'Little Rose show me the next evolution options' (Rex)

when Rex said that a holographic window with several different names and serial number appeared in front of his eyes

the list contained a total of 16 options

[Next Evolution list:-

1. Green-Tier Chrysis Carbonite Human

2. Green-Tier Apollo Carbonite Human

3. Green-Tier Poisonic Carbonite Human

4. Green-Tier four limbed Synamite (Rare)

5. Green-Tier Dark Voyager (Special)

6. ...….]

Rex read all those option and found out that the 10 of those 16 options did not had any requirement and he can directly choose to evolve anytime

but the remaining 6 all had certain requirements that are needed to be fulfilled to choose that evolutionary path

in those 6 options 3 option caught Rex's eye

[9. Green-Tier Energeon Human (Special)

11. Green-Tier Mind Carbonite Human (Unique)

15. Green-Tier Mind Cerebelium (Ultra-Rare)]

normally whether it is grading of a skill or a evolution path it has its own criteria of grading but the grades like Unique, Special and Ultra-Rare does not follow that path

Rex's inborn skill Calm Mind is Unique grade skill because it is the upgraded version of skill Calm he was born with in his last life which means Unique is something born from within it is not influenced or obtained by external methods it is absolute and the chance of someone else having the same skill is close to none..

and Ultra-Rare can be regarded as a category that is rare even among rare category as for Special it means the thing that is specially made considering the better of Rex

'give me a brief description of these three' (Rex)

[9. Green-Tier Energeon Human:-

this race has a special body constitution in which it converts more than 50% of its body into a form of energy

the race have very high regeneration ability that can be used without any limit as long as you are in the presence of any energy source whether it is solar energy from sun or moonlight of moon

Requirements: 5 different element spiritual roots or 4 different element Qi source is needed ]

[ 11. Green-Tier Mind Carbonite Human:-

this race can transform 10% of the brain into crystallized form which increases its working proficiency by increasing thinking and analyzing speed of brain by several times

this race have the ability to think about two or more different things at the same time this race have developed their brain for doing multitasking

but to sustain the high speed working of the brain this race requires a strong body which can keep up with the thinking speed

Requirements: 100 Kg pure element metal, INT \u003e= 1700, WIS \u003e= 600, VIT \u003e= 1000 ]

[15. Green-Tier Mind Cerebelium:-

this race is known for its massive INT status this race have INT enhancing talent which gives a 30% bonus in allocated status point when status point is added to INT status hence increasing the power behind any psychic ability

it provides high mental strength and an innate psychic skill depending on your compatibility with other psychic skills

Requirements: INT \u003e= 1800]

when Rex looked at the description he directly ignored the requirements and decided to first choose the best possible option

'no. 9 looks good but it goes on a whole different route.. as for high regeneration ability i can develop that myself

this no. 11 is very alluring with it i can use my brain to do multitasking which means that i can use multiple skills and ability more freely than before moreover it will be good for Rose

and the last no. 15 its like this race directly supports the brute force of psychic ability but with it i can quickly upgrade my current psychic abilities and even unlock new psychic abilities

hmm but why is its name a little different it doesn't even have the word human in it…. wait Rose it is a human like race right' (Rex)

[it do have two hands and two legs but its just that its head is a little bigger than usual]

'hmm…how much is this.. little ..of yours' (Rex)

[just equal to the rest of the body in size]

"…" (Rex)

'so now there is only no. 11 is left… so its decided we will go with the 11' (Rex)

[you gave up on the no 15]

'shut up… for you it does not matter if i even look like a human or not but for me it does… you want me to evolve in a race whose head is big as his whole body than how the hack would i even use martial art… and won't people just see me as a rare ugly monster beast

and if we carefully think about it no. 11 looks more good for the long run just after transforming 10% of the brains into crystallized form it gives so many benefit than think how many benefit we can get in the future evolution of this race' (Rex)


'now clear my doubt why does it say that we need a stronger body but requires high VIT and metal instead of STR and DEF' (Rex)

[when it says strong body than it means that when you will evolve than your body will become strong depending on your VIT and the metal you choose

let me explain it thoroughly… normal body cannot support a crystallized brain ..even if its just 10% that's why just like when your body merged with metal in your first evolution and you became a carbonate human to gain gamer's body

just like before your body will merge with a new metal to strengthen itself.. the more excellent the metal is, the more benefit you can get.. you might even awaken a new ability depending on the quality of the metal and its compatibility with you

and the merging process requires high VIT so that you won't die in the process therefore your STR and DEF has nothing to do with it]

'i see..i have already met three requirements so the only thing i need is good quality 100 Kg pure element metal… we will talk about it later i am tired so let me sleep for now' (Rex)

[good night]

'hmmm' (Rex)

than Rex snuggled his head on Luo Ru's back and went into deep sleep

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