Protagonist Aura

Chapter 536: Where have you seen this handsome?

"Just because of your virtue, you still have the face to say that you are Ning Xuanyuan's old man?"

"If Ning Shuai's old department had no discipline or laws like you, that team wouldn't have become a well-deserved master!"

Ye Qi leaned back and held the knife against his waist. When he said this, he was quite instructive.

It's just that the provocative gaze from the bottom of his eyes drifted back and forth between Ning Xuanyuan and Chen Shaobao from time to time.

Chen Shaobao frowned and did not speak.

On the contrary, Ning Xuanyuan picked up the contact number, dialed a number, and then forwarded it to Chen Shaobao behind him. The whole action was indifferent, without joy and worry.

Ye Qi also had a panoramic view of this scene.

"What's the matter? Have you started looking for a backer?" Ye Qi sneered. In this area, he is the chief defense officer with absolute authority. To put it bluntly, he is the Tu Emperor.

It is true that a strong dragon can hardly crush a local snake!

Ye Qi has been in charge for so long, and he really hasn't encountered any hard stubble. In the past, I saw someone who is noble. Who would look at him instead of bowing down and giving three points?


Ye Qi tapped his toes, making a joke gesture.

Chen Shaobao held up the umbrella with his left hand and the phone with his right hand. He kept looking at Ye Qi. He thought that this call would be enough to contact people who were close to him.

When the phone is connected, there are only four words on the opposite side, ‘Hello, Tang Feng! ’

Just as Chen Shaobao was familiar with the name and fell into a short recollection, the tone of the opposite suddenly turned up, even with an indescribable throbbing feeling.

‘Ning Shuai? ’

Chen Shaobao finally remembered, this one, is it not the commander of the Yulin Army?

At the beginning of his eldest brother's resignation as the governor of the Nine Gates, several troubles that occurred midway were all solved by Tang Feng. After that, Chen Shaobao, as the last team member, left the capital.

"I'm his old department, there is something that needs to be dealt with. Will you come forward? Or should I just kill?" Chen Shaobao's tone was slow, but when he said this, he was full of murderous intent.

Even Tweety and Su Lan felt a biting chill at the same time.

Today’s turmoil is small and small, and the related object involved is nothing more than a tyrannical village tyrant who is a disaster for the land.

Big is also big.

After all, Ye Qi, who entered the stage later, had serious problems of principle both in his attitude and personal position. The local chief dare to be so lawless.

It's time to rectify from top to bottom!

'Where is he? ’

Even if they were thousands of miles apart, this call quickly went from the state-level unit to the province, and then to the city level, and finally determined the exact location.

Tang Feng only replied, I am coming!

He hung up the phone directly.

Chen Shaobao blinked his eyebrows and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He liked Tang Feng's attitude in doing things. He was neither muddled nor indecisive.

"It has been ordered."

Chen Shaobao handed the phone to Ning Xuanyuan respectfully, watching the rain getting heavier, so he stood a few steps forward and tilted the umbrella to prevent Ning Xuanyuan from getting wet by the rain.

Ning Xuanyuan remained silent.

He even had time to fiddle with his black beard. Compared with the image of Mr. Zhao at the funeral, he is more rugged and like a big man today.

"Tick to tick."

The rain splashed down.

After witnessing Chen Shaobao's contact with others, Ye Qi, who was standing next to him in peace, might have been extremely boring, so he straddled sloppy steps and slowly approached Ning Xuanyuan.

"After all these years, I have seen anyone. I have to say that your temperament is very different." Ye Qi smiled, and he didn't know whether he really praised Ning Xuanyuan or was a pretext to open up the conversation.

Chen Shaobao moves pace.

The posture must stand in front of Ning Xuanyuan.

"Since the incident has reached this point, everyone has opened the skylight to speak up. You shouldn't be wrong, and you should not provoke Ye Kang."

"As everyone knows, Ye Kang is my person. Over the years, I have been under Ye's protection. I have encountered such a big problem today. If I don't solve it for him, how will this young governor explain to my brothers in the future? "

Similar to the way the younger brother followed the eldest brother, the former was loyal, and the latter took shelter.

The connection between Ye Qi and Ye Kang is also true.

"So, you can reverse right and wrong and kill people?" Chen Shaobao asked.

Ye Qi shook his head and pointed at Chen Shaobao, as if to imply that he was an adult, so why didn't he understand the world? At this point of consciousness, are you still a former member of the Long Live Army?

If the Long Live Army were all stunned people who didn't know how to work, that team deserved to be disbanded.

Ye Qi stepped forward two steps, pretending to be intimidating, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you are the old division of the Long Live Army. The important thing is that the Long Live Army is gone. You have to carefully savor the meaning of the four words for people to go tea and cool. "

at this time.

The distance between Ye Qi and Ning Xuanyuan was only a few steps away.

However, Ning Xuanyuan didn't let Chen Shaobao stand in front of him, one was unnecessary, and another, if he got used to this thing, sometimes he had to change it.

"Tell you something fun?" Ye Qi raised his eyebrows, not knowing whether he said this to Ning Xuanyuan or rushed to Chen Shaobao.

He pressed the saber on his waist, pretending to be serious, "I have the honor to meet Ning Xuanyuan, and I have a good chat with each other. The surname Ning admired Ye's talents and invited me to join the Long Live Army. Haha."

"You..." Chen Shaobao was in a panic.

This kind of joke not only desecrated Ning Xuanyuan, but also humiliated the Long Live Army!

"Ha ha."

Ye Qi changed his expression and looked at Chen Shaobao with disdain, "Is the Long Live Army really a thing? Even if you are the old ministry, I still dare to kill you!"

It was pouring rain.

Suspicion came from nine days.

Ye Qi raised his eyebrows coldly, and was about to make another sarcasm. A piercing sound of wheels came. Before he looked back, Ye Kang first saw the dark, green vehicle stopping at the entrance of the alley.

Bang bang bang!

Black umbrellas cover the world.

There are countless well-dressed and well-trained young men walking into the alley, leaving one person every half a meter, with walls on both sides blocking the road.


"What do you mean? Why, a lot of soldiers came suddenly!"

Such a situation.

Beyond the limit of Ye Qi's imagination, when he deepened his brows, he was about to send someone to ask which side of the team, a towering figure, dragging a black coat, took a heavy step, and showed signs.

Several gold stars on his shoulders shine brightly even under this dark sky.

"This, senior general..." Ye Qi reached the word ‘collar’ on his lips before he even went out, he saw the middle-aged man standing very far apart, resting for a while, and then raising his arm to offer a gift!

He was silent.

His eyes are piercing, majestic and solemn.

He also paid the highest respect!

In his sight, at this moment, there was only the young man with a beard.

"Aftershocks, see Ning Shuai!"

In an instant.

The world is silent.

Ye Qi reacted the fastest. He almost raised his eyes and stared at Ning Xuanyuan, and suddenly felt a cold breath, which penetrated the limbs, "Ning, Ning Shuai? Are you Ning Xuanyuan?"

Ye Kang, "..."

Everyone, "..."

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