"Whats happening here why is there such a big crowd here" The middle aged man Spirit King from Golden Lion Sect said in a loud tone

"We were just about to open the door but you came" The middle aged man said

"Oh if it sin't Han Fei, a lone cultivator like you is also here but to think you can't even open a door your standard have dropped" The old man smirked then he waved his hand towards the old man at his right

The old man understood his meaning

He made a fist and punched towards the big gate

A illusory fist made of very hot air came out his punch and moved towards the gate

The attack was meant to break the gate so the old man didn't used his full strength in it


When the attack landed on the gate it quickly dispersed instead of making a sound of explosion it made a sound which resembled the metal collision

Rex bought a lot of metal ore in last few days which was to study them and to try different fusion to make different alloys the main gate was also made of one such alloy

The attack didn't even left a scratch on it

It shocked everyone but just when they were still coming out of their shock they saw that many shining lines and strange symbol began to appear on the gate and the wall

Then three golden short swords were condensed in the mid air and moved towards the old man who attacked the gate at a lightning speed

The old man was a Spirit King 4th stage but at this time he felt a threat he quickly took out a big silver shield to defend against those three swords

The first sword pierced the shield a little then stopped but before the old man could sigh in relief that sword exploded


The old man flew backwards when he stopped there was a trace of blood at the corner of his lips

When the sect master of Golden Lion Sect saw this he and the man beside him quickly reacted, they both attacked the remaining two swords

"Great Ape Fist"

"Burning Fiery Palm"

Two attacks landed on the golden swords and destroyed them without even giving them the chance to explode

"An Array Master?" The green robed old man asked

"Most Likely.." The red robbed old man replied

"Its not that simple i have seen array masters before they are just sitting ducks in the battle, the most they could do is make a small Qi gathering array..and an array master who is a Spirit King too i have never heard of it" Han Fei said

The other people looked at him in amazement, they didn't doubted his words Han Fei is a talented person in their eyes because he never joined a sect but cultivated this far on his own and further more he was the youngest of all of them

This time the sect master of Golden Lion Sect and his two man quietly stood in front of the big gate and waited obediently like nothing happened, others wanted to laugh at them but because of the strength of Golden Lion Sect they held back

At this time gate opened

Elder Wu opened the gate, the attack from earlier alerted many people but they didn't opened the gate because they are not authorized to do so, so they informed Elder Wu and he came to open the door

When Elder Wu looked at the crowd outside the gate he was shocked because he found out that many people were flying in the air and looking at him

"This all these senior why are you standing outside" Elder Wu quickly said

But when he said that he realized that everyone was glaring at him like if it wasn't for Rex they would have killed him right now

Specially the faces of the people from Golden Lion Sect were not that good

You invited us then you closed the door and didn't let us in and now you are asking why we didn't come in… everyone thought

The Spirit King mixed in them could fly above the wall to come in but it is regarded as disrespect to the sect and disrespect for themselves too

Elder Wu felt he had asked something wrong he hurriedly came out and looked at the side of the door

He suddenly took out a talisman from his pocket and spoke

"Disciple Kong Lee i asked you to put the Welcome Bell at the main gate last night…i clearly said to put it at the biggest gate where did you put it" Elder Wu said as he used the 10 Mile sound transmission talisman made by Rex

"This..Elder Wu i did putted it at the biggest gate" The voice of Kong Le came from the other side

Elder Wu again looked all around then he looked at the people standing in front of him with suspicious eyes

When the sect master of Green Bamboo Sect saw the look in his eyes his face was black

"This.. elder we didn't took anything from here" He said with a bitter smile

"Are you sure you putted it at the sect's main entrance gate" Elder Wu again used the sound transmission talisman to ask Kong Lee

"Sect's main entrance gate? Elder Wu you asked me to put it at the biggest gate so i putted it at the main gate of the Guild building" Kong Lee replied innocently

When Elder Wu heard it he quietly putted the talisman back in his pocket and putted a smile on his face

"Respected estimated guests how long are you all going to stand here, everyone please follow me inside" Elder Wu said as he headed in

Everyone "…"

Everyone had the urge to took out their shoes and through them at Elder Wu but they held back and now they were more curious about the weird talisman Elder Wu used to talk to someone else

Elder Wu guided everyone to a big hall

The hall had many sofa like chairs and tables for everyone to sit it also had essence burner at the entrance which was giving a good fragrance

There was also a counter at one corner of the hall, a girl was standing at the counter and there were many different colorful bottles behind it

"Everyone please wait here i am going to inform the sect master" Elder Wu said then left

Everyone picked up a seat and set in groups on different tables

The green robbed old man, the red robbed old man and Han Fei also picked a table and set in a group

Han Fei looked at the counter at the corner of the hall

"Is it for wine" Han Fei wondered

"You care about wine at this time" The red robed elder said

"Not the wine.. but the girl that girl is from this sect.. we should start a conversation with her who knows we may get some useful information about the sect from her" Han Fei said

"Its a good idea leave it to me" The red robed old man said then he stood up and walked to the counter

Han Fei and the green robed old man both looked at him

"What would you like to order..Senior" The girl asked politely

"What can i get here" The red robed old man asked

The girl took out the menu and gave it to him

The red robed old man took a look at the menu and his face turned dark in next second

The menu was only filled with wines but the price of the cheapest one was 10 times the most expensive wine he had bought until now

'The heart of the sect master here is more dark than i thought but if its just money i can still afford it' He thought

Although he is a Spirit King but he had long stopped carrying about money so he didn't carried much with him

"Give me one White Jade Wine" The old man greeted his teeth and said

The girl nodded then she took out a big transparent bottle filled with white colored wine and a glass and placed it on the counte

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