't be shaken." Sasaka Road.


! !

Bing Zhihui Ye seemed to be stunned for a while, and then seemed to make up her mind.


"... this situation, of course, will not be shaken."

She said calmly.

Sasaka decides not to vomit her while touching her face to use routine actions to force herself to calm down and say these words, so how much credibility is there.

But it seemed that he was really worried about Ye Shenyue's student union campaign speech. Hui Ye came to the school on the third day after training.

"Early ~ Huiye sauce--"

Unlike someone who greeted her a few days ago, someone greeted her when she entered the school gate.

Or not just say hello.

And the other person hugged her shoulder very naturally.

There is only one person who can do such a thing in Huiye's consciousness.

Fujiwara Chika.

"Hello, Fujiwara."

"Magic, Huiye sauce is really, just call me Qianhua." Qianhua is very cheerful. "That ’s right, Huiye sauce, are you going to be the vice president of Baiyin classmates, right? Yesterday he came to me and said to help him with his campaign speech. You can play games in the student union ~ "

Chiharu Fujiwara liked Huiye quite.

She and Huiye have known each other since junior high school, and the relationship is so good that they spend the night in each other's home.

There have also been experiences of running together and being injured and taken care of by the other party.

It seems that Huiye doesn't like to talk much, but it doesn't matter. Chiharu Fujiwara likes to talk, so as long as Huiye doesn't speak, she will be responsible for speaking. When encountering happy things, Qianhua also wanted to share with Huiye.


"Classmate Fujiwara--"

Si Gonghui was expressionless at night, "Let's befriend him."

"Eh? Why?" Fujiwara Chika was surprised! ..

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