Rex then gave it to her

Luo Ru looked at Rex in amazement

She wanted to believe that soon Rex will laugh and say that he was kidding but she knew he was not lying after being with him for all this time she knew his personality and how she behaves

But even after knowing all that when she heard that he actually modified a Heaven rank technique she didn't knew what to say

Rex didn't minded the way she was looking at him and said

"Listen little girl i will only say these things once.. the place we live in is maybe too big for you right now but actually its nothing all these five overlord of five continents are not even qualified to become the guards at the door of the sects in the upper realm….." Rex started to tell her about the upper realms mostly middle realm to broaden her vision

"You know i wanted to ask you something you and sect ancestor are not related by blood right" Luo Ru asked when they were just a little away from the sect

"No but it doesn't matter to me" Rex replied

"No that's not what i mean.. i wanted to ask where are your parents i never saw them" Luo Ru asked curiously according to her if Rex is so strong then his parents should also be strong as him or maybe even more stronger than him

Rex did not responded to her question this time like he never heard it

"We finally arrived, a lot of things happened when you weren't here you can later ask Zhang Ming or Liu Wei they will tell you everything i have some important things to handle you should go rest for now" Rex said as they arrived at the core disciple area

When Luo Ru saw that he didn't answered her question she didn't asked again

"En" She nodded then went towards her courtyard

[You assured her that parents her left her here for her own good but when your case is almost same as her you don't want to go back to your own parents]

'There is a great difference between our situations her parents ran away from the clan to hide her for her own safety but what about my clan i am more angry on them compared to my parents… Sura Clan is supposed to be a peak clan and they can't even save their own next generation then who the hell gave them the rank of peak clan

Her parents had no choice because they had no one to rely on but my parents should have.. and its their clan and if the clan can't keep me safe then why the hell should i go back to the clan.. sorry buddy they doesn't deserve to win my loyalty at all do you think with my ability i don't have the qualification to join another peak clan i will at least join someone who can guarantee my safety

If there is no one like that then i will make a clan like that myself' (Rex)

Rex then walked towards his main building

When he just arrived at the garden near the building he found Elder Wu standing there

"Whats the situation" Rex asked

"As Master Rex asked i sent the invitation to all the big and small sects in the whole Eastern Continent.. the news about Puppet Sect have most likely reached most of them.. the meeting is after 6 days and only someone who have the status of sect master, sect ancestor or someone at Spirit King stage is allowed to join the meeting" Elder Wu said respectfully

"Good work" Rex took out a mid grade spirit stone and gave it to him then walked inside the building

When Elder Wu looked at the stone in his hand he was too shocked to even speak

During these 6 days Rex changed the whole infrastructure of the sect

The newly formed sect was 3 times a big as the previous one it was divided in three parts outer area, inner area and core area

Outer area was for outer disciples and outer elders

Inner area was for inner disciples and inner elders

And finally the core area where core disciples and core elders like Li Na, Luo Yan, Liu Wei, Luo Ru lived

Rex and others also lived in core area

Inner area had few modified Qi gathering array made by Rex but core area had several of them the disciples could use contribution point to use it

But all these things were not the main focus of everyone

A little away from the right side of the sect there was a giant three story building

The building was only 3 story but it was more taller and wider than the 4 story building Rex made earlier

But it didn't had many rooms or facilities like the previous 4 story building, it only had halls

Three floor of the building contained three big halls, one on each floor the whole building looked giant and majestic

And outside the building there was a big board hanging on the top of the giant gate, the words written on it were 'Frozen Flame Guild'

The guild building had only three halls but from inside it was like a big bank on the first floor there were many counters on each side, these counter had the board hanging near them which says Mission Submission Counter, Mission confirmation counter.. etc

And there were many tables to sit in the free space at the center of the hall and upper floors were more luxurious but needed to have a certain rank to enter them

It was just because of Rex that all this was built in 6 days or even 60 days wouldn't be enough to build that

At present Rex was eating in the dining hall of one of the building in the core area of the sect

Wang Cang, Li Min and Wang Xiu Ying were also sharing the table with him but the food in front of them was cold

"Why aren't you eating" Rex asked as he stuffed his mouth with barbecued meat

All three of them looked at each other, just few minutes ago Elder Wu reported that a lot of Spirit Kings and sect master has arrived to join the meeting and are waiting in the guest hall but Rex said let them wait tell them i am eating right now

When Li Min and others heard this they didn't knew what to say anymore although Rex is carefree even when he is a Spirit King but are others like that too?.. no they are not if one would ask them what these powerhouses has most then the answer will be without a doubt arrogance

"Hey idiot head bring me some wine" Rex called

When Rex said that a humanoid figure came while carrying a wooden barrel on his shoulder

The Humanoid figure was actually the firsts robot or we can saw a working bot Rex made that satisfied most of his requirements

Its body was slightly bigger then a human being but its shape was just like a human it looked like a human being who was wearing a black colored armor which hided his whole body perfectly

Rex used a monster core to make the energy cell for him and his brains was a microprocessor made using Array Circuit Tech

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