According to the skill description Yin-Yang Palm Strike is a rare grade skill.. its explosion power can be increased by using more Qi as for the minimum Qi required to use it.. it is as same as Angry Elephant Palm art

'Damn that's good… now i have too many ideas to make new skills.. i will go back to sect later.. for now i will focus on making new skills' (Rex)

Rex spend another two days making new skills

During this time Rex created a whole lot of skills like….

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Holy Sword']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Sword']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Holy Chain']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Chain']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Holy Bind']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Bind']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Holy Armor']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Armor']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Holy Lance']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the skill 'Cursed Lance']

[Due to certain actions you obtained the...…]

After two days….

Rex arrived at the White Moon Sect

'Hmm the array has been used once.. looks like those idiots did attacked but the condition of the sect is fine so everything should be alright' Rex thought when he found out that the array has been used

When Rex went to his four story building he found out that there are more people in the vicinity except Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying but they were not in the main building, they were staying in the extra houses made for guests

Rex landed in front of the main door and entered the building

Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying were both on the second floor so Rex went to second floor

Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying were chatting in a room on second floor

Wang Xiu Ying took out a paper and placed it in front of Wang Cang

"Teacher this is the list of those 25 sects that will definitely make a ruckus and will try to expand their territory when the Puppet Sect will fall" Wang Xiu Ying said in an exited tone

Wang Cang was helpless when she heard it

"Disciple why are you behaving like that we had already destroyed the Puppet Sect… aren't you underestimating them too much" Wang Cang rubbed her forehead

"I am just preparing for future events" Wang Xiu Ying pouted

"Being Confident is a good thing.. but don'e be too overconfident" a familiar voice came from the side

They both turned around only to see a man in his early twenties looking at them with a smile

"Who are you.. how did you get here" Wang Xiu Ying hurriedly stepped back and asked with vigilance

Unlike her reaction Wang Cang was looking at him with a complicated and a little confused expression

"Rex.." She said after a moment of thinking

"My granny can still recognize me.. Little Xiu Ying learn something from her what type of woman can't even recognize her husband" Rex said it like he was teaching her something important

Wang Xiu Ying completely ignored his words but looked at him with a surprised expression

"This.. what happened to you" Wang Xiu Ying asked as she walked around him and inspected his whole body

"I just grown up a little…" Rex said then the list on the table caught his attention so he picket it up and read it

"You are really thinking far ahead but do you think just relying on me you can control the whole continent… if you do that then what they will fear will be me not the sect" Rex said with a serious face

"I know that's why we are merging with Snow Flower Sect" Wang Xiu Ying said

"Merging?.." Rex looked at Wang Cang in confusion he know Wang Xiu Ying can't make such big division on her own and moreover she won't merge sect with someone she doesn't even know about

"Things are like that" Wang Cang explained everything they talked about with Li Min

After listening to her words Rex lost in thought

Seeing him like that Wang Cang hesitated a little and asked

"Did i do something wrong" She asked with a slightly sad expression

Seeing her like that Rex suddenly reacted and putted on a smile

"Who said that.. granny did it after thinking about everyone so off course it is good" Rex said with a smile

Wang Cang got relieved when she saw Rex like that

After seeing that she is relaxed Rex looked at Wang Xiu Ying but she averted her eyes

'Ores and minerals? they will be useful specially right now.. and i can't just go to each place to collect resources… if there are more people then they can bring me things i want without any question…

And these peoples's loyalty is high i can also recruit them in my future company… i mean Kingdom to do these kind of work.. one man can't run a whole organisation specially if the ones working under him are disloyal' (Rex)

"Granny one more thing.. there is no need to waste more time we will go and settle our score with Puppet Sect tomorrow" Rex said

"Tomorrow?..we can wait and make a plan" Wang Cang said with some worry

"They are not worth making a plan" Rex said as he flexed his fingers

"Hmph and he was telling me to not be overconfident" Wang Xiu Ying muttered to herself

Wang Cang although reluctant but she still nodded

After that Rex went back to his room to take a nap

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