The city lord was attacked, and the city was in chaos.

"The city lord!"

"The city lord was attacked!"

"Hurry up and save the city lord!"

Wu! Five Wu Wu~

Alarms sounded from all directions!

The city lord, who was pierced by the heavy sword, stood up slowly from the throne!

The body gradually expanded!

From an old orc, he turned into a five-meter-tall white tiger orc with wild beard.


[Snow Fury Tiger Beast King - Xilong]

[Level: 65]

[HP: 95,000,000/95,000,000]

[Skills: Crazy Tear, Tiger Claw Crack, Violent Roar, Madness, Madness Level 2, Indestructible Claw]

[Description: The lord of Xilong City, the city is named after him. ]


As the lord of the city grows bigger.

In the hall, one guard after another also completed the frenzy!

The guards in the hall.

All are powerful orcs of level 65.

The HP is also around 80 million.

"Human, you alone dare to break into my mansion?"

Xilong looked back at Lu Cang.

At this time, Lu Cang, in front of him who was five meters tall, was like a cat that could be stepped on to death at any time.

Lu Cang sighed slightly.

Alas, this is the trouble with siege.

At the end of the siege, you still have to fight the boss.

It reminds Lu Cang of a game he played in his first life before the fantasy world was born.

When fighting the attack and defense, you have to fight a boss named Wang Yifeng at the end.

After going through the levels and killing countless players, you still have to deal with the boss with a terrifying mechanism in someone else's hometown.

It's very troublesome to think about it.

While recalling the past, Lu Cang turned his head, leaned back, and turned around.

Three sword energies, knife lights, and the shock waves of the mace burst out at the same time!

Lu Cang dodged the attacks of three orcs who came to him instantly at a completely incredible angle.

But then, Lu Cang turned around and swung his heavy sword.

In an instant, five sword energies were instantly slashed out!

The brave and fearless can barely reach six swords in two seconds.

But Lu Cang can directly do five swords in one second.

This is the difference in skills.

With the same attributes, Lu Cang's performance is several times stronger than that of the Brave and Fearless.

Puff puff puff!






With only five sword qi, the burst damage has reached nearly 10 million.

After the weapon [Black Sun] was upgraded to the gold level, the damage multiplier of the power slash has increased from 4 times the original power value to 15 times the power value.

Of course, this is also because the charging time has become longer. When it was at the silver level, the charging time could only be charged for 0.6 seconds.

The natural multiplier is low.

After the sword qi was slashed out, Lu Cang also came to the center of the venue along the gap between the attacks of the surrounding orcs.

It was as if he was trapped in the enemy's encirclement.

"Yes, you have more people and I have fewer people, so I am at a disadvantage."

Lu Cang smiled faintly.

At the same time, the phantoms of the other five Lu Cangs also appeared from different directions.

"Now, the advantage in numbers is even."

"By the way, do you know? In addition to the advantage in numbers, there is also an absolute advantage called value."

Xilong's pupils shrank, and the orc's intuition made him feel a strong sense of crisis!

However, when the intuition appeared.

It was too late.

The six Lu Cangs, who were difficult to distinguish between true and false, almost drew their swords at him at the same time!

Countless sword energies from different directions burst out at him!

There was no way to avoid it, no way to escape!

The guards also killed Lu Cang at the same time!

It was a pity that Lu Cang's actions were much more agile than these guards.

While dodging, he also slashed out sword energy one after another, and each sword energy burst out towards Xilong accurately!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Sword Qi hit Xilong's body.

Xilong tried desperately to dodge and defend.

But his huge body meant that his dodging was useless.

Defense could not withstand much damage.

What's the point of having nearly 100 million HP?

When Lu Cang could output 60 million HP per second,

These 90 million HP are no different from paper.












The sword energy from different directions arrived almost at the same time.

The other guards didn't even have a chance to rescue.

It's better to say that they rescued, but it was meaningless.

They only had two seconds to react and attack.

In these two seconds, the guards tried desperately to attack Lu Cang.

However, their attacks were easily dodged by Lu Cang, and they couldn't stop Lu Cang from swinging his sword or the sword energy.

They only grabbed twice and slashed once or twice.

Two seconds later, the city lord they were guarding was hacked to death by the hundreds of swords slashed by the six Lu Cangs.

Lu Cang stood in place, pointing his fingers randomly in the air.

As if he didn't take them seriously at all.

[Lu Cang]: "Xiao Leng, I've solved it here, how's the situation on your side?"


After the guards reacted, they were instantly furious!

They burst into speed and slashed at Lu Cang!


A muffled sound.

Lu Cang raised the Oriental Stick in his left hand and blocked the attack perfectly.

[Leng Qingying]: "There are still three targets to go."

[Cangqiong]: "By the way, if you see any orc players running away on the road, please kill them as well."

[Leng Qingying]: "Tsk, cold-blooded president, you really do all kinds of bad things."


Lu Cang blocked the attack from behind again.

