Rex was flying above the wastelands but suddenly he stopped

'This.. Rose is it my imagination or my Yang Qi and Yin Qi feels more pure' (Rex)

[So you finally noticed it.. after every evolution your body will have a qualitative leap whether it is blood, flesh or Qi all of it will improve.. and yeah your Qi control has also improved]

'Huh.. it improved?' (Rex)

When Rex got Alfred's inheritance his Qi control had already improved by a big margin and after evolution it improved again

Rex raised his right hand and the dense golden fog came out of it..then it took a shape of a cube..after few seconds its shape changed again and it became a pyramid

'If i have that much control over it ..then that might be possible too' Rex suddenly thought of something then he looked at the golden pyramid made by his Yang Qi

Its shape changed again but this time the fog started to become denser and denser.. soon a golden arrow was floating above Rex's hand

Rex pointed his finger towards a giant rock which was around 100 meters away from him… when Rex pointed at the giant rock it was like the golden arrow received a command it flew towards the rock at a very fast speed and struck itself on the rock

..Swwoooossshhhh…. bang…

When the arrow struck the rock, the collision didn't made any big explosion sound and the arrow only made a small hole in the rock… but when Rex observed the hole he found out that the hole was deep


[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Yang Arrow']

'As expected..but what is wrong with your naming sense..change its name to Holy Arrow' (Rex)

[Renaming skill…..]

[Skill's name successfully changed to 'Holy Arrow']

'Lets try it again but this time…' Rex made another golden arrow but this time the arrow started to spin at a rapid speed then it slammed on the rock

This time the hole was deeper

'Good its a penetration type attack' (Rex)

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Spinning Holy Arrow']

'lets try it with Yin Qi this time' Rex used his Yin Qi to make the arrow this time but the rest of the process was same

Soon a black arrow with same shape and same size as golden arrow appeared above Rex's hand then Rex attacked the rock with the black arrow

Everything was the same as before.. when the attack landed it too made a hole in the rock but this time the hole was smallest compared to other two holes but at a closer observation Rex found out that the hole was emitting a faint dark fog

'So this one is.. damage over time ..type attack' (Rex)

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Arrow']

'A good name… you are learning fast' (Rex)

Rex also tried to spin the Cursed arrow while attacking and obtained the skill Spinning Cursed Arrow.. but all there four skill he got only had common grade

But common grade does not mean it deals less damage… the grading of a skill is based on its overall capabilities and complexity.. not just on its destructive power

'Rose show me the martial arts and cultivation technique i am using right now' (Rex)

[Oh you don't have to ask these things to me i knew that you have to ask me these things every time you need to check them so i made a different function for that, its called 'Combat Status']

'Okay lets try it' (Rex)

'Combat Status' (Rex)

[Name: Rex Andrews

Cultivation Techniques:-

Main Cultivation Technique: Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage Cultivation Technique

Sub Cultivation Techniques: None

Martial Arts:-

Sword Art: 12 Overlord Slashes Sword Art (Pinnacle)

Palm Art: Angry Elephant Palm Art (Pinnacle)

Movement Art : None

Other: None]

'Wait.. how did my mastery in sword art and palm technique reached pinnacle… and my cultivation technique does not show any mastery at all' (Rex)

Earlier when Rex did not got Alfred's inheritance, like others in the lower realm he also thought that Pinnacle is the highest mastery of a Cultivation technique or a martial art but after getting his memory inheritance Rex knew that there is another mastery stage above pinnacle..

Entry\u003e\u003eSmall Accomplishment\u003e\u003eGreat Accomplishment\u003e\u003eFull Mastery\u003e\u003ePinnacle\u003e\u003eReturn-To-Nature

But Return-To-Nature is not known by many because only few old monsters would be able to reach that stage after practicing for years

[Let me explain.. you should stop comparing yourself with other ordinary cultivators.. you learned these martial arts using SE points and coupled with your high INT status Pinnacle is your starting point

but if you want to increase their mastery further more then you either need to practice them yourself or you need to put them in Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer but i didn't mentioned it earlier the reason is simple because Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer won't be much effective on these martial arts

These martial arts have very high grades and with our current capabilities if you put them in Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer then it might take several months or even years for their mastery to go above Pinnacle stage]

'I see… months or even years… its too long.. looks like i need to try harder' Rex shook his head

If someone from upper realms knew what Rex was thinking then it won't be strange if they beat him up out of frustration, because months aside even if someone took decades to master them to pinnacle state then he/she can already be considered a genius and that's when we are just talking about one martial arts

[As for why the main Cultivation technique does not have a mastery shown… its because its something we created after modifying and fusing different cultivation technique,, so do one would really have to master their own creation it was made by us therefore its already at the highest possible mastery]

'Hmmm i see…wait i have an my control over Qi has reached this level so what if i use both Yin Qi and Yang Qi while performing Angry Elephant palm… if i am right as long as the amount of Yin Qi and Yang Qi is in balanced state it won't explode.. right' (Rex)

According to the description of the Angry Elephant Palm art, this technique can be used as an attribute based attacking skill depending on the type of attribute Qi the user poses that's why Rex thought of this method

[Its dangerous]

'Yes but if i can do it once then with you it won't be hard to do it again' (Rex)

After thinking for a while Rex took a deep breath and performed Angry Elephant Palm.. like before his target was the same rock

When Rex performed the palm technique.. then a palm made of Qi came out of his hand but unlike the original Angry Elephant Palm art the palm was not of golden color..

It looked like it was made of glass in fact it was almost transparent but at the center of the palm there was a Yin-Yang like symbol made of golden and black color

As the transparent palm flew towards the rock, its size kept increasing….

When the palm touched the rock it exploded


The explosion was terrifying, the whole rock was destroyed and a big pit was formed in the ground

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Yin-Yang Palm Strike']

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