Protagonist Aura

Chapter 504: The blue sea flows, but most of the old people are withered!

"Repeat it."

Xiang Qing, who had previously been extremely overbearing and dared to consider himself invincible in public, suddenly became weak. Then, all his limbs began to tremble.

He asked himself to repeat it again?


Xiang Qing, who took a few cold breaths, realized that he was soaked all over, and there was a large visible water stain on his back.

This embarrassing appearance succeeded in giving the public a panoramic view.

The vast number of sentient beings were surprised, but they also became extremely excited. Back then, the peerless Tianjiao, who killed from the south to the north and defeated the eight kings in one fell swoop, appeared again.

He is not dead.

He never disappeared.

He has been silent for dozens of years of reincarnation in the Spring and Autumn Period, and now, the iron and blood returns!

"who am I?"

The cold, calm voice came to Xiang Qing's ears again.

Xiang Qing buried his head helplessly, bit his scalp and gritted his teeth and replied, "Young, young commander, Ning Hetu!"

It really is the deity.

If it is said that other people will not be able to distinguish the identity of the other party for a while, Xiang Qing definitely can, after all, he and the marshal come from the same era.

What's more, when he was crushed by such a person for most of his life, Yu Xiang Qing said that Ning Hetu was his demon, even if the opponent turned into ashes one day, Xiang Qing could tell at a glance.

At this time, Ning Qingcang, Ning Shang, and even Ning Qingyang, as well as the members of the Ning imperial clan, after a brief brain blanking, all had heart palpitations to the point that they lost the courage to stand firm.

Especially Ning Qingcang.

He and the pioneer of this royal family are only half an arm away, and when you raise your head, you can see the stalwart figure of the other party. After dozens of years, this half-human and half-god existence is still young, still beautiful, and still unique.

The years did not even leave a trace on the opponent.

Even more awe-inspiring than what was dictated by the royal family. Looking at his back, it was like looking at the mountains and vastness, endless.

If it weren't for forcing herself to remain calm, at this moment Ning Qingcang really had the idea of ​​kowtow and worship. If it weren't intended, it was the aura of this royal pioneer, too powerful!

The second crown prince Ning Shang is even further behind.

At this moment, he was also trembling, hiding behind Ning Qingcang, the atmosphere did not dare to take a mouthful, according to the declassification of the elders of the clan, the marshal should be gone.

Although, the realm of the young commander Ning Hetu, to the point where time is like nothing, but close friends of the same generation, and even relatives and friends, have passed away one after another, it is meaningless to live alone.

Choose the dust to settle, and draw an end to a successful conclusion, only then is the most correct decision.

Moreover, the attitude of the senior officials of the royal family was very determined, thinking that the marshal had long since passed away, otherwise, there is no need to leave a drop of blood in the clan.


This person is alive, standing in front of him, this...

"Ning, Ning Qingcang, visit our marshal." Ning Qingcang realized that it was a matter of great importance, so he dared not hesitate and knelt down immediately.

"Ning Jia Ning Qingyang, pay homage to our marshal."

"Ning Jia Ning Shang, pay homage to our marshal."

One figure after another, as if a locust crossing the border, all knelt down.

Ning Hetu, whose robe was as white as the moon, did not scream immediately, he just raised his gaze slightly, and then scanned the fifth defeat, Zhou Denghuang, and Xiangli, the old emperor of the Xiang family.

Others will leave it alone. In the impression, when the Fifth Royal Family hadn't risen, he seemed to have seen the Fifth, who was once a kid?

I just don’t know, do you remember what happened when you were a child?

"When you knelt down in front of me and respectfully called Uncle Hetu, you weren't so arrogant and arrogant." He laughed.

Fifth defeat, "..."

All beings, "..."

A generation of royal patriarchs, the top leaders, who can give orders to one side with a wave of hands, will one day be called a petty beg for defeat in public?

The point is, the fifth is to seek defeat. I only dare to droop my head and wipe the cold sweat on my forehead frantically. This...

Looking at the vast world, probably only the young commander Ning Hetu has this qualification.

"He, Uncle Hetu, long time no see."

