The skill Rex used was 'Holy Bomb' this skill is created by compressing a lot of Yang Qi at high pressure.. Rex need to use 150 P Qi to use this skill which is 1.5 times the total Qi an average cultivator have, this in itself shows how much Qi he had used to cast that attack

Rex then looked at Li Min who was not able to hide the shocked expression on her face

"Now what do you think" Rex's words brought her back to reality

"But the consumption of that kind of attack would probably be very high" She collected her thought then said

"I can use that attack 14 times in one fight" Rex said nonchalantly

'Off course after adding the total number of Cursed Bomb too' (Rex)

Li Min didn't said anything this time because she can't find the reason to stop Rex

"Okay so now its decided i will go to the Puppet Sect and will destroy it" Rex said

"What we haven't even made any preparations" Wang Xiu Ying hurriedly said

"Preparation? we are not going on a picnic.. wait who said you are going with me" Rex said

There was only silence

This time everyone looked at him like they were waiting for Rex to suddenly laugh and say.. i was joking just now

"You want to go alone" Wang Xiu Ying finally broke the silence and asked

"I don't want to argue with you anymore we will talk about it when i will come back" Rex said as he started to fly in the air

"Wait Boy this is too reckless" Wang Cang finally spoke

Rex stopped but he hesitated in making a decision

"Master Rex its better to take strong elders from here then we should go to my sect to take elders from there too.. how about it if Master Rex believes that he can defeat them all alone then we won't interfere we will just be there to collect resources when the battle ends" Li Min tried to find any possible excuse to stop Rex from acting recklessly and go with him to fight together

{Rex its better to take elders of two sect with you, even if you fight alone and won.. others won't believe it only when others will see it with their own eyes only then they will believe it and if the elders of two sect saw your strength their loyalty and motivation towards the sect will increase…

She didn't said it out loud because Li Min might not feel too good about her words

'They don't believe i can win alone but they are right about collecting resources and convincing elders' (Rex)

Rex does not want to show his other side in front of Wang Cang and with her nature it might not be strange if she chose to just abolish the cultivation base disciples from Puppet Sect and let them leave

Wang Xiu Ying nodded she too can understand Rex's intention

"Hmm you are right …okay you have 10 minutes bring the elders you want take with us here.. and yeah bring the core disciples too" Rex said

Wang Xiu Ying nodded and left to fulfill his request

She didn't asked Rex that why he wan to take collect core disciples too, in her understanding Rex wouldn't do anything he is not sure about

After she left Rex's eyes landed on Luo Yan and Li Na standing behind Li Min

"Both of you ares still confused about my appearance" Rex asked with a smile

Both of them froze no words came out of their mouth.. when they met Rex for the first time they respected him because he was a Spirit King and he not arrogant either even after becoming one..

As for his strength they compared it with their own sect master but only today they realized how naive their thoughts they saw Rex's attack power with their own eyes.. now even if they want to talk casually they can't do it.. at least in a short period of time

'Bloodline Switch' (Rex)

Rex's look changed his hair turned white, his eyes color changed to blood red and his body grew big enough that his clothes can't be more tighter

Li Min and the other two were shocked again as for Wang Cang she was only slightly surprised it wasn't hard for her to guess that if Rex's base form changed then his other form will also change..

Rex didn't decided to show his form just to fool around he had two big reason to do that

The first reason was that he didn't wanted to show his base form to many people including elders of two sects but he didn't hided it from Li Min and the other two because he knew these guys will be close to Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying in the future so it will become hard for him to hide it from them

The other reason was strength.. when Rex is in Bloodline form he gains a physical status boost, before his second evolution that status boost was 30% increase in every status except LUC, INT and WIS coupled with a 30% increase in total HP

But after second evolution that boost became 50%, a total of 50% increase in every status except LUC, INT and WIS coupled with a 50% increase in total HP

Rex believes that he can win against Puppet Sect alone but being a little cautious doesn't hurt

Soon Wang Xiu Ying came with several elders and few core disciples

Except Liu Wei, Zhang Ming and Kong Lee there were only three people that were wearing the uniform of core disciple, two of them were boys and the third one was a girl

When the elders and disciples saw Rex and others they all bowed and greeted them

Although they didn't recognize Rex but they knew no one here was someone they could disrespect

Rex stepped forward

"I don't want to go through formalities so i will say it directly i am Rex Andrews your Guardian Elder and you should already know why you all are called here

If someone wants to go back then leave you have my words no one will stop you right now but later you might not have that opportunity" Rex said in a domineering tone

Then he waited for them to leave but no one stepped back

'Looks like the last incident really filtered the sect' (Rex)

"Good" Rex was satisfied with their response he then looked towards Wang Xiu Ying

"We should go now" Rex said

Wang Cang was also satisfied with everyone's response but at that time Wang Xiu Ying came close to her

"Teacher its not a good idea for everyone to leave sect at the same time you should stay here to protect the sect in case someone attacks" Wang Xu Ying said

Wang Cang was startled by her words she was about to refute but Rex also walked closer to them and spoke

"Granny she is right.. and you don't like to kill so they might use this as a weakness and try to corner you" Rex also persuaded

Li Min on the side also heard everything it wasn't hard for her to guess that Rex and Wang Xiu Ying had no intention to bring Wang Cang with them although she doesn't knew the reason but she also agreed with them

Because according to her understanding of Wang Cang she will really spare her enemy if they surrendered and the people in the Puppet Sect are not the type of people who will not try to get back once they surrender

"I think both of them are right after we leave.. there won't be anyone to protect your sect what if someone knew about it and is waiting for right time to attack your sect to plunder resources.. you should stay here" Li Min added

Wang Cang didn't wanted to stay behind but all three of them won't even let her refuse so in the end she agreed to stay behind

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