Protagonist Aura

Chapter 560: Hello, my name is king!

The capital of today and today.

As Wang Bozhao said, once the emperor and the courtier, too many changes.

Although Wang Bozhao has not fully retired, he does not care much anymore. Over time, his influence in the capital will gradually weaken until he officially retires and leaves his current position.

It used to be supported by Zhao Gongxin in front.

On the contrary, Wang Bozhao didn't feel anything withered.

Nowadays, the capital has changed people in large areas, and the top helms are obviously incompatible with Zhao Gongxin's development layout of the country.

It's hard to talk about changing the old and creating the new. In fact, it makes sense to think about it carefully.

The new round of superiors wants merit.

Seek fame during your lifetime, fight for merit after death!

Using the plate left by the former and choosing what to do by doing nothing, don’t you prove yourself from the side that half a bucket of water has no real ability?


Even if it is clear to do so, it may not be better than maintaining the status quo, but some changes have to be made.

Ning Xuanyuan is the strongest trump card cultivated by Zhao Gong's new and old department, and under the military department. Before retiring, regardless of personal influence or popularity, he dared to bear an unprecedented sentence.

Such a person, if it can't be used by me!

I can only do everything possible to wear off the influence he once brought bit by bit. Long live army is actually the best and best entry point.

Those in the upper ranks never think about what you have done for your country. Instead, they are accustomed to eagerly consolidating power in their hands.

The old courtiers will either hide themselves and lose their real power completely, or they will be a slack job, killing their political lives, and when one day, it is time to retire and leave their posts.


Ning Xuanyuan is too special.

For one thing, he was still in his early thirties, and he was at his personal peak.

Furthermore, the position he once reached was not just an ordinary general, he was the former commander in chief, and he was under the command, even if he retired.

If Ning Xuanyuan's past influence cannot be successfully cleansed, even if this person lives in the world for a day, he will still be invincible!

"It's the same as before. The people who want you to disappear completely have always been there, even more than before."

The wind outside the window is getting bigger and bigger.

Wang Bozhao put his arms around and exchanged with Ning Xuanyuan in a joking tone.

Ning Xuanyuan sits habitually, his emotions are not good at being on the surface, and he still looks cold and indifferent.

This trip to the capital.

Ning Xuanyuan knew better than anyone, that it was destined to be crises.

Maybe when he entered the capital, a large number of assassins would stop him along the way. Given that he is not at the slightest level of cultivation today, no one dared to move him before.


Once he died.

Those who desperately protected him Ning Xuanyuan also lost the motivation to continue, and the possibility of revenge for him in the future was equally unlikely.

Furthermore, starting from the southern dispute, the Long Live Army has been pushed into a wave of public opinion time and time again. The main reason is that they want them to go out.

Actually think about it carefully.

Ning Xuanyuan had also guessed that there was a person in power who used this dispute to first summon the Wansui Army back, and then cut the meat with a slow knife to strip Ning Xuanyuan's influence in the Wansui Army.

Kill two birds with one stone!

There are some things that Ning Xuanyuan knew that he couldn't do it, not because he was making great trouble for himself to be abused. In the final analysis, he couldn't help himself.

After all, the Long Live Army cannot go out, and Yuan Shu alone supports the southern dispute. It's too difficult!

As for those in power who toss Yaozi in the capital, Ning Xuanyuan made psychological preparations very early, and this was the main reason why Qin Qiu did not want him to go back.

"Is the country planning to push someone out to replace me?" Ning Xuanyuan straightforwardly asked Wang Bozhao.

Wang Bozhao froze at first, pondered carefully, and smiled helplessly. After all, he sitting in front of him once had a prominent identity, Ning Sheng.

Originally wise and brave, meticulous.

There are some things, even if Wang Bozhao needs to tell him personally?

Ning Xuanyuan should understand.

"It's already out."

Wang Bozhao pointed to Ning Xuanyuan's Canglong handsome uniform, and said frankly, "I heard what is called the Young Master Bailong, who is less than 30 years old, and is known as a born general who has never existed in the past."

"He is not only familiar with military books, but also good at arranging troops. According to the national capital, this man has practiced countless classic battles in the sand table, and in the end he has a winning ticket."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ning Xuanyuan’s mouth. According to Wang Bozhao’s explanation, this is a horn who is good at talking on paper?

However, the sand table and the real battlefield, even if only one word is different, are far from each other. If you talk about it, you can't stand up without actual combat experience.


For some people, there is no need for this young white dragon master, is he really capable, or he will be able to take advantage of nothing.

What they want is to push this young man to replace Ning Xuanyuan's dominance in the Long Live Army!

Wang Bozhao, and even the Long Live Army, or the general public, the only person who hopes to beat and practice the drum is the former commander-in-chief Ning Xuanyuan.

But there are those in power who don't want to see this scene.

Of course, the most immediate way to get rid of the influence of the former commander is to be quick after killing!

Now that the country is making such a big noise, it has basically reached a situation of killing every step, and many people are wondering whether Ning Xuanyuan will return to the capital for the second time?

Zhao Gongxin's funeral, he came and went in a hurry, coupled with the support of Yang Ye, but did not react, how could his life of Ning Xuanyuan remain in the capital.

This time, Yang Ye was not in the capital.

The high-level inner courtyard changed hands.

If Ning Xuanyuan really comes back, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the new round of senior leaders in power. No one wants to let it go, let alone hope that Ning Xuanyuan can easily come to practice the drum and play for the Long Live Army. War song!

"Actually, until this moment, the old man is still reflecting on whether it is right or wrong to invite you back." Wang Bozhao's expression was complicated, his brows were extremely gloomy.

Yining Xuanyuan is in today's situation.

The best way is to stay away from the capital and go as far as possible.

Even if you come back, you must return to the thirteenth or even the fourteenth realm, as a king!

It is not like this, knowing that the road ahead is full of crises, but still bite the bullet and call him back to the capital.

"If I don't come back, how can they set off with peace of mind?"

Ning Xuanyuan smiled, with 800,000 robes, about to go to the front to fight for the country. If he didn't even have the courage to send them off, he would be a great man in this life!

"Actually, I really want to see that young master Bailong."

Ning Xuanyuan turned off the topic, tilted his head, smiled at Wang Bozhao, and then added, "What is the name of the young master Bailong?"

"King!" Wang Bozhao replied.

Last name is Wang.

Single name road.

It has the same surname as Wang Bozhao, and may be in the same family eight hundred years ago.

Ning Xuanyuan was slightly stunned, and immediately opened his eyes and smiled, "Wang Dao? It sounds scary, and his life is not strong enough to bear this name."

Young Master Bailong, Kingly!

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