The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.


The dagger collided with its long sword!

At this moment, Tai Tian was surprised.

It didn't even notice that the enemy was close to it.

After this update of the fantasy world.

The intelligence of the entire NPC in the fantasy world has been improved accordingly.

They are now more like real creatures.

Rather than a fixed program that moves according to a set path.

At the same time as the weapons of both sides collided, Leng Qingying had also transformed into a new clone.

As long as damage is caused, even if the damage is low, the phantom can be triggered.


Switch positions, cut.

Round blade dance!

Leng Qingying appeared behind the fox beastman elegantly.

Instantly took the nearby fox beastman away.

Lu Cang's order was to kill them all without mercy.

No matter how innocent or pitiful the other party looked, just do it.

In war, pity for others is cruelty to oneself.

Save your extra kindness for peace.

After killing the fox orc, Leng Qingying looked back at the fox orc's body.

"No matter how you look at it, it's an innocent child."

"Tsk tsk, you are such a tyrant, President."

Although she said so, Leng Qingying did not hesitate at all when she took action.

Leng Qingying knew what the fate of this fox orc would be.

He was killed by Bai Lu and removed from the fantasy world.


The huge sword fell.

Leng Qingying's phantom double blades staggered to block the attack, but was still killed by Tai Tian in one blow.

The assassin's block could not block much damage.

Being hit head-on by a level 60 monster would indeed end up like this.

But the next moment, shadows intertwined, and the dance of death bloomed in the narrow space.

The phantom's double blades cut Tai Tian's body.






Tai Tian twisted his body.

But he didn't catch Leng Qingying's figure.

Then, attacks came from different directions!








Leng Qingying's mortal double daggers can scrape more than 600,000 damage with each cut.

More importantly.

Leng Qingying scraped very quickly.

Even though Tai Tian had 45 million HP.

It couldn't stand Leng Qingying's crazy attack speed.

"Ah ... Leng Qingying without phantoms has a 100% speed bonus at the beginning. Each phantom will increase the full speed by 100%. Full phantoms means 6 times the speed.

Tai Tian could keep up with Leng Qingying's speed when there were no phantoms at the beginning.

But when he faced five phantoms and 6 times the speed.

He was completely unable to catch Leng Qingying!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sword Qi slashed in all directions!

Even from time to time, there were large-scale sword winds spreading in all directions.

But Leng Qingying was like a ghost.

Can't be touched, can't be seen, can't be touched.

When the indiscriminate sword wind dissipated, Leng Qingying would come back like a ghost again.

Like his shadow.

Can't get rid of it.

Tai Tian could only feel that every part of his body was being attacked by Leng Qingying.

When he looked at the location where he was attacked, Leng Qingying disappeared again.

Tai Tian could only swing his sword randomly.

He never hurt Leng Qingying at all.

His health was constantly decreasing.








A muffled sound.

Tai Tian’s last bit of blood was consumed by Leng Qingying.

Until he died, he didn’t touch Leng Qingying’s hair.

“Time, 1 minute and 14 seconds?”

“The skills taught by that guy are really amazing…”

Lu Cang not only taught the basic skills of the brave and fearless warrior, but also taught Leng Qingying the basic skills of the assassin.

Looking at the corpses that fell beside him.

Combined with the experience of the battle just now.

Leng Qingying can fully feel that she has become stronger.

Not numerically strong.

But the sublimation of skills.

Leng Qingying can clearly feel that she can completely beat herself before meeting Cangqiong yesterday.

Under the same conditions of attributes and abilities.

Relying on skills, she won a complete victory.

"So, the wealth is safe."


Leng Qingying: I have killed Tai Tian.

Lu Cang received the victory report from Leng Qingying.

On the other side, the Fearless Warrior also occupied three strongholds.

As expected, after Bai Lu released the sea of ​​fire,

not many orcs dared to stop the Fearless Warrior.

As for the strongholds occupied before,

the orcs did not dare to rob them back.

Who knows if the human race will hide and ambush them halfway?

It was four human races that broke through the city gate.

But it did not say that there would only be four.

What if there are more human races coming into the city to help them guard the points?

The orcs knew very well that if the human race died, at best they would just go back and revive.

At most they would drop a few pieces of equipment.

But if they died, they would lose the opportunity to return to the fantasy world forever.

The death price of both sides was not equal at all.

If I die, my account will be deleted. If you die, you will be resurrected safely. No one would dare to fight!

Even if they can suppress the human race in terms of strength, they will not take this risk.

Not to mention...

Is there really strength to suppress?

The people of the God Killing Guild have already traumatized these orcs.

The first reaction of these orcs in Xilong City when they saw the human race was not to treat the human race as food.

Instead, they turned around and ran away at the first time.

The human race! Those are the human race that can kill all their thousands of troops with four people!

The human race that can defend their resurrection point!

The fearless warrior continued to occupy the point according to the route drawn by Lu Cang.

Along the way, he killed the fleeing orcs directly.

Because of the cruel and merciless behavior of the fearless warrior, the orcs were even more frightened.

In addition, the news that the resurrection point had been occupied spread, and the orcs in the entire Xilong City realized the risk of death.

The orcs in Xilong City were all fleeing outside the city.

They had completely lost any idea of ​​fighting.

If this continued, the entire city would be completely occupied soon.

At this point, the siege was almost done.

Lu Cang himself came to the city lord's mansion.

"Lord City Lord."

"This city is under attack by the enemy..."

"It's almost impossible to defend it. Please send troops to fight."


Several orc NPCs knelt on one knee and asked the city lord for instructions.

From the time the city gate was breached to now, no more than fifteen minutes had passed.

The city lord had no time to react.

Just as the city lord was about to make a decision.

A heavy sword pierced the city lord's body directly from the back of the city lord's chair.

Lu Cang had appeared behind the city lord without knowing when.

In order to occupy a city, in addition to occupying points, there is another problem that must be overcome.

That is to deal with the current city lord.

In the heavily guarded city lord's mansion, the Lord of Xillong was killed.

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