Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 31: Chiharu Fujiwara is persecuted! (For complete order)

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Chapter 031 Fujiwara Chika is persecuted! (For complete order)

Chiharu Fujiwara was persecuted by friendship.

"Hey? Why?"

Obviously, it is necessary to share happiness with Huiye classmates, but they are told by the other party-let's shun it.

Qianhua was stunned.

But she noticed that Hui Ye raised her left hand and wiped her eyes.

And there are crystal tears in the corner of the eyes. Very beautiful.


So why is this!

And why cry?

and many more.


Huiye classmates will cry, is this showing their emotions?


This is not a place that should be happy.


But it seemed that he didn't want to stay here anymore, Hui Ye walked directly towards the courtyard.

Qianhua quickly went to chase Huiye night.

However, she felt very strange. She was obviously catching up quickly, but she did not see Hui Ye.

So what the **** is going on! ?

She couldn't help but think of yesterday.

Fujiwara Chika and Ye Shenyue met because of Huiye.

Hui Ye didn't come to school for two days in order to train routine movements. Ye Shenyue is also considering running for student president in school.

Generally speaking, he doesn't want to find Fujiwara Chika. After all, this person is a sand sculpture, because there is no place to hide the book, she actually stuffed it into the abdomen with a fat-clamp.

This incident had a great influence on Ye Shenyue.

However, if she was invited to join the meeting, she could act as a mascot, so he still sent an invitation to Fujiwara Chika.

It may be the reason for the first grade, so unlike the opening of the second grade in the original book, they are not in the same class.

Plus there is no intersection, so basically nothing is said.

It stands to reason.

"Silver student?"

Ye Shenyue visited her during the lunch break yesterday.

"Is it the election of the student president?"

Obviously, there is not even friendship. But Fujiwara is very smart.

Or very enthusiastic.

She has a great ability to make friends, is approachable, considerate, smart and so on. Among them, probably the favorite is to guide others, help others, and already want to discuss the topic of love together.

"Baiyin classmates are mixed-school students who are enrolled from outside, and those students who went from elementary school to high school would not want Baiyin classmates to serve as student presidents." Fujiwara seemed very reliable.

And it is almost a needle of chicken blood.

Her family is a political-government family, someone from the grandfather's generation has served as prime minister, and her uncle is the provincial minister, and her father also holds a high position.

So they are very good at these aspects of political elections.

Should I say that I am a student of Xiuzhi College?

Qianhua has a sensitive political sense of smell.

When Ye Shenyue went to submit a student president application to the principal, the principal ’s reason for refusal was that the mixed school students could not control the pure school students who were directly promoted. child.

So it is not so easy to be willing to submit.

Ye Shenyue also knew that this time the student president suddenly became vacant, and the principal also added a pure school student to participate in the election. His second grade is his second grade hometown.

The other party has already submitted the application. Although his strength is not good, but he is a pure school student, and may get a lot of votes because of the student's emotions.

So, what will happen to Fujiwara Chia?

"But!" Fujiwara said, "If it is given to a certain authoritative pure school student to make a campaign speech, then you can use the power of the other party, and then cause" XX classmates to actually speak for silver classmates. " XX classmates recognize people as "the scope of public opinion, then the probability of silver students getting support is very high."

This is the same as what Night God Moon thought.

It is an ordinary borrowing.

And how to use the power and who to use the power needs to be well considered.

"So the key is the person who is giving the speech. This person is very fortunate to be able to seize the hearts of the students of the pure college. And he can block and kill objections and have authority, and this powerful person is beside—" Qianhua recommended himself.

For her, the speaker is not a tiring job.

It is proud.

Because it is this kind of popularity that can help Yuxing classmates, right?

So this person who is giving a speech is very powerful and will be confirmed.


So this person is her--

"So I can only choose the students in the fourth house to speak." Ye Shenyue said.

"... I won't vote for the silver classmates!"

While self-promotion failed, Classmate Fujiwara immediately maintained the attitude of severance.

"Just kidding." Ye Shenyue said, "But can you please help Fujiwara in this election?"

"Help? If it's just a little busy--" But the student Fujiwara has looked over with vigilant eyes.

"I want to invite you to join the student union."

"Sorry." Chiharu Fujiwara answered almost in seconds.

Although they are cute in appearance and cheerful in character, they are IQ sand sculptures, but Fujiwara is not so easy to be persuaded.

If you help Ye Shenyue to give a speech then it is okay, which can make her greatly satisfy her vanity.


Join the student union.



"I don't want to." Chiharu Fujiwara replied, "I have no intention of joining the student union."

The last student president invited her but was rejected.

And now, is it rejected?


Ye Shenyue denies this view, this is just the wrong way to invite.

"That's it." Ye Shenyue nodded. When he had just entered the student union two weeks ago, the last student president tried to invite Fujiwara, Kashiwagi, and Shinomiya to join the student union.

So the other positions are empty.


Were rejected.

That is, Dragon Ball Peach joined because of subtle reasons, but it is now absent.

So he just watched the other party get used to the invitation failure.

However, now in front of classmate Fujiwara.

"I thought Classmate Fujiwara would join." Ye Shenyue said. "Because after I win, I will invite the students in the fourth house to join the student union. Oh, she will agree, because in the last exam, I bet with her. If she loses, she will have to join the student union. So I I think you are friends, so it ’s more convenient to deal with anything— "

Ye Shenyue deliberately spoke slowly.

"Wait!" But Qianhua immediately raised her hand, "I want it!"

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