Protagonist Aura

Chapter 510: Infinite pill green hands in the world! (One)

As the saying goes.

Since ancient times, giants are as deep as the sea.

The more the top family is, the more likely it is to have civil strife, cannibalize each other at every turn, and freak out the same clan. He had already experienced it personally and even personally when Ning Hetu took over the position of "Young Marshal" a hundred years ago.

Although the past disappears like a cloud, it is faintly vivid.

That was the case back then.

Now, the problem lies within.

As if this is the norm, but mortal greed is still there, no one can avoid it.

At this moment, there is probably only Ning Hetu who can empathize with Ning Xuanyuan's helpless situation most!

But there is a little regret!

"You are a descendant of my Ning imperial family, but you haven't received any cultivation from the Ning family since childhood."

As Ning Hetu's palm shattered Zhou Denghuang's skull, the invincible hand who had crushed an era a hundred years ago finally turned his attention to Ning Xuanyuan.

However, the implication of this sentence is too obvious.

One after another, they all turned to Ning Xuanyuan, looking back and forth, with mixed feelings.

This person, this young man under 30 years old, had broken through to the fourteenth realm of the world abruptly half an hour ago, and his strength was unparalleled in the world.

If there is no Xiang Qing, the elders of Fifth Seeking Defeat, relying on eating more than the others for decades, have been aggressive again and again, and if Ning Xuanyuan is given enough time to grow up, who knows how far he can grow up. ?

At this moment, looking forward to the outlook, it caused a sigh. From now on, there is probably no chance to see the magnificent picture of Ning Sheng sweeping the world again.

Ning Xuanyuan's state decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, even if his eyes were still bright, but after all, his pale face could not be concealed.

"Are you okay?"

Ning Qinghan grabbed Ning Xuanyuan's right hand, her pupils were full of worry.

In so many years, he has never met anyone who looks at himself with such eyes, caring, loving.

Probably he is used to being the role for others to "rely on", so that today, he would rather be in a trance and stand unsteady. When he wants to rely on, he clearly desires extremely, but he dares not dare.

Finally, he sighed, raised his head, looked at Ning Hetu not far away, and waited quietly.

Suddenly this struggle came, and the strength of the strong players gradually got out of his control. Of course, the most unexpected thing was the appearance of the Ning Family Marshal.

Nor can it be called a young coach.

In terms of blood relationship, this person is his great grandfather!

"What are you thinking about?" For a long time, Ning Hetu asked with his back to Ning Xuanyuan.

Ning Xuanyuan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth without making a sound.

To the outside world, the group of people who most yearn for Ning Xuanyuan's death without a place to burial have been completely eradicated. If he returns to the royal family, there will be no resistance.

Although he was injured today, with the powerful background of the Ning royal family, might he be able to return to the top?

After thinking about it this way, the people who felt sorry for Ning Sheng before became excited again.

"Thinking about the past."

Ning Xuanyuan, who gradually raised his spirits, finally returned to Ning Hetu with a calm tone without much emotional fluctuation.

At a glance, it was the capital of the rest of the world, finally regaining its glory under the star-filled sky, yes, the sky was dark, and the night was about to enter.

The shaking lights, in this city, bloom little by little.

He has seen countless times in the national capital, and has also experienced the prosperity and advancement of this capital countless times, but this time, Yu Ning Xuanyuan has a lot of feelings.

"The Ning imperial clan at night is actually more prosperous than here." Ning Hetu seemed to see through his mind, so he said such a sentence and beckoned to signal Ning Xuanyuan to follow.

Seemingly ordinary movements.

For more people, members of the Yu Ning imperial family, it is of great significance.

This is the first time that the two strongest existences of their Ning family have walked side by side.

Many people in the tribe once thought that the third young master Ning Qinghan was the person who could achieve the achievement of the young commander. Now looking back, there seems to be only Ning Sheng who dares to compare with the young commander.

"With my influence, with just one sentence, you return to the royal family today, and you can take over as the emperor tomorrow." Ning Hetu turned around and stared quietly at Ning Xuanyuan, who was close at hand.

Their conversation did not deliberately avoid anyone.

Therefore, this personal guarantee from the young marshal of the Ning family immediately caused an uproar, and countless nobles in the capital remained silent, and even showed a sad expression of rabbit and fox.

And outside the capital, ordinary residents of neighboring cities clenched their fists and muttered silently in their hearts, promise him, promise him!

Even Bai Yu, Ning Qinghan, and the eight Ning family members counted as one, and all showed excitement and tension.

However, Ning Sheng nodded at this moment, from now on, he will be the Ning clan, the youngest and most powerful emperor in history!


Ning Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, still brilliant, "I grew up so old and fought to fight in the west. Born in a small wild flower on the roadside in his hometown."

His hometown is in Dengyun Town, Suzhou-Hangzhou City, a small village that is extremely unknown and slightly backward to the world.

In fact, everyone knows that what Ning Xuanyuan prefers, the small wild flowers dotted on both sides of the ridge, are actually the taste of home!

In other words, the royal family of Ning is no matter how powerful the world is, and no matter how strong the foundation is, for Ning Xuanyuan, it is not home after all, it is not home, so what kind of emperor did it run?

Greed for fame and fortune?

Ning Sheng used to be the leader of the Conferred Gods. He has been beautiful and wonderful. He has seen more human landscapes than those who have lived for most of their lives.

Desire for one person and ten thousand people?

Being at the top is not so free!

During this period of time, he Ning Xuanyuan felt the deepest, and the wood show would be destroyed by the forest wind, really!


The sudden cough made Ning Xuanyuan's complexion slightly pale, and his shaky body, like a light boat floating on the surface of a solitary river, looked around, alone.

Ning Hetu spread out his five fingers and was about to press Ning Xuanyuan's shoulder. That arrow was too powerful, and it was basically impossible to recover in the short term.

However, for Yu Ninghetu, these are not difficult things.


Ning Xuanyuan turned slightly, avoiding Ning Hetu's contact, followed closely, in an uproar, and incredible, he turned his gaze behind him, from start to finish, looking worriedly at his Zhao Gongxin.

The most powerful figure in the inner courtyard closed his eyes deeply, and sighed, the world is infinitely rich, and it is sad to paint!

The young man cares about the country and family.

At the critical moment, a group of people who wished him to die unexpectedly drew a group of people who wished him to die, raising their arms and shouting to help the various royal families.

"From now on, we should have no chance to meet." Ning Xuanyuan suddenly turned towards Zhao Gongxin, smiling.

The crowd was dumb.

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