'Calm-Mind' (Rex)

[Calm-Mind activated]

[Your total INT status is increased by 370% temporarily]

[Your STR, END, DEX, AGI and DEF status is decreased by 50% temporarily]

Rex's mind became very clear the things he didn't understand earlier appeared to be very simple right now

Many Memories surfaced in Rex's head.. the memories of time when he was at earth.. the time when he first attended school

'Whats my Dao..' Rex asked himself

When Rex asked this question to himself a picture appeared inside his consciousness it was the picture of the time when he first made a science project and participated in a science project competition

Rex was there with his project

It was a simple but new styled remote controlled car model at that time Rex was very young and he worked for many days and night just to complete it but he didn't even came in top three

The reason was at that time it had only been a year since Rex started his education he may be a genius but his competitors were not of same age as him he just barely crossed the minimum age required to participate in the competition.. his competitors were those who already entered college their science project easily overshadowed his remote controlled car model

That day although Rex lost the competition but he discovered his passion he found out what he likes the most… it was to invent something.. to create something new and his medium was technology

When Rex looked at these memories a smile appeared on his lips and the picture in front of him disappeared

'My Dao is…. Dao of Creation' (Rex)

Although Rex didn't got any enlightenment but he still achieved his purpose

[Dao path has been successfully selected]

[Required condition met]

[Commencing breakthrough]

When Rex selected his Dao he felt a qualitative change in his body he felt a new power was has been added to his body nut right now Rex didn't had any time to observe it because his focus was on his breakthrough

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[You successfully breakthrough to Dao Comprehension peak stage]

With every level up Rex noticed that the unknown power in his body has increased this was the power of Dao.. the more strong someone's Dao is the more power it will give to them the Dao also helps you in the way it belong to Rex followed the Dao of Creating so it will help him to create

Rex opened his eyes and took a long refreshing breath his perception had now increased by several times

'Now i reached this stage but i don't know how to go to upper realm i wonder how can i do….what' (Rex)

When Rex was just thinking he found out that his body started to rise in the air on its own like someone was using Telekinesis on him

Rex used force and tried to come back to ground but his resistance was useless Rex 's body kept rising in the air and with time his speed increased more and more

Rex felt the atmospheric pressure around him has increased it was now hard for him to keep his eyes open so Rex closed his eyes and waited

But instead of the decreasing the pressure kept increasing but suddenly the pressure disappeared Rex also discovered that a thin layer of ice has formed on his clothes and body surface

Then Rex found out that he can't even breath anymore it was easy for Rex to hold his breath for hours but Rex didn't understood what happened he used his spiritual sense and Spider-Sense but he didn't found out anything around him in the end he used all his strength to open his eyes a little

What Rex saw shocked him to the very core he also expected it but seeing it in person is a whole different thing

Rex could see a huge planet in front of him it and the invisible force was pulling him from behind it wasn't hard for him to guess that the planet he was looking at is the place he just came from

'Lower realm is actually…a planet? but how am i here what's happening' Rex had many questions in his mind

He also discovered that there is an external power that is protecting him like shield or with Rex's current abilities he is sure that he can't survive in space

Rex wanted to see more of it but he wasn't able to keep his eyes open then his head became dizzy if it was someone else they would have lost consciousness long ago it was just because of Rex's mental strength that he was still conscious but now he started to feel dizzy like he was having a hang over

Rex began to loose his reasoning and felt sleepy but he still focused on being conscious because he knew it might be very dangerous if he went to sleep right now Rex didn't even knew how much time had passed and where was he

Then suddenly Rex became sober when he looked around he found out that he was lying in a forest but this forest was covered in fog and it was night time

Rex looked at the trees around him they were very different from the trees he saw until now

Rex noticed that even when it was night the moonlight was enough for him to barely see his surroundings but when he looked at the night sky he was dumbstruck again because there were two moons in the sky

One moon looked like a normal moon like in lower realm but there was also a bigger moon beside it and that night was full moon night that's why the two moons looked really beautiful

Rex also noticed that the spiritual Qi around his few times more dense and its quality his way higher than the normal spiritual Qi in Eastern Continent

'This is not lower realm..is it the so called upper realm but….. where am i' Rex looked at his unfamiliar surrounding and sighed

[Good morning Rex its time to work]



The End Of First Volume

Author's Thoughts:-

Hello Everyone,

This is the last chapter of the first volume i will continue the next volume this Sunday or next week

Wait..wait i never said i would do nothing these days, i will release few auxiliary chapters these days which would give you the basic idea about the middle realm which includes the cultivation stages, races, flames, alchemist ranks etc

I am doing it so that i would not have to explain these things in the middle of chapters or you guys will be the first to say that i am just explaining it to increase my word count hmmm.. it doesn't sound wrong though

I will write these auxiliary chapters like ordinary chapters and i will try to make it less boring and more interesting so please read it.. Okay

I am really happy that i was able to share my imagination with you all and you all liked it

Thank You! (^_^)

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