"We have no enmity" The sect master said to Rex after he calmed down

"Off course that's why you are still breathing" Rex said with a smile

The sect master was relieved he didn't had any dissatisfaction in his heart right now because he believed that Rex's strength far surpassed him and the monster beast beside him

"I am taking this alchemist with me because i have some score to settle with him if you have any grudge against my sect speak right now i don't like when people try to attack my people behind my back and if you do that then i promise that no one present here will be alive after that" Rex said with a serious expression

"Don't worry we have nothing against your sect even our friendly relation with Puppet Sect were just so that they do not attack our people in Eastern Continent for no reason we never collaborated in any of their crime

If possible we won't fight for no reason as long as someone doesn't bear their fangs against us we won't fight them" The sect master spoke

Rex nodded then he grabbed the alchemist's neck and flew out of the hall with him

The alchemist shouted for help but the sect master ignored him after Rex took the alchemist away he sighed in relief

"Elder Jeff the grand elder position is empty for a long time, today i promote you to Grand Elder" The sect master said

Elder Jeff who was quietly standing for a long time opened his eyes wide in shock then a stream of joy hit him hard

"I thank sect master for his kindness i will work hard and will not disappoint sect master" Elder Jeff bowed his head towards the sect master

The sect master nodded in satisfaction

Rex didn't killed the sect master or didn't destroyed the Monster Taming Sect for a reason

The Monster Taming Sect is one of the overlords of Western Continent its presence is like government in a country if it is destroyed then the whole continent will be in chaos and it will also affect other continents and if some other overlord of another continent use this opportunity and took over the Western Continent then it will broke the balance of power in the five continents

Then that sect's strength will soar and the hunger of power is a hunger that can't be quenched easily once a sect can control two continents then its just a foolish thought that it will be satisfied just by that, it will likely try to engulf the remaining continents too and a war will broke out and many innocent people will die in it for no reason and it will also harm the Frozen Flame Sect

Rex could do the same he could also destroy all the four remaining overlords and gave the control of all five continent to Frozen Flame Sect

But according to Rex… If there is something harder than obtaining the power then it is to control it

He could give the control of all five continents to Frozen Flame Sect but with the current capabilities of the sect can it control all this power behind his back..no it can't

There is a great difference between the King who builds his own kingdom and the King who inherits it from his father… the title may be same but the strength and the capabilities of the two are just not in the same league

Rex want the sect to became a overlord on its own with time and experience, not just because of his strength… Frozen Flame Sect is big and strong but just that is not enough to be called an overlord it needs the approval of all the people of the continent which needs time to happen

On the other side….

Rex brought the alchemist to a mountain peak a little far away from the Monster Taming Sect

This mountain was barren so monster beasts aside there weren't even much plants and trees on it

"You.. don't hurt me ..i.. i will be your slave for life.. i can make pills, a lot of it for you and your sect" The old alchemist hurriedly said for fear of Rex killing him before even listening to him

"Show me your flame" Rex indifferently said

The alchemist raised his hand with slight hesitations and a yellow fire appeared above his palm

It was a Monster Fire and a weak one at that, the alchemist knew it that's why he didn't used it to attack Rex

'This flame is too weak.. but a flame is a flame i can at least sell it ..now what should i do with this alchemist' (Rex)

[You can just use Mind Arts to extract his knowledge and the experience he gained from pill refining]

'Do you really think that the experience of this waste alchemist will be of any help in middle realm even his highest grade pill will be treated like trash there' (Rex)

[You seem to have some other idea]

'Hmmm..' (Rex)

Rex took out the storage ring of the alchemist then he looked inside it

There were many colorful pills inside it, out of curiosity Rex took out a green colored pill out of it

"Which pill is this" Rex asked the alchemist

"This is 1st grade recovery pill i refined it myself" The alchemist said hurriedly he wanted Rex to change his mind and not kill him

Rex placed the pill in his mouth and swallowed it he wasn't worried about getting poisoned because with his Poison Resistance skill there weren't many poison in this realm that could actually harm him

The pill was tasteless and Rex didn't liked the smell it gave when he swallowed it but he found out something that was shocking enough for him to forget his dissatisfaction


[Reverse Engineering talent is triggered..]


[You acquired the recipe of 1st grade 'Recovery Pill']

'Say What… ' (Rex)

[It looks like we can also use your 'Reverse Engineering' talent like that]

'We can use it like that!' (Rex)

[We were able to trace back the method to make the pill because of your talent… its good Rex you should awaken a talent like that once in a while]

'You are saying like i can awaken a talent depending on my choice if i am right when i gained this talent i got the notification that i awakened a hidden talent

Earlier i thought i can only use it on tools and weapon to check someone's crafting method but to think it can also work on pills.. now i have decided what to do with the alchemist' (Rex)

Rex swallowed one pill of all kinds one by one when he was holding the last pill and was about to swallow it Rex stopped then smelled it

'Fuk..aphrodisiacs.. this old bastard.. he also refines a pill like that' Rex quickly destroyed the pill using Atomize

What Rex fears most is not the poison but aphrodisiacs because the the amount of every hormones in his body is a few times more compared to others so the effect of an aphrodisiacs on him is much more severe than a poison

When the alchemist was still thinking what Rex was going to do just at that time Rex suddenly grabbed his head with one hand and lifted him in the air

'Mind Arts: Herbs' (Rex)

Rex didn't extracted pill recipes's knowledge from him because he had already got them from eating pills, Rex extracted his knowledge on various kind of herbs

When someone wants to become an alchemist they has to acquire knowledge on several kinds of herbs and their properties these are the basic things needed to become an alchemist

And as long as Rex has knowledge on different kind of herbs he could make many type of new potions with the help of Rose

The alchemist screamed in pain but there was no one to hear it except Rex and soon he stopped screaming and died.. he was already very old so he wasn't able to hold on for long

'Remould' (Rex)

Rex right hand became black then its shape changed and it transformed into a claw like that of a crocodile

Rex pierced the dantian of the dead alchemist and took out a small flame that was burning inside it, it was a small pale yellow flame

'I wonder if i can store it in inventory' (Rex)

Rex tried to put the flame in his inventory and surprisingly the flame moved to his inventory

'It looks like as long as the something doesn't have any consciousness i can move it to inventory' (Rex)

Rex then destroyed the Alchemist's body with Atomize then he set cross legged on the ground and started meditating

'Its time to breakthrough…Rose do it' (Rex)

[Commencing breakthrough.....]

[Alert!… you need to choose your Dao path before commencing breakthrough]

'Thought so' (Rex)

'Calm-Mind' (Rex)

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