Luo Ru was startled when she heard his words

then she suddenly realized yes it is true.. in her family she had full freedom and until now she stopped thinking about these things but then she thought about it most of her childhood friends are already married and some even have kids

now except her friends in sect and her sister all he previous friends have their own world to live in and with time the relationship between her and them have almost disappeared

so she became indifferent to these things and pursued strength.. before she became a core disciple she also had many pursuers including many young masters and son of elders who had many ideas on her but the situation inside White Moon Sect is good compared to other sects so that they weren't able to do anything to her and gave up easily

but now that she thought about it other sect.. moreover the world she live in is not that simple her grandpa chose a man for her so that other people would not pursue her although it won't work for everyone but it is still useful against many people

after thinking for a while.. she got an idea and a smile appeared on her face

"grandpa actually i do have someone i like so i can't marry someone else so please cancel that engagement" She said then she got up and ran towards her room

"did this girl finally understood… now if just madam agrees then i have the hope to see my great grand children in this life" Luo Shen muttered to himself

Luo Ru ran straight to her room

"Rex i have something to tal….huh where is he..this" Luo Ru entered her room only to see that no one was here, she already knew he was here but just didn't come to meet him before, now that she finally came to meet him he was not here but she found a wooden box with a beautiful ribbon flower and a note lying on her bed

she picked up the box then read the note on it

the words on the note were like that

Dear Little Ru,

i have something important to do so i am going out for a while, i may not be able to come back for few days so you can stay here with your family until then when i am done with my work then i will come back to take you back to the sect… and sorry about before here is a small gift for you

and yeah one more thing add some spiritual Qi in it and something amazing will happen

Luo Ru quickly opened the box and found a beautiful bracelet in it, the bracelet looked like it was made from jade

"This.." Luo Ru looked at the bracket she felt several small dears jumping in her chest but then she became a little sad

'did i scold him too much.. he won't be angry right' she thought

Luo Ru looked at the Friend List and thought of sending a message to Rex but then she sighed and closed the Friend List

'a message won't work.. i will talk to him in person when he comes back' Luo Ru

several minutes earlier in Luo Ru's room….

Rex was running his cultivation technique to cool down his body

'damn.. i temporally stopped it but what was it.. it felt like if i had Little Ru beside me i will jump on her right now' (Rex)

[i just checked it .. you see your race is fully dedicated to combat.. so the secretion of every hormone specially adrenaline is way more compared to a normal human so that you can always give your 100% in a battle

the disadvantage is that your body can jump to an exited state when your body is tensed up for a while]

'you should have told it to me sooner… now solutions' (Rex)

[best solution is intercours..]

'next' (Rex)

[a meditation technique… as for your meditation skill it is not strong enough to work here]

'next' (Rex)

[the only one left is evolution.. during evolution all the extra energy in your body will be used up so you will be fine for a long time]

'then evolution it is.. we need a right place for it lets ask granny she might know a good place' Rex thought

Rex flew toward White Moon Sect

unlike before when Rex had to manage his speed to not make it too uncomfortable for Luo Ru now he was using his full speed

in few hours Rex reached White Moon Sect

it was already night but Rex had send a message to Wang Cang telling her that he was coming so she was waiting for him in the garden in front of Rex's four story building

when Rex landed in the garden he also found Wang XIu Ying sitting beside Wang Cang

"tch tch you still did not breakthrough to Spirit King stage what will you do in the future.." Rex said in a mocking tone

"hmph i just don't want to breakthrough" Wang Xiu Ying snorted

"you had gone for black mountain bandits what were the results" Wang Cang asked with some concern

when Rex suddenly came at night and asked her to meet him she thought there may be something wrong

"there is nothing wrong with that, the problem is solved things are like that…" Rex told them everything about black mountain bandits including the scheme of Puppet Sect

"to think they will fall so low" (Wang Xiu Ying)

both Wang Xiu Ying and Wang Cang were very angry when they heard it

"i see but then why did you come here at a time like this you could have waited until morning right" Wang Cang asked

"there is a reason for that..but before that let me show you something" Rex smirked

then he joined his two hands and made several patterns at a very fast speed if one look closer they will realize Rex was using Qi too

suddenly a strange rune like pattern appeared in thin air before Rex's hands

'Small Heaven Illusion Array' (Rex)

suddenly everything including Rex disappeared in Wang Cang's and Wang XIu Ying's vision

when they blinked their eyes they found themselves standing in a grassland full of tall green grass, refreshing wind was blowing as it carried small flower petals with it

"do you like it" Rex voice came out of thin air and startled them

"this what is this… how do you did it" (Wang Xiu Ying)

'didn't i said i have spiritual wisdom some time ago i unlocked the knowledge about array and its an illusion array' Rex said

Wang Cang still looked at her surrounding trying to find the weakness but no matter how she looked everything appeared too real to her

"your luck is really good" Wang Xiu Ying said in a bad tone

'luck? this girl have grown wings' Rex walked behind her

she was still in illusion so she can't see Rex at all

thinking of something the corner of Rex's lips curled upwards then he raised his hand and slapped her from behind


"ouch.. you.. you rogue.. teacher your grandson is bullying me" she shouted with a red face

"sigh.. you both.. can't you do these things somewhere else.. Rex undone this array for now" (Wang Cang)

"aye.. aye Granny" Rex stopped the array

Rex than looked at his hand

'it feels nice' (Rex)

"teacher what do you mean by doing somewhere else.. i am not doing anything he is the the one who do perverted things" Wang Xiu Ying looked at Wang Cang with pitiful eyes

Wang Cang gave her a long look like she was saying.. weren't you the one that came running behind me when i said i am going to meet Rex

when Xiu Ying saw her glaring at her she averted her eyes like replying.. i don't know what are you talking about

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