'Having a disciple is not that bad…as for the innate talent fuk it.. for now i am only focusing on machines but it doesn't mean my Biology is weak, in last life i didn't had long life span to focus on multiple subjects at the same time but its not the same here' (Rex)

"Becoming my disciples comes with conditions" Rex said with a serious face

"I can accept any condition" Liu Wei replied instantly

"Then take the oath you can never reveal my secrets and you can never betray me… its not that i don't trust you but i came from a place where people can kill their own brother for enough profit so i can't help but be cautious

If you want to worship another teacher in the future then i won't stop you but you can not reveal what and how you learned or gained from me to anyone" Rex said

Liu Wei felt a little bad when Rex asked him to take an oath because it meant he didn't trusted him but when he heard his whole sentence he just sighed and took the oath

"Good toady i formerly accept you as my disciple as a gift take this" Rex took out an empty jade slip and put the Lone Sword Cultivation Technique he gained from his mother in it then he gave it to him

"Listen clearly this is ones of the best cultivation technique of my family its grade is way above the highest grade you know.. its a sword cultivation technique i will tell you in detail" Rex then told him about the upper realm and different type of cultivation paths

"Teacher you know that much" Liu Wei said in admiration

Rex proudly raised his head

"So teacher tell me what is the name of the grade of this cultivation technique" Liu Wei asked in excitement

"Cough…cough.. disciple you will know it yourself when you will become strong enough that aside its hard to comprehend this cultivation technique so its fine even if you just reach its entry after trying for a long time

I gave you this because i think it is suitable for you and yeah take this too" Rex took out a storage ring, a 5th grade sword and few jade slips which had sword and blade related techniques in them and gave it to him

Rex got a lot of things in the Puppet Sect's treasury, they had collected these things after ruling for years so there were many things like that in their treasury there were also pills in it but they were all pills used for dark Qi cultivation and Rex didn't liked Puppet Sect so he just ordered others to sell them all

After that Rex said goodbye to Liu Wei and headed back to his room

In next few days Rex made thousands of potions, a lot of wines and talismans etc then one day he called Wang Cang and everyone who was close to him for a meeting and told them that he will leave tomorrow

"Tomorrow i will leave the sect, the Alchemist from Puppet Sect should have been reached Monster Taming Sect so i will first go there then i will directly leave this realm from there" Rex said

Wang Cang sighed she knew now that everything have became stable and Rex already reached Spirit King stage it was now just a matter of time before he go to upper realm

Li Min was at a loss of words she met someone like Rex for the first time who could breakthrough just because he want to, there were no words like opportunity, fortunate encounter for Rex he could just breakthrough because he want to

Wang Xiu Ying already knew that so she was not much surprised but she was still said

Li Na and Luo Yan were still there but they were only said because their sect was going to loose a big powerhouse for a while, they didn't had much emotional attachment to Rex so the impact on them was not same as others

Liu Wei was in seclusion so he not here Rex had already told him that he will leave sect in few days when Rex was helping him in understanding the cultivation technique

The last one was Luo Ru but instead of sad she was looking at Rex with big eyes

Rex was at a loss of words

"This.. why do you look annoyed instead of sad" Rex asked

"Hmph.. i will soon caught up to you" Luo Ru said as she made a fist in the air

'Damn.. she is annoyed because i can now breakthrough to next stage….sigh its reasonable now that she started to cultivate using soul cultivation technique her cultivation speed is on another level and now she is already at Soul Core Condensation 1st stage and just when she started soul cultivation after me' (Rex)

"Listen carefully even if you somehow reach Spirit King peak stage don't you dare leave this realm on your own understand" Rex warned her with a serious expression

Although Luo Ru was reluctant she still nodded because she knew that Rex now knows more about her real family than her and he won't do something to harm her

Rex then walked to Wang Cang

"Listen everyone i didn't called you all here just to say good bye but there is a reason behind it i won't tell you much because it can bring you unnecessary trouble but if someday any powerhouse came searching for someone named Ye Tian then it means he/she is searching for me then.." Rex was explaining but at this time Wang Cang stood up

"Don't worry boy you don't need to tell us no matter what we won't tell them anything" Wang Cang said with a fighting spirit burning in her eyes

"No what i want to say is.." (Rex)

"You don't need to worry we are not the type of person who would sell our own people" Li Min also spoke

Black lines appeared on Rex's forehead

"You all keep quite and listen… if they ask you something tell them the truth don't lie in front of them.. if possible when they ask about my appearance then told them about my white haired form but if they asked things like does he always look like that then tell them the truth" Rex said

'I don't know what type of methods people from higher realm use that's why i can't be careless and endanger their life.. if news of me being alive leaks and assassin come then they won't bother to ask question like that but will directly use methods like illusion or soul search to find it out

But in case someone from my family comes here they will rather ask questions first because they can see i have good relations with them and if everything is fine they won't do something reckless as long as they feel that these guys are not lying but if they think that everyone here is lying then its hard to say what they would do to make them speak the truth' (Rex)

Rex took out an envelop and gave it to Wang Cang

"If they really comes here then give this envelop to them there is a letter inside it for them" Rex said

Wang Cang nodded she saw that a weird red seal was on the envelop but she didn't asked anything about it she just put the envelop in her storage ring

After having a good talk with everyone Rex went to sleep

Next day….

Rex left the sect when the sun was still about to rise

He headed towards the Western Continent where Monster Taming Sect was located

Although Monster Taming Sect was near the border of Western Continent it still took Rex's five hours at his full speed just to reach the Western Continent

Rex asked the address of the Monster Taming Sect from the people he met on his way

After flying for a little longer Rex could now see the giant buildings of Monster Taming Sect

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