"granny do you know of a place where not many people or monster beast will come.. i need to go into a seclusion no… its more like a deep sleep for a few days" Rex suddenly asked

"you can use one of the houses here why do you need to go somewhere else " Wang Cang asked

"do you remember the condition of the place where you first found me it will be same this time" Rex said with faint smile

when he said that Wang Cang suddenly understood what he meant.. when she first found Rex in the forest among one mile of area around him have no sign of life…all the vitality from the plants and trees were sucked dry only the ashes were left on the ground

"eh.. if its like that then you can go to the wasteland it is around 40 miles in south.. it was once a battle field but now its only a desert, only few weak monster beast lives in that area as for people there are almost none but are you all right why do you need to go through with it" Wang Cang asked with some worry in her heart

"don't worry there is no problem i just need to sleep once in a while to raise my strength" Rex sighed like it was a big bother

"sleep to raise strength" Wang Xiu Ying started at Rex in slight anger, its not like she did not believed his words but because she believed it she knew that Rex can easily increase his strength by sleeping but they have to put so many efforts in cultivating while he can raise his strength by sleeping she wanted to know why havens are so unfair

"if you want you too can sleep with me to raise strength" Rex said with an innocent face

Wang Xiu Ying was about to nod but then she noticed the grin on Rex's face and realized that the word seem to have a different meaning, her face was red and she glared at Rex in anger no one had ever teased her so much in her whole life as much as Rex did in last two months

Rex was about to fly away but then he remembered something so he stopped and looked at Wang Cang

"granny tell me something what relation you have with the sect master of Snow Flower Sect" (Rex)

Wang Cang was startled at his question but then Rex told her about what Li Na said to him

"hmm she is an old friend of mine" Wang Cang agreed

"humph.. what friends although she may have send some precious pills or potion few times but what about it we can send ten times of what she had gave us before as our gratitude as for friends i don't think she can be called one

she always kept her friendship with teacher secret and even when she is a Spirit King she never came to help teacher because of fear of death and now that we have a powerhouse they want to show their friendship…hypocrites" Wang Xiu Ying said in a bad tone

Wang Cang was not angry at her word she just gently flicked her forehead

"Little girl you misunderstood her she is not the type to not help her friends because of fear of death" Wang Cang said with a smile

"then why did she behave like that.. teacher you just think too good of everyone" Wang Xiu Ying refuted her as she rubbed her forehead

"you may not believe it but when we were still traveling together we risked our life for each other many times.. and once when i was in a near death situation she had the opportunity to run away but instead she risked her life and saved me..

she was actually a kind person but time changed everything

at that time we were three people the third one was a man his name was Mo Cheng we always called him junior brother Mo, we were loose cultivator so we always looked for an opportunity for further breakthrough

one day in a runes we found a rare Ice attribute cultivation technique, it was a Earth rank low grade cultivation technique and we also found 6 low grade spirit stone we all took two spirit stone each as for the cultivation technique it could only be cultivated by woman..

although she obtained it with her own ability she decided to share it with me but i wasn't able to cultivate it at that time i didn't knew about the reason but now i know it was because of my wind attribute spiritual root

just few days after that we found the cultivation technique.. Mo Cheng proposed her for marriage..but she disagreed she never thought of him like that at that time Mo Cheng did not said anything and left we though he need some time to get over it but who knows that he collaborated with a sect and told them about the cultivation technique and the spirit stones

they all surrounded us we weren't able to believe that our junior brother did it but his words i still remember that he asked that sect master to hand us over to him after we are..he was a scum he thought that the sect master would listen to him but after he found us the sect master himself killed him on the spot

at that time the strongest of us was she, her cultivation base had reached Form Synthesis peak stage

we were lucky that those people underestimated our strength and we escaped in forests but that sect did not stopped following us later with the help of that cultivation technique she was able breakthrough to Spirit King stage

the second she became a Spirit King she destroyed that sect luckily the sect kept the news about the cultivation technique secret so others did not knew about it

although that incident was over but it left a deep shadow in our heart we never thought our own people will betray us like that and to that extent since then she hates almost all men to the core

later we did not had much interest in traveling any more so we decided to settle in this place we realized that alone we could not do much so we decided to make the sect i wanted to nurture next generation and she also wanted to do that but she only wanted to nurture the next generation women and she does not like to concede if she can kill an enemy then she won't let them live, to cut weeds and eliminate the roots that's her way

our aim was mostly the same but our paths were different she did wanted to have any men in her sect so we founded different sects

and you asked why did she not came to help me it was because of her sect once she is defeated do you have any idea what would happen to all the disciples in her sect

you already know how many people are behind her sect whether it is for their cultivation technique of the fairies in the sect once they lose no one would be spare and if they are spared then their life would be no different then death..

if we are alone then only we would have to bear the consequences of our action but we have a whole sect behind us so our sect will also bear the consequences of our actions" Wang Cang explained

Wang Xiu Ying was a little shocked before every time she asked her about it Wang Cang changed the topic but today she herself told the whole story

and now she also realized why did Snow Flower Sect never allied with them

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