Monster Taming Sect…

At present there was a meeting going on in the headquarters of Monster Taming Sect

In a big hall..

The sect master of Monster Taming Sect was sitting on a big throne like seat

He had bulky body his chest was bare, just his body size can be said to have reached the upper limit of a human body

He had blonde hair and beard his appearance was similar to a so called barbarian

On his right side a huge monster beast whose appearance looked similar to that of a lion was quietly sitting

There were many elders standing on right and left side of the sect master in the hall and an old man in black clothes was standing in the middle

The old man had shrilled skin on his face and coupled with his flattering smile towards the sect master he looked really ugly

The sect master had a headache when he looked at the old man because the old man was the alchemist of the late Puppet Sect who now wants to join their Monster Taming Sect, if it was someone else he would have killed him on the spot but because of the old man's alchemist profession many elders are supporting him to join the sect

One elder stepped forward

"Sect master i am against letting him join the sect we already know that because of his lustful action he attracted the hatred of a powerhouse and the Puppet Sect paid the price" The elder said

When the sect master was about to speak another elder spoke

"Elder Jeff don't throw all the blame on him do you really think a powerhouse will destroy such a big sect for just the daughter of the lord of such a small town, i think this is a false information when did a powerhouse became so carefree to do these things" Another elder retorted

"Elder Meng don't think i don't know you are from Eastern Continent and you already know him, let me ask you how much pills did he gave to you that you agreed to pull this scourge to our sect" Elder Jeff said in an angry tone

The sect master of Monster Taming Sect was also helpless he too can guess these things but both Elder Meng and Elder Jeff have high positions in the sect and they both are supported by other elders if he directly make a decision then one side will express its dissatisfaction and its not good for the sect

That's why he decided to let them reach a conclusion first then make a decision

Elder Meng was a little embarrassed for a moment but he quickly retorted

"Elder Jeff don't accuse me without any evidence and when did you became such a scarred cat that you are now afraid of one man when you have the whole sect behind you that Spirit King was a light attribute one that's why he was able to win against Puppet Sect, If i was there at that time then…" (Elder Meng)

"Then What…" A loud voice echoed in the hall

Everyone looked around to find the source of voice but they didn't found out anything..

The sect master also became alert he used his spiritual sense to check the whole hall but he didn't found out anything then he looked at the monster beast at his side but the monster beast was also checking his surrounding which meant he didn't found out anything either

Just at that time the sect master noticed that the shadow of one of the pillars in the hall started to change its shape and a silhouette came out of it

Rex was in his bloodline form he used his trait Shadow-Dive to travel in the form shadow and come here

"What were you saying earlier.. what would you do if you were there… now i am standing right here in front of you do whatever you can do to me.. your place.. your sect if you have the guts then do it" Rex said to Elder Meng in a mocking tone

Rex's words were more than enough to show his identity

Elder Meng looked at him with vigilance he was greedy but not a fool Rex could come here without even detected by their sect master already shows what he is capable of

But Elder Meng was still greedy that's why he thought… even if i have no chance against him alone but what about it i am not alone right now

"What are you all doing he infiltrated our sect in broad daylight do you still need orders catch him" Elder Meng ordered the elders behind him

But most of the elders still didn't moved because right now they were in the presence of their sect master if they move on Elder Meng's order instead of him then that means disrespect to him

Elder Meng have high ambitions and their sect master knows it that's why he did not promoted him to the grand elder position but he also didn't promoted some else because Elder Meng will definitely cause a ruckus if he did

Although most of the elders thinks before doing something but not everyone is like that, few elders behind Elder Meng directly ran towards Rex to catch him

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

The elder that ran towards him were directly flattened to the ground and became unable to move like an invisible hand was pressing them to the ground

Elder Meng panicked he then looked towards the sect master

The sect master was helpless even if Elder Meng was not good he was still a strong elder who contributed to the sect but just when he was about to speak

Elder Meng's body was pushed to the wall by an invisible hand then many sharp pointed spikes came out of the wall and pierced Elder Meng's head, heart and other vital organs which killed him before he could even scream

"You…. this is too much" The sect master said in a loud tone

But Rex ignored him and looked at the alchemist who looked back at Rex in fear

"Anyone else who wants to support him come forward we can settle it right here right now" Rex said as he looked at everyone

Everyone looked at their sect master

Rex also looked at the sect master

The sect master was dissatisfied with what Rex did but he didn't wanted to be reckless and directly attack Rex so he looked at the monster beast on his side

This was a 7th grade late stage monster beast who the sect master raised since he was still a cub and this monster beast is also one of the strongest force of the Monster Taming Sect

The lion like monster beast lazily stood up and took a step forward but when he looked at Rex in the eyes he stopped

"Oh the kitty wants to play" Rex said with a smile

The monster beast quickly stepped backwards and lied on the floor again like the current events had nothing to do with him

The sect master was embarrassed

Rex was also a little surprised

'Is this monster beast more intelligent than these idiots' (Rex)

Although the sect master didn't fully understand his behavior but he still didn't force him to fight because he remembered a important thing his teacher once told him he said.. the instincts of monster beast are way more sharper than humans if they ever try to retreat in a battle then just run for your life and no matter what do not fight your opponent

The dissatisfaction in sect master's heart disappeared in an instant

The sect master's thought was not fully right here the reason the monster beast didn't attack is not just because of cultivation base or strength it was because of superiority

When a monster beast meets another monster beast of higher bloodline they will experience a bloodline suppression its not literal but more like a imaginary suppression

For example if a leopard like monster beast met a lion like monster beast of same rank as him he will still try not to fight and will retreat peacefully

In other people's eyes Rex is a human but for the monster beast Rex gave him the feeling of a superior monster beast for him it was like a commoner met his king in person so how could he fight Rex for something which is not even personal after all do he really care about an elders life even all the elders are killed as long as the sect master's life is not in danger he will not even think about taking a shot

Rex have both a dantian and a monster core in him but he neither comes in the category of a monster beast nor a human, Rex is a completely different existence from both of them he is.. a unique species which is not supposed to naturally exist

As for his looks which resembles a human.. he might look like a human but there are many things in his body that are not similar to a human at all

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