"Rex lets go the Bangra town first we can rent horses from there" Wang Xiu Ying said

"who said we will use horses to travel" Rex said then he flew into the sky

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly all the elders and disciple felt an invisible force lifting them in the air many of them started to panic

"Relax its my doing… its way faster than using horses" Rex said then he flew towards the direction of Snow Flower Sect

Li Min and Wang Xiu Ying followed behind him

Although they were flying, Snow Flower Sect was still a little far away from White Moon Sect so it will still take at least an hour to get there..Rex can go faster but he still need to t

hink about those elders and disciple who are experiencing flight for the first time

When Rex was flying he felt someone staring at him so he turned around and found out that Liu Wei was staring at him

When their eyes met Liu Wei retracted his gaze and bowed down his head

Hearing the familiar voice Liu Wei was surprised then he looked at Rex in shock.. others peoples were still enjoying the view from sky so they did not noticed these changes in his facial expression

'it really feels good to be called senior' Rex thought

Rex didn't speak immediately but stared at him for a while

Liu Wei understood the meaning behind Rex's words but he still looked unconvinced

Rex's words confused Liu Wei

{They takeout the soul from someone else's body and seal it in the puppet to form a link with it and control it.. you know what it means to imprison someone else's soul..

It means stopping them from going through the reincarnation cycle… if we spare the disciples of Puppet Sect then they will hunt more innocents to make more puppets and even if we abolish them they can still teach that Puppet art to others

Liu Wei was dumbstruck when he heard that he never thought that Puppet Sect was that cruel, there are a lot of disciples in Puppet Sect if everyone of them have at least one puppet then how many people have been killed by them

Rex does not need to use the soul of someone else because his soul strength is high, more ever he does not even connect with the puppet so soul strength have no use in it at all his puppet works because of Array Circuit Tech

Liu Wei did not speak anymore he was already very angry after hearing the deeds of Puppet Sect from Rex

Rex didn't disturbed him either because he had already reached the Snow Flower Sect

There was no snow on the mountains around the Snow Flower Sect because of current season but the temperature was still very low compared to other places in Eastern Continent

When the disciples and Elders in Snow Flower Sect saw so many people flying towards the Sect their minds became blank

But some of them still gathered their courage and stepped forward to stop them

Just at that time Li Min, Li Na and Luo Yan.. these three people came forward to explain, when the elders saw them they sighed in relief

Li Min did not wasted much time and in few minutes she gathered several strong elders of her sect to go with them but to Rex's surprise she also brought several core disciples with her

The number of elders and core disciples from Snow Flower Sect clearly surpassed the number of elders and core disciple from White Moon Sect but no one from White Moon Sect was oppressed by that because they knew that it was Snow Flower Sect's sect master that came to their sect not the other way around

Rex did not wasted anymore time and flew in the direction of Puppet Sect

It took them more then 3 hours to reach the vicinity of Puppet Sect even after they traveled at a very high speed

Puppet Sect was located at the bottom of the Abyss Mountain.. that mountain is also called the mountain of corpses because it was common for someone to occasionally encounter few human bones or corpse when climbing the mountain

The Abyss Mountain has a very low survival rate, a normal person can't even survive more then one hour on it.. when the forces of Puppet Sect slaughter a sect of a force they brought their corpses on this mountain to increase the concentration of Yin type attribute Qi on the mountain to help in cultivation and grow dark attribute herbs

Puppet Sect was big as a city, it consisted of many buildings build around a tall black tower

The whole place gave a gloomy feeling

Rex and others landed on a nearby mountain

"What's the plan" Li Min stepped forward and asked

"What plan? did you forgot what did you say earlier everyone is here just to collect the loot" Rex said in dissatisfaction

Li Min didn't knew how to reply to that

When the elders on the side heard that they were dumbstruck, they were still gathering their courage to strengthen their resolve for the upcoming life and death battle but when they heard that they are here to just collect the loot they started to wonder if they heard it wrong

Rex didn't speak much but flew towards the Puppet Sect

Li Min was about to give orders to attack but Rex's voice stopped her

"If you persist on acting on your own then don't blame me if your people are catch in the crossfire" Rex said without turning around

Li Min was worried but then Wang Xiu Ying comforted her

"Senior let him do what he wants maybe he will come back after seeing the strength of Puppet Sect and bring us with him to fight" Wang Xiu Ying said

Rex flew above the biggest building in the Puppet Sect

Many disciples from Puppet Sect saw him and hurried to report it to their elders but Rex completely ignored them

'Lets see how much stronger have i become' (Rex)

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