On the other side…

Rex was taking a bath in a river near the black mountain range

his clothes and hair were already covered in blood so they needed to be washed

after the bath Rex took out the storage ring of Huang Bin and looked inside it

there were a heap of gold taels, a book containing Puppet Sect's main cultivation technique and many other things like that were inside the small space of the storage ring but this did not caught Rex's attention when Rex was just about to put it back in his inventory he saw a small black pouch lying in the corner of the small space

Rex took out the pouch and opened it

five milky white crystal were lying in the pouch

'spirit stone? this is my first time seeing one but to think Puppet Sect gave a total of five spirit stone to a bandit no wonder he was able to breakthrough to Spirit King stage i wonder how many spirit stone they would have in their inventory

according to what Huang Bin knew.. the sect master of Puppet Sect will come back to sect within one month than i can finally settle it once and for all...and at time spirit stones will be mine although they are not much useful for me but for ordinary cultivators in the sect they are still very useful' (Rex)

spirit stone contains pure and abundant amount of spiritual Qi in them and if a cultivator uses them to cultivate than it can increase his/her cultivation speed by few times

'Rose analyze it i never saw this type of mineral before i wanna see if it can be of any use to us' (Rex)


[analyzing complete]

[Rex i found something very interesting most of its property is same as Silicon and Graphene… no it even surpasses Graphene by many times ]

'property similar to silicon and graphene what are you talki… wait you mean silicon chips and graphene chips' Rex suddenly exclaimed he than again looked at the spirit crystal in amazement

Silicon is the base material for a special type of semiconductor manufacturing, since old times in history silicon chips are used to make a circuit, micro chip and microprocessors using transistor, capacitor, resistors etc.. and than it gains the capability store data in form of computer program, software, AI program.. etc

it means whether you are using a pen drive, computer, a camera..etc almost any device that can use and store data than there is 99% chance it contains silicon chips

as for graphene it is the future… it is the only thing that can replace silicon in the future because its properties are either same or way better than silicon and there is still research going on it

compared to a silicon chips.. graphene chips are way faster, durable and can store several times more data even with the same size as silicon chips

whether it is hardware or software without a micro chip or microprocessor to store them or make them they are literally nothing…. chips and circuits have become the base foundation of digital technology

and Rose just said that the spirit stone in Rex's hand is way better than silicon or graphene

'Rose tell me how much…. how much is it better than graphene' Rex asked in excitement

[i can't figure that out, right now it contains too many impurities and my analysis is done after considering the bad effects of those impurities on these spirit stone

it means when the impurities will be removed than its capabilities will increase]

Rex did not hesitated and directly used Transmutate on all five spirit stone

under Rex's control all those spirit stone melted than merged into each other

Rex removed as much as impurities he could than he focused on changing its shape

after few minutes a rectangular transparent slab was floating in front of Rex on first glance it looked like just a normal glass slab

"Rex now check its conductivity and compare the speed of flow of electron between them" (Rex)

[at room temperature Graphene's electrical conductivity is 250 times faster than Silicon…. and this spirit slab in your hand, its electron movement is 1100 times faster than Graphene, if compared to Silicon it is 275000 times faster]

there was only silence

Rex read the notification 5-10 time before confirming that he did not read it wrong

"Hooooolllyyy fffuuuukkkkkk" Rex shouted at the top of his lungs

"these idiots were wasting such precious resources for so long" (Rex)

[i don't thing they were doing it on purpose without your transmutation ability it can't be processed after all they tried to melt it using heat than its properties will be destroyed

you already know why graphene is still not used in place of silicon on earth even when it is the strongest and lightest material on earth...its because it is too hard to extract..]

graphene is 200 times stronger than steel as much as 6 times lighter

'i know but this is a great discovery and if only i can use it than its way better if others did not know its true value than it will be easy to get a lot of spirit stone and with Transmutate it is too easy for us to use' (Rex)

'we have the base material for microprocessor as for software programming and data structure i will live them to you now the only thing we need is the way to make a circuit on it….i am a little tired right now.. lets go back to Little Ru and check the evolutionary tree for now' (Rex)

Rex putted the spirit slab in his inventory and flew towards sky pearl town

when Rex reached the home of Luo Ru he did not made any noise and used Shadow-Leap and directly entered Luo Ru's room

Rex appeared in her room

Luo Ru was tightly hugging a pillow as she slept on her bed

Rex walked near her than poked her cheek with his finger

even after he pocked her cheeks two to three time she did not woke up

"this good for nothing….she is sleeping like there is no tomorrow if i was an assassin i would have already killed her long ago" (Rex)

[see who is talking]

'oh please my Rex is a early bird that wakes up before the sun' (Rex)

Rex than switched back to his base form than led on the bed beside her and hugged her from behind

'my pillow is way better than hers' (Rex)

'Little Rose show me the next evolution options' (Rex)

when Rex said that a holographic window with several different names and serial number appeared in front of his eyes

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