In a certain forest…

A silhouette was looking at his surrounding curiously just like a baby who opened his eyes for the first time and saw the world

'Woah.. no wonder people here have such high cultivation base whether it is spiritual Qi or herbs they are all above the ones i can find in lower realm' Rex thought

Rex then walked closer to a tree and punched its trunk


Many cracks appear on the tree trunk

'Whether its tree or ground they both are harder compared to ones in lower realm' Rex exclaimed

Although Rex didn't used much strength in his punch but if he punched a tree like that in lower realm with the same strength then the tree will either be uprooted from the ground or break in pieces

Rex was walking through the trees but suddenly he saw two big red dots on the map approaching him

'They look stronger what do you think partner' (Rex)

[They doesn't look that strong you can fight them with your current strength]

'Maybe.. but if we fight here in this forest then we might caught the attention of other monster beasts we shouldn't forget that at present we are very weak according to the standards here…and i am not sure if i can control my new strength in a battle right now' Rex analyzed his situation and decided to retreat

'Battle-Wings' (Rex)

Four big red wings came out from Rex's back

Rex flapped his wings and just took a flight but in the next second his expression froze

A strong gust of wind blew Rex away and threw him into the trees

Rex used Telekinesis to resist the wind but it was useless after crashing into multiple trees and destroying them in the process he finally stopped

There were few injuries in his body but they started to heal at a rapid speed on their own because of Regeneration

'To think a dignified Dao Comprehension Stage was blown away by a gust of wind…but according to Alfred's memories i should be strong enough to be a genius outer sect disciple in many sects but i still…wait…

Hmmmm…It only means this forest is not normal there are many dangerous lands in middle realm i hope i am not on a hidden island right now or it will be a problem to survive here with my current strength' Rex wiped out the blood from the corner of his lips and started walking forward

Rex was walking in a straight path so that he can get out of the forest

[Rex why did you turn]

'Huh? when did i turned i am walking straight' Rex got confused

[Mini-Map shows that you took a right turn]

'What?' Rex quickly checked his Mini-Map and indeed the tracing line showed that he took a right turn

Rex turned again and walked for a while but in just few minutes he found out that he had turned again

'There is something wrong with this place… if i don't have Mini-Map then i might just walk in circles for who knows how long' Rex frowned

'Fast Clock' (Rex)

Rex closed his eyes and activated Fast Clock to quickly analyze his current situation and see what is happening and find some clue to solve this mystery

After few seconds Rex opened his eyes

'So this is what's happening.. this fog is not simple this forest probably has a natural array inside it which can mess with the sense of direction of the ones present in it but it mostly affects our sense of vision….

According to my knowledge it can only affect our direction of sense through what we see that's why the monster beast who use their sense of smell to find their way are not affected by it' Rex analyzed his situation

A natural array is a array formation that is formed by nature…its like an array that is formed coincidentally just because of the position of various things like mountains, rivers, dense spiritual Qi source…etc in specific positions

'Rose i suddenly remembered with my breakthrough my INT should have increased and and by a big margin at that so shouldn't i get at least one new psychic ability' Rex wondered

The difference between Spirit King stage and Dao Comprehension stage is very big that's why the benefits after breakthrough is also big

[Things are like that… when we increase the INT we get a new psychic ability but the ability we get depends on you but you can't control it so the ability we get later on is random

And depending on the strength and value of the ability it requires different amount of INT to be awakened… in simple words the next ability you are going to awaken has high value that's why it requires a little more increase in your INT to be awakened]

'Its hard to say if i should laugh or cry… but lets add the status point for now add 25 points in INT and 10 points in WIS' Rex decided to allocate his status points

[Allocating status points...]

Rex felt his usual slight headache

[Limit-Break activated your total INT is permanently increased by 1.3 %]

[Limit-Break activated your total WIS is permanently increased by 0.8 %]

After the headache disappeared Rex took a breath of relief then he excitedly waited for a specific notification

Few seconds later…

'Rose when did you start to have lag problem' Rex asked

[Face the reality you didn't awakened anything]

'You profiteer…. now i only have 10 status point renaming …damn okay put it all in INT' Rex greeted his teeth and said

[Allocating status points...]

This time Rex didn't felt any headache but he was very anxious because he used all his 45 status point if he still didn't awakened anything useful then he would have no choice but to breakthrough right now without even gaining good control over his current strength after all its not easy to be alive in a dangerous forest like this with his current strength

[Congratulation… you awakened a psychic ability 'Instant Transmission']

'Huh? yeeesss.. the name sounds good show me its description' Rex said excitedly

[Instant Transmission:-

Type: Psychic

Grade: Ungraded

Description: This skill allows you to instantly switch your location by transmitting you from one place to another

This skill is not affected by any type of physical obstacles or energy based barrier and allows you to easily switch locations without any hindrance

The distance range of the skill depends on the user's mental strength, cultivation base and the understanding of Mind Arts

Range: 500 metres

Cool down: None

Cost: None]

'Woah.. its like Teleportation but its range is too short..' Rex was a little disappointed

[Although we never seen Teleportation but i can assure you that its faster in comparison, it has the name Instant Transmission for a reason you know]

'Hmm… at least it can help me escape when i am in dangerous situation specially here in this forest.. lets try it' Rex cheered up

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Suddenly Rex disappeared from his position and appeared 300 meters away from his previous location

[See its good]

Rex did not replied because he was lost in thought

'So it wasn't my imagination' Rex sais with a serious expression

[What imagination]

'In the start when i got my first psychic ability i didn't felt anything when i used it i had no idea how it worked i only knew that mental strength is its source but nothing else but now when i am becoming stronger and my mental strength is increasing i was able to faintly sense an unknown energy…

Its like its not only produced by our mental strength but its also everywhere… little Rose if i can really feel it and use it then… do you know what it means' Rex asked with a smirk

[It means that you will be able to create psychic skills and maybe even abilities on your own… but you were only able to faintly sense it after having such high INT then doesn't it mean we still have a long way to go]

Rex's excitement died down

'You know you are a party blooper you shoul…..' Rex was annoyed and started scolding Rose but suddenly his Spider-Sense kicked in then he noticed that a red dot on Mini-Map was coming towards him at a very high speed

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