Luo Ru's room..

Rex was lying on the bed

he was waiting for Luo Ru to come back to her room for the last three hours but because he had nothing do he started to study Array Circuit Tech

'what is this girl thinking first she was in her mother's room then she went to her sister's room and now she is with her grandfather just why the hell she did not come to her own room its almost evening.. how long is she going to take i also have other things to do' (Rex)

Rex was making a puppet's blue print on the holographic window.. it looked more like a humanoid robot then a puppet but then he seem to feel a little thirsty so he took out a water bottle and drank some water but instead of quenching his thirst it increased his thirst then Rex felt that the temperature in the room has increased

'this.. do this Luo family also have a secret heater…and why i am that thirsty this water is tasteless' Rex looked at his skin which has turned slightly red

[the temperature of the room is same its your body temperature that is rising]

'what are you this…..' (Rex)

as if the previous things were not enough a certain urge began to surface inside him

for Rex it was like someone just gave him a high dose of aphrodisiac

Rex set cross legged and ran his cultivation technique but he just used the 2nd set of route to cultivate and did not used the first route

when the cold Yin Qi was circulated in his whole body his body temperature decreased and he became much better

Rex then took out a small paper and wrote a short note on it and pasted it on the gift box

Rex placed the gift box on Luo Ru's bed then flew out of the room through the window

he did not held back and directly used Bat-Wings to maximize his speed then he left the sky pearl city

on the other side....

Luo Ru was sitting in front of her Grandfather telling him about all her experience in the sect

whenever she comes back from the sect she tells all her story to Luo Shen like she is telling a hero's tale

although all these things are really boring for him Luo Shen still listens to all her story like he is really exited and says..yes, i see, oh really.. from time to time to increase her confidence

Luo Shen was listening to her for a long time after he saw that the story is finished he thought of something and decided to ask it

"Lin Lin what is your relation with master Rex" Luo Shen suddenly asked

at first he thought that Rex took Luo Ru as a disciple but after listening to what Luo Ba said and observing the way Luo Ru talk to Rex without any formality a thought came to his mind

what if he is chasing Luo Ru then all the things made sense and seeing Rex's behavior and innate talent he wasn't against it either

unlike Li Na he did not thought that Rex was too old after all even if the life span increases with cultivation base and we look younger there is still a limit to how much younger we can look

" i mean elder Rex and me" Luo Ru pointed at herself

Luo Shen lips twitched

'this girl always called him Rex in front of everyone and now she finally became conscious and started to act do she think i am losing intelligence with age' (Luo Shen)

although he thought that he still nodded

"there is nothing special between us its just he is little friendly but he becomes annoying sometimes" Luo Ru said with a prideful expression

her words clearly stated that the one who is following her is he its not the other way around…after all who doesn't like to show off what they have

but when Luo Shen heard her words he wanted to smack his head on the table and wanted to shout.. a Spirit King is honestly pursuing you but even after using him for so long he is only a little friendly and annoying to you..when did my little Lin Lin's vision become that high or was i unconscious for too long that now i can't keep up with times

'this girl will not learn like that…hehe i didn't wanted to use this method but looks like there is no choice' (Luo Shen)

"so you are only friends at most..huff then its fine i don't need to worry about it anymore" Luo Shen sighed in relief

seeing his behavior Luo Ru got curious

"eh.. what does that mean" Luo Ru asked

"hmm i thought of telling you later on but seeing that you have matured enough its no harm telling you…

you see few months ago one of my old friend asked mee to marry you to his grandson" Luo Shen said as he pour the tea in his cup

Luo Ru who was sitting comfortably with her right leg on her left felt a sudden shock of one thousand one hundred and one volts

"wait.. a minute you didn't agreed grandpa" She hurriedly asked

"huh.. no we only talked about engagement" Luo Shen said calmly

"huh engagement why .. and why me" She asked

"Lin Lin your elder sister is from Snow Flower Sect and its unlikely for the women of that sect to get married so early and its not early for someone of your age to get married and rest assured

that guy is a genius he reached Form Synthesis 5th stage when he is just few years older than you and even after that he only have 10 concubines, you will be his only wife how about that" Luo Shen said as he leisurely drank his tea

"10 concubines are you serious …grandpa i am not going to marry him" Luo Ru slapped the table

"eh what's wrong with having concubines and are you misunderstanding something tell me except for your father which city lord have only one wife

as the status of a man increases he will likely to have more woman around him..

if someone is a genius or have a special profession like an alchemist then they can just marry as many woman as they want, did you forgot the emperor in the central continent have a harem of three thousand beauties but he is still not satisfied

do you think you could find someone who is a genius, strong, an alchemist and still single… its just a miracle to find one" Luo Shen said in a casual manner

'i already said that much…. now take the hint' (Luo Shen)

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