Protagonist Aura

Chapter 535: What about the lives of Caosuga?


Take dozens of steps.

The heavy steps splashed a piece of rain, and the sky was faintly blurred, and even the flash of cold light could be seen.

In an instant.

The atmosphere here is like an ice cellar.

As if the blood and light disaster would happen in the next second.

The residents living here are ordinary rural people who face the loess with their backs to the sky. In ordinary days, who has seen such a thrilling scene?

The residents who had been holding the mind to watch the excitement were all scared and trembling, and buried their heads one by one, for fear of being implicated.

Su Lan, Chen Shaoxi and Tweety were also extremely nervous.

Not to mention that Ye Kang, as a local hegemon, has a complicated background. Ye Qi, who entered the field later, has a higher status than Ye Kang. This is an active defense officer with authority.

People from the village, who would not be guilty of encountering this number?

What's more, people still bring dozens of minions?

"That's how you did this? You didn't ask questions and just convicted you directly?" Chen Shaobao suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Kang sneered, "Don't the thief behave well? He is still taking advantage of his tongue? Hehe."

Chen Shaobao didn't bother to pay attention to Ye Kang. He just kept his sight on Ye Qi's body. Although he didn't speak any more, his posture was quite strong not to admit defeat.

Ye Qi's eyes suddenly became interesting.

"Do you use this tone to talk to me? Do you know who Ye is?" Ye Qi twitched his lips. He has seen a lot of temperamental people these years, and he is really not ashamed.

I even feel that the more tempered people are, the more refreshed they are when suppressed.

Therefore, Ye Qi didn't get angry, but he didn't know what to say, "I'll give you a chance to reorganize the sentence. First of all, I will figure out who I am, and then I will consider what kind of posture I should talk to."

Chen Shaobao sneered, opened his mouth and spit, showing disdain.

This provocative gesture completely angered Ye Qi, "Do you want to die?"

"As an official, I don't even have to ask the whole story. I will be convicted when I come up. What's the matter, your boss will teach you to do this?" Chen Shaobao asked back.

"Oh, I said your dog stuff is pretty rampant?"

Ye Kang jumped up, and then added to Ye Qi's jealousy, "Ye Shaodu, have you seen that, this thief is so irritable that he is not a good person at first sight."

"I suggest, kill it quickly!"

Ye Qi nodded indifferently and did not continue to speak. In fact, he also knew that with Ye Kang's virtues, Chen Shaobao's side was not necessarily at fault.

But now this society.

What axioms and morals are all false tricks to fool people.

Nowadays, what you pay attention to is power. As long as you have power and power, no one will dare to stand up and question one or two things, even if you call it a horse and turn black and white.

Ye Qi knew this well.

Therefore, he recognized everything Ye Kang said, and it would be a big deal to kill one or two lives, and the reward behind this was that Ye Kang could make a huge contribution.

It's not the first time Ye Qi has done this, and he is quite familiar.

"You're a military anyhow, can you deal with extreme incidents so vaguely? Shouldn't you investigate it beforehand?" Chen Shaobao set his eyes on Ye Zhihuan not far away, and a touch of anger appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

If it weren't for this ignorant **** who took the initiative to pick things up again and again, today's storm would not have caused this field.

To put it bluntly, Ye Zhihuan is completely responsible for it.

However, Ye Kang's shot was considered a fool at best, knowing that his son was at fault, but the wicked first filed a lawsuit and slandered himself for nothing.

However, Ye Qi didn't put Chen Shaobao's words in his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Ye always enforces the law impartially and has outstanding eyesight."

"You fellow, it's not a good thing at first glance. To rectify you on the spot is definitely a great thing for the people."

"What's more, Uncle Ye Kangye has always been well-known for his character. He said that you have problems, then you must have problems."

It's hard to imagine that such a subjective argument came from the mouth of an active defense officer, and he swore that Chen Shaobao was in trouble.

After all, it is the elders in the village, who can't pass it.

I think that when I am old, I will offend people, but I must not allow this group of powerful guys, regardless of right and wrong, with the intention of rushing to kill people.

"It was originally the matter that Ye Zhihuan picked first. You, the defense officer, do not distinguish between black and white? Besides, you haven't witnessed the whole process. Where is the confidence to say that it is Shaobao's fault?"

"That's it, joking about human life, and acting like you are wise and great, and the judge is like a god. Can you make a face?"

A group of elderly people were talking about it.

Now that someone takes the lead, there are more people behind who dare to speak the truth.

"When the defense officer decides the case, when will it be your laymen's turn? Give Lao Tzu a break." Ye Qi suddenly became angry. This is provoking his prestige?

A bunch of spoilers!


Ye Qi took advantage of the situation and drew the saber on his waist, and shouted domineeringly, "Any nonsense, be careful that Lao Tzu cuts you off for disturbing official duties."

"Yes, my lord, what's the matter with you?" Ye Kang slapped the crutches in a frustrated way, jumping on the spot pretending to be heartbroken.

Ye Zhihuan cursed, "Dad, what are you talking about? Just kill Chen Shaobao."

However, instead of suppressing the signs of mass protests, Ye Qi pursed his lips, knowing that there is no way to continue the noise.

"What did you just say that this kid pretended to be?" Ye Qi tilted his head and asked Ye Kang. Since he could not be successfully convicted, he would arrange something else.

Ye Kang replied hurriedly, "It lied to the old division of the Long Live Army, and even bluntly said that he was one of that person's heirs."

When Ye Kang mentioned the three words ‘that person’, he deliberately increased his tone.

As everyone knows, that person refers to Ning Xuanyuan, the former commander-in-chief of the army, who once led an era of elegance. Even if he retires, his name still shines like an ancient galaxy.

Ye Qi suddenly smelled the rotten egg like a dog. He waved his hand and held the handle of the knife. "What a dog, you even used Ning Shuai's name to cheat."

"Such a crime is enough to kill your whole family."

Taboo for the Lord.

Seriously, it is even enough to punish the Nine Clan.

"I'm indeed his old department." Chen Shaobao's expression remained unchanged, but he said such a sentence righteously, with a certain tone, beyond doubt.

"Look, you see, in front of Ye Shaodu, this kid dared to be slanderous and full of lies. It was too presumptuous." Ye Kang pointed at Chen Shaobao and continued to add fuel to the fire.

At this moment, Ye Qi twitched his mouth.

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