Protagonist Aura

Chapter 512: The new generation replaces the old!

The vast world.

The easiest thing to get is time. Similarly, the easiest thing to lose is time.

The years change.

Half a year is nothing but quicksand at the fingertips, quietly passing away.

The capital has gone through a turbulence and finally returned to normal operation. However, whenever pedestrians pass by the monument square in a hurry, they can't help but stop and watch.


It was once a place to bury the heroic spirits!

Nowadays, the presence of such a statue, and the fact that the inner courtyard has never spoken positively, has more or less cast a shadow over the public's psychology.

Furthermore, on the day of leaving, the figure that seemed to disappear easily was actually deeply injured.

Once the cultivation was dissipated.

Ning Sheng is no longer the same Ning Sheng he used to be.

The position of commander-in-chief has also become a nominal position, and no one wants to replace it, and has since embarked on the pinnacle of glory, of course, there is no courage to become the next commander.

It is rumored that the inner court had signaled that the major generals voted by secret ballot as a basis for selecting the second commander-in-chief.

It's a pity that it didn't stop in the end.

The outside world only knows that a candidate has appeared, but has not taken over, but the real inside information is clear only to the three old guys in the inner courtyard.

One hundred and thirty-two famous nationals, joint application, position to be determined, wait for him to return!

This name that has been mentioned over and over by famous generals is exactly Ning Xuanyuan!

"Some guys, even if they leave, everyone still doesn't want to forget."

Thinking back that day, when Zhao Gongxin got the final answer, in addition to sighing, he could only helplessly sigh. If everyone stood up earlier, he might be able to keep him.

Indefinite, it can also prevent that scene from happening.

People, often after losing, only realize later and realize all the goodness of their predecessors!

It rained all over the country today.

The weather was dry and the cold wind was like a knife.

Zhao Gongxin put his hands into his sleeves, pacing the old pace, walking and stopping in the yard. Although his expression has not changed much, he can still see the tiredness hanging on his eyebrows at a glance.

From the day Ning Xuanyuan left, he made up his mind to quit smoking.

For half a year, no one was drawn.

In the world, only Ning Sheng could make him, an old fellow, be so obedient.

Withdrawing his left hand from his sleeve, Zhao Gongxin, who was extremely bored, suddenly seemed to realize something. He looked up at the sky for about ten minutes before greeted the assistants who accompanied him, "Give me a cigarette."

The assistant hadn't moved yet, Wang Bozhao came first, "Isn't he quit?"

Zhao Gongxin laughed. When he changed his hand and picked up the cigarette that Wang Bozhao handed over, he didn't lit it for the first time. Instead, he lifted it to the sky and whispered, "I will smoke this one. Reported."

As people get older, they always think of past events.


This stinky boy called Ning Sheng, he also smokes himself, but he takes care of him all the time, he always snatches the cigarettes from his high-ranking old guy, without mercy and no face, in the end he has to pay Throwing out three words in a particularly dragging tone, no smoking!

Simply deceived.

"Forget it, I don't care about you." Zhao Gongxin sighed again, and the burning cigarette was caught between his fingers and never touched.

Let the breeze blow it to dust.

I don’t know if Zhao Gongxin smoked this cigarette himself, or was it for a ‘deceased’ old friend? !

"When Xuanyuan was brought up from the military headquarters, the old man gave him the name'Ning Sheng' to avoid suspicion." Zhao Gongxin smiled lightly, full of nostalgia.

Wang Bozhao nodded, and said in agreement, "I still remember Xuanyuan was awkward for a long time, and I probably blamed you for your fuss."

"He actually likes this name."

The conversation between the two stopped abruptly, and they looked at each other and sighed.

My name is Ning Sheng, and I live forever!

If you don’t love, how can you mention it from time to time?

At a node in ten years, the name Ning Sheng is actually more memorable than Ning Xuanyuan!

After a bit of emotion, the two old guys were sitting face to face. Compared with Wang Bozhao, who looked calmly, Zhao Gongxin today is obviously abnormal.

Wang Bozhao saw something in his eyes, so he had a mixed feeling.

For a long time, Zhao Gongxin mentioned old things again, his tone was heavy, "Has anyone found it?"


Wang Bozhao shook his head, "From the day he left, I sent someone to protect him secretly, but unfortunately I lost it. In the past six months, it has been like finding a needle in a haystack without any trace of Xuanyuan."

"To be honest, we don't even know whether he is alive or dead now."

Not only were Wang Bozhao's people looking for, but Yuan Shu, Shi Zhixuan and other confidants were also looking for them all over the world, but such a big person just couldn't find them.

As if the world had evaporated, there was no news.

Zhao Gongxin was disappointed again, he was obviously used to such mechanical and cold and merciless reports, but today, why is he so sad?

Putting his hands on his knees, this old guy with a look of tiredness suddenly coughed, his mouth was full of blood, and he was about to die, only relieved.

He casually picked up the silk scarf to wipe away the red blood stains on the corners of his mouth, waved his hand, and motioned, "Go ahead, I want to be alone for a while."

Wang Bozhao stood up and stopped talking.

"It's getting angry, you don't have to be so reluctant, we are all older people, either you will send me away, or I will send you away..."

"Maybe, that day, he will come to see me, so that we don't have to look so hard."

Wang Bozhao began to turn his back to this colleague who had worked together for decades, and dropped his head, as if to hide something, his steps when he was helpless to leave became heavier and heavier.

He knows that for some people, this turn is the yin and yang separation!

Seven days later.

It is snowing heavily in the sky, and the prosperous capital city has always been covered in silver all night. It is said that there is no worries about the green water, and the face is wrinkled by the wind.

The snow this year is at least one month earlier than usual.

The atmosphere of the capital also became dull and strange.

In the end, it became more and more intense, until it spread to major cities, many important people had received the news in advance, so they were worried and hard to let go.

Sure enough, in ordinary days, the busy figure, without pacing, appeared in this inner courtyard that had been there for decades and devoted all his life to it.

"If one day, he comes back, remember to remind him that Ning Xuanyuan still owes the old man a promise, outside the border, extrapolate 80 miles!"

ninth day.

Zhao Gongxin passed away and the flag was lowered at half-mast.

National condolences.

When it comes to the real sense of the new generation replacing the old, and before Zhao Gongxin's death, the person who will never forget is neither his wife nor his family, but he would rather live...

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