Rex looked in the direction from which the red dot was coming from but even when the distance between the the red dot's and Rex's location was less than 200 meters Rex still could see nothing

'Is it invisible.. no something is wrong if it is not above the ground then..shit' (Rex)

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Rex disappeared from his position and appeared 100 meters away from it

Suddenly a lot of cracks appeared on the ground where Rex was standing few seconds ago then a humongous crocodile like jaw opened and swallowed everything around that place


The creature gave out a weird screech then looked in the direction of Rex

Although Rex was 100 meters away from it he could still see the creature

The creature was huge its head was like a crocodile but it had two pair of round eyes that were looking in the direction of Rex the rest of the body of this creature was below the ground so Rex couldn't see what it looked like

'Appraisal: race and cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Race: ???

Cultivation stage: Monster Soldier (Peak stage)]

'My mother..A Spirit Beast…what damn luck' Rex did not thought more and directly ran away from the creature at full speed

Rex didn't saw his name in appraisal which means that the monster itself didn't knew its race because it may have never encountered a human before who could speak about its race in front of it

When the Rex ran away the spirit beast again dived into the ground and chased Rex

Rex kept running aimlessly in the fog but with time the spirit beast easily caught up to him

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Rex used Instant Transmission few times to get rid of the spirit beast but it was useless it was like Rex had a GPS chip planted on him

To make it worse Rex also found out that Instant Transmission uses a lot of mental strength to be used and now he was feeling fatigued because of it

'It is not tracking me using eyes…then is it smell or vibration on the ground' Rex thought

'Assassinate' (Rex)

A cloak made of black fog covered Rex's whole body, the smell of Rex and the sound of his footsteps disappeared

In this state it might be enough for Rex to go unnoticed if the beast never saw him but because it had already locked onto Rex it was still chasing him

'Shadow-Dive' (Rex)

Rex merged with the shadow if the tree beside him and traveled through the interconnected shadow of the trees without living any trace behind

The beast finally stopped and looked around in confusion now it had no way of chasing Rex so it started to attack his surrounding blindly to catch Rex but he had already ran away far from it

'Huufffff this bastard is lucky that i don't eat meat on Tuesday or i would have roasted him alive' Rex snorted

[But today is Monday]

'Cough..cough.. you should have told me earlier now it might have already ran away for fear of being caught' Rex said with a straight face

[Yeah definitely, that aside how should we get out of this forest]

'Its easy lets walk in a straight path and we will get out of the forest in few hours' Rex said in a confident tone


'Good now play a good song so we won't get bored on the way' Rex said as he moved forward while still being in his shadow form


[????Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road

I'm gonna ride 'til...….????]

Seven Days Later....

Outside a small cave..

A young man was sitting beside the bonfire with a barbecue stick in his hand

It was almost night and Rex was making his dinner on the bonfire

[Didn't you said we will leave this forest in few hours its been seven days]

'Cool baby who thought that this forest was so big.. but i think we are closer to getting out of this forest didn't you noticed we didn't encountered any strong monster since yesterday that means we are in outer region of the forest….probably' Rex defended himself

[If it wasn't for you to collect all those herbs and travel in straight path we might have already crossed this forest]

In last seven days whenever any herb or tree's good smell or appearance caught the attention of Rex he directly uprooted it without hurting its roots and stored it in his Inventory

Apparently Rex was able to store plants in the Inventory even after they are count in living things but Rex was not surprised by it because he already found out that as long as something doesn't have any kind of consciousness he can store it in his Inventory

'Little Rose don't blame me for that even if we don't recognize those herbs and trees right now they might be useful in future' Rex said

In the last seven days Rex also increased his soul cultivation base to Soul King stage which is same as Spirit King stage in Qi cultivation

[So went gonna travel again]

'No i plan to breakthrough to Human Venerable stage before going on.. this place is safe and you know that we need to have strength to get respected here' Rex said as he started eating the food in his hand

After finished eating Rex extinguished the bonfire then he went inside the cave and closed its entrance using Geokinesis then he set cross legged inside the cave to cultivate

'Lets begin' Rex balanced his breathing then said

[Commencing Breakthrough]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

Rex discovered that the Qi inside his body has started to get liquefied it began to change from its gaseous state to liquid state, he could feel the few golden drops of Qi in his right dantian and black drops of Qi in his left dantian

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

With the last breakthrough all the Qi in his body condensed into liquid form

[You successfully achieved breakthrough to Human Venerable peak stage]

'Status' (Rex)

[Title: Genius, Weapon Master

Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 970 P/ 970 P | reg 9 P/s

Yin Qi: 1160 P/1160 P | reg 11 P/s

Yang Qi: 1160 P/1160 P | reg 11 P/s

Race: Green-Tier Mind Carbonite Human

Cultivation stage: Human Venerable peak stage

Exp: 1000000/1000000

Stored Exp: 270M

Bloodline: Rex's Lineage

Physique: Black-Diamond Physique





Status Point: 60

SE Points: 80k

Traits: Battle-Wings, Extreme-Flexibility, Limit-Break, Spider-Sense, Shadow-Dive, Remould

Basic Skills \u003c\u003e

Bloodline Ability \u003c\u003e

Psychic Ability \u003c\u003e

Physique Ability \u003c\u003e

Talent: Reverse Engineering]

'Ohh… 60 status point it means i got 15 status points for each level up, my DEF has increased it might be because of my physique but my INT sigh.. few days ago i was finally able to advance it to B grade and now it came back to its original place

And my Stored Exp and SE points are increasing rapidly i can use SE points in soul cultivation but Stored Exp..i can only use Atomize to use the extra exp but i don't want to waste it' Rex sighed

Rex then went to sleep and spent the night in the cave

Next morning.....

Rex came out of the cave and stretched his arms

"Gooooood Mooorrrning Jungle" Rex shouted then looked around

Rex's voice echoed in the dense forest

'Oh why is my Breakfast is still not here.. i thought at least one or two monster beast would come running to me' Rex thought

"Heelllpp" A faint cry came echoing from the forest

'Huh? Little Rose did you heard that' Rex hurriedly summoned the Mini-Map and took a look on it

[Yeah that's a weird one who replies with help when you wish them good morning]

"…" (Rex)

'My genius Little Rose you don't need to think too much ..that aside i can't find someone on Mini-Map that means the one asking for help is out of its range, we were probably able to hear their voice because it kept echoing from a very far place.. lets go fast before its too late' Rex sprinted in the direction from which the echoed voice came

It might be hard for a normal person to find the direction of the echoing voice but Rex has enhanced senses that's why he was able to find it

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Rex also used Instant Transmission on his way to reach faste

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