Lets see how much stronger have i become' (Rex)

'Geokinesis+Telekinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly the ground trembled, even Li Min and others standing far away felt the vibrations coming from the ground

Before everyone realized what happened they saw that countless stones and pebbles started to rise in the air and flew in the sky

Soon Big rocks, soil, sand also began to flew with the stones.. if that was not shocking enough then everyone noticed that several giant trees got uprooted from the ground and flew in the air too

Under Rex's control all these things started to get attached to each other like magnets and a big giant sphere started to form in the sky

"Aahhhha…..help me"

"Wait.. help me first"

At that time when everyone heard the scream they realized that few disciples had been pulled in the giant sphere too

Everyone started to run away in fear

Rex started to fly higher in the sky and the giant sphere also followed behind him

With time the size of the sphere grew bigger and bigger, at present it was big enough to block all the sunlight falling on the Puppet Sect

When all the disciples and elders saw it they started to run away for their life, and those who fell to ground while running got crushed by their own fellow disciples who was running blindly

'Its big enough… now let these people witness what gravity can do' Rex stopped controlling the giant sphere and used Telekinesis to push it downwards

The weight of the giant sphere was very high even if a Spirit King was crushed under it then he/she will not survive

As the giant sphere fell its speed increased because of gravity and telekinesis


The sound of bombardment and the shock waves generated from the impact showed the destruction power of the attack

A big dust cloud rose in the sky

After the Dust settled down Rex landed on the ground

The Puppet Sect that once looked like a well established city had now fell into ruins

"Who are you why did you attack my sect" An angry voice caught Rex's attention

Rex looked at the source of the voice

He saw a middle aged man whose skin was dried as tree bark starting at him with red eyes

He also had few old men standing beside him, with one look Rex could tell that all of them were Spirit Kings

The strongest of them was Spirit King 8th stage who was the middle ages man himself

He was Mo Mingzi, the sect master of Puppet Sect

Soon the disciples and elder who escaped successfully also came and joined them

The total number of the survivors was still above hundred

Rex looked back at all the disciples that were looking at him in anger

"Let me tell you an interesting fact…" Rex said with a smile

When Mo Mingzi saw that Rex ignored him his anger surged

"I am talking to you" He shouted in rage

'Hydrokinsis' (Rex)

"Up to 60% of an adult human body consists of water" Rex said with a faint smile but his words confused everyone

Mo Mingzi was also trying to understand the meaning behind Rex's words but he suddenly heard the screams of the disciples and elders standing beside him

Ahahaha.. this what's happening" One elder shouted in pain, his whole body had became red and a white steam was coming out of his body

"This.." Mo Mingzi was shocked he never saw an attack like this in his life which can influence so many people at the same time only the Spirit King are out of its range

"Don't worry its nothing special i only increased the speed of flow of blood in your body by few times and broke the concentration of water in your heart and blood" Rex said with a smile like he was mentioning a small thing

Before Mo Mingzi could say anything Rex spoke again

"Good bye, i hope you won't repeat the same mistakes in your next life" Rex said as he waved his hand

'Geokinesis: Living Purgatory' (Rex)

Suddenly several sharp pointed tentacles came out from all over the ground and grew like vines in a dense forest at a rapid speed

Mo Mingzi and other Spirit Kings felt a death threat so they all flew in the sky but others weren't so lucky

Before they could even react those multiple sharp tentacles pierced their body from different parts completely killing them, the number of tentacles were too many and with their current condition all the disciples and elders below Spirit King stage just became canon fodders

"Youuu…. everyone kill him" Mo Mongzi burst out in anger and ordered the 6 other Spirit Kings to attack Rex with him

Everyone took out their big corpse puppet, there corpse puppets were not much different than the one Rex saw at the time of beast blood flower incident

The only different corpse puppet Rex saw was the corpse puppet of Mo Mingzi it was two times as big as other corpse puppets and had a long two handed hammer in his hands

Under Mo Mingzi's control that puppet took the lead and attacked Rex, he waved his big hammer to strike Rex's head

But Rex did not even tried to dodge

'Remould' (Rex)

Rex's right hand turned black then its shape changed and a armor like Knight's arm guard was formed over his hand

Rex gently raised his hand to intercept the hammer

His actions looked like the behavior of an idiot in everyone's eyes


The ground under Rex's feet cracked and made spider web like cracks all around with Rex as its center

When Mo Mingzi and others looked at the scene in front of their eyes they began to doubt it was all an illusion they were so shocked that the other corpse puppet that were about to attack Rex suddenly retreated under their control

They saw that Rex stopped the attack with bare hands and did not received any injury on top of that, injury aside there was not even a scratch on his whole body

'Idiots if you want to hurt me then bring a low grade spirit weapon at the very least' Rex sneered in his heart

Rex looked at the giant corpse puppet who was still trying to push him down, Rex raised his left hand towards him

'Holy Shot' (Rex)

A small golden boll of light was condensed in front of Rex's hand and slammed into the puppet

When the golden ball struck the puppet it took several steps back and started to emit a large amount of black fog out of it and Mo Mingzi on the other side coughed out a mouth full of blood

"A Light attribute Spirit King…" An old man took a step back in fear

A normal light attribute Spirit King can't scare them but they just saw that a single light attribute attribute attack from Rex injured the corpse puppet of their sect master that badly

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