"Idiot head when i ask you to bring the wine then you need to bring me a jug filled with wine not a Barrel" Rex scolded him

The software Rex made to work for him was just like a machine language program.. an AI, it improves when you give him information example if you told him what you are doing is wrong.. its done like that then he will follow your advice and won't do it wrong again

That's why Rex needs to train him then he can use the information he obtained while training him by giving it to other working bots so they wouldn't do the same mistake

The bot nodded then he turned around to walk away but then he stopped and looked at Rex again then he raised the barrel in his hand like he was asking asking what to do with it

Rex had a headache

"Just throw it away….eh..wait" Rex said in annoyance but then he suddenly reacted

But it was too late the working bot threw the barrel on the ground


The barrel hit the floor and broke.. the wine inside it got spilled on the ground

"Pffff hahaha" Wang Xiu Ying laughed at Rex

Rex was helpless it wasn't the first time something like that happened it had happened many times, there was a time when Rex asked him to cook the meat and he kept cooking the meat for hours when Rex felt something was wrong and came to check on him he found out that the meat has long been turned to ashes but he was still cooking it

"Brother i am really sorry that i asked you to work please go and rest" Rex said politely

The working bot nodded and left

"Rex he looks so strong i had checked him his body is too hard can't he fight others" Li Min asked curiously

"Not actually he can only fight Spirit King 4th stage at most further more it is only possible when the Spirit King is on the ground because this working boat can't fly" Rex shook his head in disappointment

Rex made this working bot using the scrap metal from the ship he found in the sky pearl lake that's why its body is strong enough to kill a Spirit King

Rex also found out that according to Heavenly Puppet Art he could use anything to make a puppet it doesn't have to be a corpse puppet at all but the puppet will be a puppet it is useless until someone controls it but its not the case with Rex's working bots

When Wang Xiu Ying who was laughing heard his words her expression froze

Li Min and Wang Cang also gave each other a helpless look

"This how many more you have like that…." Wang Xiu Ying suddenly asked she was so exited that she didn't even arranged her words proper

"I only had enough material to make one like that" Rex said

[Rex did you forgot we have 40 like that and 4 commander leve…]

'You just learn to keep quite.. giving them things like that will only make them carefree and these bots can't fly i don't want them to be like a innocent man treasuring a jade ring if these bots's existence triggered the greed or curiosity of some big powerhouse when i am not here then it won't be a good thing' (Rex)

Wang Xiu Ying narrowed her eyes towards him obviously not believing what he said because she knew Rex had bought too much metal ores in last few days which emptied more than 50% of the new sect's treasury

"Boy its not good to make people wait, a lot of people are waiting outside you should go and meet them" Wang Cang said

"Hmm.. Xiu Ying come with me" Rex said

"Don't use my first name" Wang Xiu Ying snorted but still obediently followed behind him

Some time ago..

Sect's main entrance gate…..

A golden carriage stooped in front on the sect's main gate, the carriage was followed by eight men riding the horses

A middle aged main came out of the carriage then looked at the sect in front then at the guild building which was big enough to visible from his current position

"Am i the only one here" The man muttered to himself

He was just thinking suddenly two more attractive carriages decorated by several colorful jewels came

The two carriages stopped just behind his carriages and two man came out of them

"Oh it looks like the sect master of Green Bamboo Sect was also invited" One man said in a mocking tone

"If even the sect master of Rock Fist Sect is invited then why wouldn't i get an invitation" The man replied with a sneer

Seeing that a fight was about to broke out the third man wanted to stop them but just at this time the three of them felt a suppression force that almost forced them to their knees when they turned around to look they found out that an old man in green rob was flying in the air

"We have seen Green Wood Daoist" All three of them greeted respectfully but the old man totally ignored their existence although dissatisfied but no one dared to show it on their face

"Hehe old man to think you are bulling juniors these days" A horse voice came from far away

When everyone looked towards the direction the voice came from they found out a white beard old man in red robe came flying towards them

"I thought you died in seclusion" The old man in green robe said

"You are cold as ever, i was in seclusion but the news of Puppet Sect's destruction brought me here i too want to see who was able to do it" The old man in red robe said

"Rumors say that he destroyed Puppet Sect on his own.. do you believe it?" The old man in green robs said

"Hahaha what am i hearing.. you old foxes really believed it" A middle aged man came flying

"You also came" The green robbed old man looked a little surprised

"I wanted to see how a light attribute Spirit King looks like and you seriously believe those rumors even if he is light attribute Spirit King he can't do it, you might not know but at that day no one who was in Puppet Sect survived..no one" The middle aged man said

"At least someone here have a piece of mind" Another old man in black robe came flying

"You old devil how dare you come in front of me" When the old man in red robe saw him his eyes were bloodshot and he was full of anger

"Oh you old thing is still alive" The black robed old man sneered at him

"You two this is not a place for you to fight" The middle aged man said

Both old man were angry but when the middle aged man said that they stopped arguing

"But why are you all still outside the door" The black robed man asked in confusion

The middle aged man looked at the red robed old man

"I was here because he was here" The red robbed old man pointed at the green robed old man

"I was here because these people were standing here" The green robbed old man pointed at the three people that first arrived

The three people were embarrassed

Now we are at fault… they thought but they didn't had the guts to talk back to them

"Senior we just got here before you" One of them said respectful

Everyone looked at the giant black door in front of them

The middle man was just about to say something but suddenly they felt three more strong auras coming towards them when they looked behind they saw three Spirit King golden robed man flying towards them

The leading one was a middle aged man and the two following him were old man but all three of them were wearing same type of golden robe

"Golden Lion Sect's sect master also came" The middle aged man was surprised

The Golden Lion Sect was the second strongest sect in the Eastern Continent it wasn't able to become an overlord because of Puppet Sect

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