Protagonist Aura

Chapter 505: Ask to kill before the battle, kill when you kill!

Since the marshal personally intervened.

Fifth defeat, where does Zhou Denghuang still have the courage to continue to intervene in the affairs of the Ning imperial family?

But at this time, they dare to point fingers, say one more word if they don't know the current affairs, and leave them with a dead end.

"Grandpa, there are a lot of details in this, I can't explain it specifically, can I explain it clearly after I return to the royal family?" For a long time, Ning Shang could only hold up such a sentence.

Because of his guilty conscience, his speech was trembling and vague.

Ning Qingcang was also busy following suit, "Yes, this matter is very relevant, and I will not be able to explain it for a while. In addition, Shanger stood up and presided over the overall situation this time, completely for my Ning family's reputation."

After that, Ning Qingcang turned around and took the initiative to file a complaint, "Grandpa Ning, do you know that this Ning Xuanyuan is doing evil, despising and even provoking major royal clans. I have never seen such a presumptuous person."

The surrounding masters dare not show the atmosphere.

The current situation is that Ning Hetu asked who would dare to speak, other than that, he remained silent.

Even Xiang Qing's level of existence can only be complacent, first kneel down to stabilize his emotions, and then consider how to solve this urgent need.

In the same way, Zhou Denghuang and Xiang Li all have this idea.

Reluctantly, Ning Qingcang was eager to act first, but he did not expect that this hasty explanation would directly lead the fire to the three royal families.

Now that Ning Qingcang mentioned that Ning Xuanyuan was detrimental to the power of the royal family, this young marshal of the family should continue to interrogate him.

"Offended the royal family?" Ning Hetu asked with a smile.

Ning Qingcang nodded hurriedly, and pointed out something, "For example, the Zhou family was married out of good intentions, but Ning Xuanyuan didn't appreciate it, and even took a bite."

"It's totally unethical to act like this."

After Ning Qingcang finished speaking, Ning Shang continued to add, "At that time, my father and I had strong support for the marriage. Originally I wanted to find a good home for Ning Xuanyuan, but unfortunately..."

Ning Hetu waved his hand to signal Zhou Denghuang to take a step forward.

Zhou Denghuang wiped off his cold sweat, and when he had knocked his head three times, he knelt and moved over, "Marshal, there is indeed such a thing as a marriage partner. My Da Zhou royal family was completely out of good intentions, and I didn't want to make trouble... Hey."

Zhou Denghuang wanted to squeeze a look of helplessness and grievance. Unexpectedly, Ning Hetu's next sentence scared him almost to bit his tongue, "According to what this handsome understands, you are rationing Xuanyuan's fiancée to your Zhou royal family. Daughter of the groom?"

Zhou Denghuang, "..."

In an instant.

The emperor of the Zhou family was speechless.

He wanted to explain something vaguely, but the words came to his lips, and his throat was abruptly suffocated, and he didn't say a word.

Not to mention that the daughter of a horseman was allocated to a member of the family of a different surname. The key to this person's identity was the first in line. Whether it was out of goodwill or intentional humiliation, Zhou Denghuang knew better than anyone.

"The first prince in my Ning family is so lowly that he is only worthy of marrying your groom's daughter from the Da Zhou line?"

Ning Hetu squatted in front of Zhou Denghuang with a smile, and stretched out his hand to stroke the old guy's head, "Are you humiliating the prince Ning family, or humiliating me, Ning Hetu?"

"I, I dare not."

Zhou Denghuang denied denial and shook his head vigorously. He said anxiously, "These people who have been approved by the Ning imperial family, they, they also strongly support the marriage."


Ning Hetu turned his head, those deep eyes fell on Ning Qingcang, Ning Shang and his son, "I seemed to have heard that you, father and son, are the first to express their support?"

Ning Qingcang, "..."

After the silence ended, Ning Qingcang twitched and explained, "Grandpa Hetu, I am totally kind to support the marriage. As for the background of his fiancee, I don't know much about it."

"Your uncle is barely qualified to propose such a major event as marriage. Besides, I'm just curious, how can your son have the right to decide?"


A glance turned, and Ning Shang's hairs suddenly stood up.

Even if his descendants of the junior generation are determined to be cultivated as the next heir, at present, they will not be given any right to speak at all.

The younger generation suggested without authorization, either taking themselves too seriously, or dismissing some of the rules of the Ning family as farts.

"White jade."

A summons.

"At the end, here."

The white jade, who was watching the change all the time, suddenly tightened his mind. Without hesitation, he walked directly behind Ning Hetu. At the same time, the king's sword hung in the air suddenly turned down.

Bai Yu raised his hands flat, supported on both sides, and looked majestic and solemn.

In the huge scene, there was a cold breath everywhere, and there was no need for Ning Hetu to personally intervene. The Ning family's surnamed king naturally knew what he should do next.

Rush|The outside must be safe|Inside!

"Ning Qingcang, colluded with a foreigner, harmed the same clan, and was unforgivable according to family rules. Propose, cut!"

After Bai Yu said these words, Ning Qingcang's entire face turned pale. Xiang Qing, the fifth one also panicked after seeking defeat. This, is this going to be cut?

"Grandpa Hetu, please think twice."

This middle-aged man who claims to be no less talented than his old San Ning Qinghan, knelt on the ground and pleaded hard, and he no longer looked like a big man.


A word.

It only needs such a word.

As long as the rules are broken, even if you are a top master of the fourteenth realm, even if your clan spends a lot of effort to cultivate, he Ning Hetu wants you to die, you have to die.

"Ning Qingyang, collude with foreigners, propose, cut!"


"Ning Shang, ignoring the rules of the Ning family, intending to murder Da Shizi, propose, cut!"


It was another big head, rolling to the ground, red blood, like a stream, flowed to the fifth place, and Zhou Denghuang was close to him.

Yangyang mountains and rivers, within the country.

With countless eyes staring at it, no one would have thought that the situation would have developed to this point.

"The master of the fourteenth realm, the crown prince of the second in line, kill him if he wants to kill?"

"I'm afraid, these emperors will also follow Huangquan Road."

a long time.

Ning Hetu squinted his eyes slightly and scanned Xiang Qing's people one by one, in a cold tone, "You go together, I am used to being a group of people."


This is to give them a chance to make the last fight for the first line of life.

But, what kind of invincible hand, with such courage, want to push the three emperors horizontally with one's own strength, plus a super fifteen-level powerhouse?

At this time, the scene was silent and silent.

"So cruel!"

"Marshal, this is for one person, and abolish them all!"

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