Protagonist Aura

Chapter 559: I would rather break the bones in the mountains than the soul is busy!


The Yulin Knife suddenly came out.

A gleam of cold light broke out on the scene with a horrified light, as if it pierced everyone's eyes instantly.

Already foreseeing a complete disaster, Wu Qi, who was in danger of life, crawled to Ning Xuanyuan's feet in a hurry, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Bow down.

He even nodded and bowed to the extreme.

Where there is still a little bit of the demeanor of the descendants of the royal family, at this moment, he is like a bereaved dog, rather than dignified, and must ensure that he can survive.

He is still young.

He is born with glory, but if he doesn't die, how much glory and wealth is waiting for him, Wu Qi, for the rest of his life? In the beautiful world, how many scenery is worth experiencing again and again, waiting for yourself to watch?

How could it fall completely in the years of grace?

"Ning, commander-in-chief, please give me a way of life. As long as you spare me once, I will be willing to be a dog next to you from now on."

Wu Qi raised his head, already in tears.

The blue and white face and the smile that he pulled out were actually worse than crying.

He just knelt in front of Ning Xuanyuan, kowtow again and again, even if countless blood stains escaped from the center of his eyebrows, he did not dare to wipe it off hastily.

Ning Xuanyuan was silent.

Wu Qi was cruel, and suddenly bit back at his biological mother He Fangfei, "It's all this woman. It's this **** who taught me badly. If Ning Commander you nod, I, King Wu, would like to kill my relatives personally in the public."

This sentence.

He Fangfei's eyes widened, her pupils filled with resentment and anger.

The crowd was also dumbfounded and could not believe it.

Born as a son of man, he even made the choice to kill his mother at a critical moment. In the final analysis, it was Qiji's life for another to survive.


More than rebelliousness, this is totally unconscience.

Sure enough, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, and He Fangfei has fallen to this point. It is also considered to be self-defeating. At this moment, the son who has been petting since childhood, at this moment, actually wants to kill her to save herself.

"Ha ha."

He Fangfei felt weak, miserable and sad.

Ning Xuanyuan cast his eyes down, glanced roughly at Wu Qi and He Fangfei, turned around and left, while Tang Feng was in charge of the aftermath.

Wu Shaochun, Zhang Lie and others, no matter how hard they care about the unforgivable mother and son, everyone followed Ning Xuanyuan and escorted them all the way to the hospital.

Wang Bozhao's commercial car is a little far away.

When Ning Xuanyuan stepped out of the courtyard.

Hidden in the dark, one after another young and sturdy figures showed their trails together. They watched from a distance, and at the end of their eyes, they were all the shadows of Ning Xuanyuan.

"Should I take you back to Jinling City first?"

Along the way.

Ning Xuanyuan tilted his head and asked Qin Qiu's opinion.

Qin Qiu's eyes lit up and he nodded silently. During this period of time living outside, it was fine for three or two months. After a long time, he still missed his father Qin Lie and his parents.

In addition, it is about to give birth.

When I was born as a mother for the first time, even if Ning Xuanyuan was by my side that day, I still felt a little scared. It would be great if I had my mother with me.

"After this trip, I will come back immediately."

Ning Xuanyuan smiled and rubbed Qin Qiu's head, eyes full of dozing.

In fact, whether it is Qin Qiu, Ning Xuanyuan himself, or Wang Bozhao, who has long since stopped talking, they all know in their hearts that this trip to the capital of the country is destined to be uneven.

"I hope that in the next few days, I will have the opportunity to meet again. I will teach you how to fish?" Before leaving, Wu Shaochun smiled and said to Ning Xuanyuan.

Ning Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, waved his back to everyone, stepped into the commercial car, and then drifted away.

The scenery along the way is beautiful.

Ning Xuanyuan, who stepped aside by the window, glanced over the mountains and rivers on the road one by one, occasionally smiling, occasionally half melancholy and half emotional, and finally turned into a sigh and fell silent.

According to the book, eight to eighteen years old is the best ten years, but it is only ten years, occupying at most one-sixth of the long life journey.

Eighteen to twenty-eight years old, these ten years have been your life!

Ning Xuanyuan didn't feel that before, but today, he suddenly realized it!

He was enlisted at the age of seventeen.

Today, in his early thirties.

In just twelve or three years, he has always remembered the sentence, buried in the flesh and blood in this life, the faith that is hard to abandon, the bones are broken in the mountains, the river is not floating, and the soul is not willing to stay in the coffin!

The worst, the end of the road is approaching, standing on the top of a beautiful mountain, looking back.

No regrets to die for the country!

"I am back again."

Ning Xuanyuan slowly merged his eyes and was supposed to tell him that Wang Bozhao, who was already in the capital, had no reason to feel relieved.

Since he dared to go back!

Why not be afraid of the sword and shadow of the road ahead? !

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