For a long time, Fifth Qiu defeated with a hoarse voice. At this moment, he, like a child who has done something wrong, faced the teacher's reproach, his hands were nowhere to rest, and his soul trembled.

"How many years have you been away from your father?" Ning Hetu thought suddenly and continued to ask with a smile.

Fifth, he didn't dare to neglect to seek defeat, and quickly replied, "My father has passed away for about 20 years."

"How about I send you down and let your father and son get together?"


Send him down?

Doesn't that implication mean sending him to Huangquan Road? I was shocked by the buzzing brain of the fifth defeat, his legs were weak, and he knelt down quickly.

The members of the Fifth Royal Family behind him, seeing this posture, knelt down and bury their heads in a hurry, afraid to come out.

Ning Hetu smiled and glanced over Zhou Denghuang one by one for the second time, Xiang Li, these two old emperors, of course, are old and powerful.

But in the eyes of this young marshal of Ning, I'm afraid it won't be enough.

Xiang Qing, as the leader, all directly succumbed to the weakness. They held on, which was tantamount to looking for death, followed by a group of people kneeling on the ground.

At the scene where the battle should have been raging and the battle was about to start, because of such a personal intervention, the situation reversed and all parties stopped talking.

"The mountains are the same as before, and the water is still so clear. The blue sea is long flowing, and the years are not old, but the old people are mostly withered and no longer meet each other."

The strongest people of almost an era are here.

Obviously everyone should be important and have a huge aura, but at this moment, we all know each other well, the one who is close to him is the one with the most right to speak.

"Fortunately, they were all present, lest this coach would come to the door one by one."

Ning Hetu shrugged, his tone still calm, he seemed to be explaining a very common trivial matter, which could be put in Xiang Qing and the others' ears like a thundering initiation.

Ning Qingcang and Ning Shang shivered with fear.

In the end, Ning Qingcang was the first to act first, and proactively said, "Grandpa Hetu, why do you need to intervene in such a trivial matter?"


He Ning Qingcang, according to his seniority, he should be called Grandpa Hetu.

But such a younger generation, hand in hand with the major royal clans, wants to kill all his descendants without leaving one.

"Shanger, don't you salute your grandfather?"

Ning Qingcang's voice came to an end, and he hurriedly greeted his son Ning Shang to come over and knock his head, banging his head a few times, as a gain for impression points.

"Thanks to the love and cultivation of the elders of our clan, today's sorrower is amazingly talented and resourceful. Haha, the senior leaders have decided to choose him as the next emperor."

"If Grandpa Hetu doesn't dislike him, Qing Cang still hopes that you can attend the ceremony."

Ning Qingcang eschewed the important and only hoped to end this turmoil as soon as possible, even if he had a premonition that the chance was not great, he still bit the bullet.

Take another ten thousand steps. Even if he is held accountable, the young marshal in front of him doesn't need to be troubled by the younger generation, not to mention the blood relationship with himself.

"Resolutely resourceful? It means that he is very strategic in making decisions about murdering his fellow blood relatives and intending to kill his cousin?" Ning Hetu raised his eyebrows, with a cold tone.

This caused Ning Qingcang's hair to explode. If he was determined to stand for Ning Xuanyuan platform, how many people would die today?

Ning Shang was also taken aback, panicked, and proactively explained, "Grandpa, after all, my surname is Ning, how dare you make a rebellious thing to murder your blood relatives?"

"It's true that Ning Xuanyuan has done a lot of evil and rebelliousness. Therefore, Shang'er stood up for justice in order to protect the reputation of the court."

Ning Hetu said, "What evil did Xuanyuan do? You can report it, if it is true, I will do it myself!"

Ning Shang, "..."

At this moment, Ning Shang was completely sluggish, even a fool could see that this storm, in the final analysis, was the faction of his second crown prince. In order to stabilize his rights, he was preparing to kill Ning Xuanyuan, the biggest stumbling block.

It's just an excuse to be evil and rebellious.

Now let him report Ning Shang 1510, what did he say? What can I say?

"This, this..." Ning Shang paled, and his mind was confused.

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