At the same time, the Oriental stick in his hand turned into a flintlock, and with a few bangs, he shot the guards in the back in the head.

[Cangqiong]: "Don't say that. If you are merciful when you shouldn't be merciful, you will suffer."

[Cangqiong]: "Even if you see an orc mother holding an orc baby and falling down while running away, don't be soft-hearted."

[Leng Qingying]: "Is it necessary to be so ruthless? President, don't you have any sympathy? These fleeing orcs should not have done anything to us, and the baby is even more innocent."

The other four guards also rushed towards Lu Cang at the same time, and Lu Cang did not look back at all.

The Oriental stick blocked and moved his feet.

Bang bang bang bang!

The earth shook as the weapons hit the ground, and the weapons that were swung in the air made a terrifying sound of breaking the wind.

Lu Cang strolled leisurely in the attacks of the five guards.

Lu Cang was clearly in front of them and did not move much, but the guards found that their attacks could not hit Lu Cang.

[Cangqiong]: "Leng Qingying, this is not a joke."

"If you don't have the awareness to take action in such matters, sooner or later you will be killed because of kindness."

"In this world, there are races that use kindness and compassion to deceive."

"The pitifulness they can pretend is far more pitiful than the orc mother holding the orc baby and falling helplessly on the ground."

"If you are a weak person who can always overflow with love and be soft-hearted on the battlefield and let the enemy go, you can do whatever you want in the future."

"The one who kills you in the future may not be a powerful person with four arms and four swords with terrifying combat power, but more likely a 'weak' dying on the hospital bed, waiting for you to relax all vigilance."

Lu Cang's eyes gradually became cold, and his tone of voice was also very serious.

"You must become cold enough, I can't protect you all your life."

"You are, and so are Brave and Fearless and White Deer."

[Leng Qingying]: "Tsk, I know, I will be a cruel and cold-blooded president."

After Leng Qingying answered, she hung up the call.

She stood on the roof, looking at the orcs fleeing below.

There were no female orcs running away with children, 90% of them were male orcs.

Most of them were highly beasted, and there were no so-called orc babies.

Yes, where did babies come from in the fantasy world?

Leng Qingying fell from the roof.

One after another, black shadows rose from behind these orc players.

[Ghost Shadow Kill]

Leng Qingying prayed silently in her heart.

Run~ Run quickly.

If you can run out of the city, you can survive.

While praying like a nun.

[Zero Sense] was also activated almost at the same time, and the best killing route was planned in an instant.

Then, six phantoms dispersed in six directions.

[Death Dance]

[Round Blade Dance]

Swish swish swish swish!

Black shadows passed by!

Leng Qingying's figure was among the orcs.

Dancing, spinning.

Every time a figure flashed by, a group of orcs fell down.

Like an efficient killing machine.

Agile and elegant.

For the orcs, it was like the dance of death.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill...

When Leng Qingying stopped.

There were only corpses on the ground, and a few dozen orcs who had escaped in the distance.

Leng Qingying looked back at the backs of the orcs.

And those orcs who had escaped, seeing Leng Qingying's eyes looking in this direction, shuddered involuntarily.

The speed of escaping was much faster.

They were also desperately choosing to quit the game.

After the siege started, they could no longer leave the game in the city and had to leave the city.

Looking at their backs, Leng Qingying did not chase them.

Instead, he murmured, "Has he gone?"

"It's time to carry out the next mission."


Leng Qingying's mission is to deal with the difficult guard NPCs in Xilong City.

There are indeed many powerful NPCs in the city.

When Xilong City is about to be captured, these NPCs will also come out to obstruct.

Players are afraid of being killed, but NPCs are not afraid of being killed.

Besides Lu Cang, Leng Qingying is the only one who can kill these NPCs.

The Fearless attribute is indeed enough.

But the Fearless operation skills can hardly guarantee that he can kill the BOSS without injury.

What if there are several major operational errors.

Then there is a high probability that the Fearless will die.

When Leng Qingying chose to kill these targets, she still deliberately took a detour.

Avoided the main escape route of the orc players.

But even so, she still encountered many fleeing orcs along the way.

Leng Qingying calmed down and killed all the fleeing orcs directly.

After Leng Qingying solved all three targets, all the orc players in the entire Xilong City had evacuated.

The city was almost an empty city.

And the Fearless Warrior followed the route given by Lu Cang.

Gradually, he found that he could not see even a single orc along the way.

He was allowed to plant flags and go to the next location.

There was not a single enemy!

There was no place to display his stats!

The Fearless Warrior felt very frustrated.

He fought such a big battle as the siege, but in the end, he just killed a few little Karami after entering the city.

Then there was no more role for him.

The only thing he could do was to be a flag-planting machine.

Planting, planting, planting.

In front of him, it was already the last point.

I thought there would be a BOSS battle at the last point.

In the end, it was still empty.

The Fearless Warrior could only plant the flag on the last stronghold with tears.

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