Protagonist Aura

Chapter 511: He once reached the top of the domineering industry, and once retired to the top! (two

"Probably there is really no chance."

Zhao Gongxin shook his head, his face full of fatigue.

It was a normal and no longer normal hush cold and warm question between the two, but from the outside world, it had to arouse intense discussion again.

after all.

Judging from the tone of Ning Xuanyuan, he neither had plans to stay as the capital, nor did he plan to officially return to the Ning imperial clan full of glory.

"When you get older, you should smoke less cigarettes and have official duties on hand, and let others do the work, and let others do the work."

"I think Old Man Wang is quite leisurely."

Ning Xuanyuan blinked and explained to Zhao Gongxin.

Zhao Gongxin was surprised. With his knowledge of Ning Xuanyuan for so many years, this kid has always been taciturn and cherishes words like gold. Such babbling words would never be said before killing Ning Xuanyuan.

Maybe it’s a different occasion today?

"Okay, okay, the old man takes it to heart."

Zhao Gongxin waved his hand to indicate that he should still talk about his family affairs, and pointed to Ning Hetu who was always standing next to Ning Xuanyuan after losing his hands.

Ning Xuanyuan narrowed his smile without turning around.

He turned his attention to Ning Qinghan, Bai Yu, and the eight tribes headed by Jing Ge. Everyone here can be described as pivotal in the status of the Ning royal family.

However, except for his biological father, Ning Qinghan, the rest of the members showed great respect for him, the elder son of the Ning family, who is well-known.

Next second.

Ning Xuanyuan bowed his head and bowed deeply to Ning Qinghan three times, without saying a word from beginning to end.

But sometimes, the right actions are often more persuasive than words, and even more impactful. This is the end of the matter. Both Ning Hetu and the outside world understand Ning Xuanyuan's original intention.

"Did you think about it?" Ning Hetu asked, standing behind him.

A little far away.

It is the city hall avenue shrouded by thousands of lights.

A young, graceful figure, looming, waited close to Ning Xuanyuan, she forcibly endured sorrow and tears that were about to fall, and firmly supported him.

Ning Xuanyuan looked at Qin Qiu dozingly, then smiled and introduced to Ning Hetu, "My fiancee, Qin Qiu."

"Looks very beautiful."

Ning Hetu nodded, and immediately as the person who came over, he warned, "Back then, the handsome man was too romantic, and there were too many confidantes. It's just too annoying behind, don't follow me."

Ning Xuanyuan, "..."

"My family doesn't want to be romantic, of course, he doesn't dare." Qin Qiu wrinkled his nose and promised righteously.

These words made Ning He Tu haha ​​laugh.

Say it all here.

Ning Xuanyuan tightened Qin Qiu's palm decisively, leaving one last sentence, "Farewell."

Ning Hetu frowned, and then had to remind him, "Are you sure you don't need this handsome to heal you?"

"I have a better way, which is liberation, but also a cut in the greatest sense."

Ning Xuanyuan stepped out one step, and the realm suddenly dispersed for most.

The already tyrannical and special bloodline power faded away like a tide in this second.

Chen Ping and Bai Yu immediately widened their eyes. Even Ning Qinghan almost couldn't stand because of the sudden situation. They wanted to dissuade them, but Ning Hetu stopped him and said, "Let him go."

"Grandpa." Ning Qinghan's pupils flushed, tears in his eyes.

"He can let go of his life skills and blood relationship with my Ning imperial clan so generously. Who thinks, one day, he won't be able to come back?"

Ning Hetu raised his head and raised his hand to catch a ray of moonlight, slowly shining on the top of Ning Xuanyuan's head.

The bright moonlight did not illuminate his eyes, but his countenance illuminates his way when Ning Xuanyuan left. It was just a few meters and a distance of fourteen steps.

Just like all his experiences in this life.

Fall in one step.

The moment the fourteenth step was completed, the vast world, what appeared to be an unbelievable overwhelming overwhelming sea, the first son of the Ning family, unexpectedly broke the royal blood.

When he was facing the various royal families, he was towering like a mountain.

When leaving,

He lost his life skills and transformed into a mortal, but he still looks bold and strong.

This scene made countless people emotional, yes, he Ning Xuanyuan has reached his current position, strength is important, but it is not the only one after all.

He is still the respectable commander-in-chief.

Maybe, given time, he will still be the invincible and unparalleled Ning Sheng.

"Ning Shuai..."

"Ning Shuai."

"Ning Shuai!"

In the long streets, men in the army emerged one after another. They clenched their fists and couldn't stop them. Everywhere Ning Xuanyuan went, everyone left a simple blessing and immediately retreated.

The road ahead is very colorful.

However, he gradually couldn't see his back, and he went farther and farther, becoming more and more blurred.

The book says that all the leaving, sadness, and reluctance are all waiting for the next year. That sentence, the mountains are high and the ocean is wide, don't come without problems!

"He will come back again!"

Ning Hetu stood on the spot and sighed leisurely. After that, his body gradually faded, and finally from his toes began to glow with white lights, like feathers and clouds of smoke.

Qianqiu Beidou, a century-old royal family.

The two strongest existences of the Ning family, one chose to let go gently, and with an open-minded and relieved attitude, cut off the inextricable blood connection with the Ning royal family.

A reincarnation disappeared for countless years, and after a brief appearance, it could not escape the silence again.

"In the dark, Ning seems to hear a voice lingering in his ears..."

The last light and shadow was Ning Hetu pinching his fingers in contemplation, his lips wriggling, he could fight against the sky across time and space, and he could naturally see the future.

‘Da Shizi, please strengthen my Ning royal family! ’

That was the case, Ning Hetu smiled and passed away peacefully.

A few hours later.

A letter from the family was sent back to the Ning imperial family urgently, with a few figures, which was embarrassing.

The world sheds the world.

The marshal didn't know his life or death.

After that, three months passed in a flash.

After the peak war, the monument square, which was almost turned into historical dust, was restored. Only this time, a statue of someone moved in the center of the open square.

The Canglong was handsome, his back turned to all beings.

Proud posture, protect the mountains and rivers!

The moment the statue took off the red silk, many people stopped and stared, looking at the past as if time went backwards, returning to the day when he became commander!

‘When I walk across the mountain, the mountain does not speak, and when I walk across the sea, the sea does not make a sound. ’

‘Jin Ge, iron horse, youth without regrets, people in the world may think that I am obsessed with the power of this person and above the 10,000 people, so I have reached the top position of commander-in-chief. ’

‘Actually, I just fell in love with the clouds and clouds blooming in the beautiful mountains and rivers, and couldn’t help but guard it! ’

That day, how many people remembered what Ning Xuanyuan said to him. At this moment, they felt the same.

He once reached the top of the domineering industry, and his fame was great.

After that, the peak retired.

A statue of him was erected in the world, but he did not know that he was still alive.

The wind blows into the night.

With 800,000 ever-bright lights and a gorgeous blue sky, I hope that if he is still alive, he who happens to be in a corner, raise his head and look at...

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