"You... how dare you ignore me" The man took out his sword and put it on Liu Wei's neck

Liu Wei gave him a casual look then looked at the girl at the mission counter

"How much for them," He asked

The girl took out a pencil and a paper then she did some calculations depending on the strength and the status of three men then looked back at him

"480 points in total," The girl said

The three men were still confused by their conversation

"480? Junior Liu let me help you we can divide the reward later" One of the old men at the table near the counter said

Everyone blushed with shame when they heard it

Even Liu Wei was embarrassed when he heard that, the old man was Qi Yu he was already a well known Spirit King in the continent if he really let the old man divide the reward based on the efforts in battle then how much will be left for him

"I can't trouble senior for this let me do it myself," Liu Wei said respectfully

The old man sighed and casually waved his hand, others could not talk to him like that but Liu Wei did have the status to talk to him like that

When Young Master the Chu heard Liu Wei's words he was angry he directly slashed his sword on Liu Wei's neck without thinking

Liu Wei slightly bent his body backward and easily dodged his attack then he put his hand on the sword hilt on his waist

When the other two behind Young Master Chu saw that Liu Wei was going to attack they took out their swords but they were late

After Liu Wei dodged the sword he steeped forward and came near Young Master Chu when he was still swinging his sword, Liu Wei took out his sword and slashed his neck at lightning speed

'Bloodless Killing Sword 1st Technique : Seeking Prey' (Liu Wei)

Liu Wei sword passed through Young Master Chu's neck like but no cut was seen on it, Liu Wei didn't stop there when he was still swinging his sword he changed its direction and slashed at the men on his right

This time too the sword passed through his chest like it was an illusion but Liu Wei didn't stop there either he was swinging his sword like it was made of rubber, he then did a backslash and the sword passed through the third man's shoulder and made a complete arc starting from his shoulder to his heart

After doing that Liu Wei put back his sword in its sheathe and walked passed them

It all happened in just a few seconds

When Liu Wei passed through them, all three of them fell to the ground and became motionless

After a few second a small amount of blood came out the three people's dead bodies and spread on the floor

'I need more practice' (Liu Wei)

All the Spirit King present looked at Liu Wei in surprise as for the others they were all confused they still didn't realize what happened

Liu Wei didn't care about all that he went to the mission submission counter to take the contribution points then he walked out of the hall

{I want to have a look at the things here but we can only buy them using contribution points so I was thinking of registering as an adventurer to do some mission and gain some contribution point first

Jess and Luther looked at each other then they walked towards the registration counter

Somewhere at Eastern Continent….

In a small jungle…

A man was standing outside a small mud cottage

The man was wearing black colored gear which covered his whole body he was one of the four men that investigated the place where Rex finished his first evolution in Eastern Forest

The man touched his wrist guard on his left hand and a light curtain appeared above it, it looked slightly similar to a holographic window in appearance but except that everything was different there were many strange symbols floating on the light curtain

The man looked at them and sighed then he closed it and looked back at the mud cottage

Overall everything about the mud cottage looked normal except the black talisman stuck on its wooden gate

The man opened the wooden door

"Ahhhh.. stooop.. hu hu hu.. I I real.ly don't know.."


When he opened the wooden door a miserable cry and the sound of beating came from inside, the man didn't mind it and walked inside the cottage and closed the door

After the door was closed the sound disappeared like the weak walls of that cottage were actually soundproof

The cottage was not as small as it looked from the outside it was like a big hall from inside

When the man entered cottage he saw that just a few meters away from him a middle-aged man covered in blood was tied to a metal chair

The man in black looked at the middle-aged man covered in the wound at the end of the hall

The blood coming from his wounds had already dyed the ground red under his chair

Another man wearing black gear was standing beside that half-dead middle-aged man

When he saw that the middle managed was just about to die he snapped his fingers and a white pill appeared in his hand

When the middle-aged man who was barely conscious saw that pill he tightly closed his mouth

But how could he resist in front of that man, the man in black grabbed his jaw and forcibly put the pill inside his mouth

When the pills entered his body it dissolved in seconds then the wounds on his body started to heal at a speed visible to the naked eyes

In few seconds he came back to his peak state, his skin became rosy he even looked younger than before it was like the half-dead old man was now full of vitality but his face was pale he didn't look like he was surprised or happy about what just happened he was just looking at the blood on the ground in despair

Whenever he took this pill then it meant he is going to get tortured again his mind would have long been broken but the man in black didn't let it happen whenever he was at his limit the man in black let him rest, if he was at the brink of death then the man in black used precious pills to restore his health again

By now he had already figured out that these people are a professional expert in their line of work as long as he is in their hands he can't even die even if he wanted to

When the man standing beside him saw another man in black entering the cottage he walked toward him and saluted

"Did you found out something?" The man that just entered the cottage asked

"Yes captain just as you guessed he had lied to us before, that orphanage don't do any clarity work they used to sell children in the name of orphanage their main buyer was Puppet Sect and the target was indeed there in the orphanage until he was 13 years old, when he reached that age they tried to sell him

But at the time of the transaction, the target ran away from them so they erased his records from the orphanage and tried to hunt down the target for years but later the target seem to join a sect named Sky Cloud Sect

So in fear of being exposed or being killed by Puppet Sect for their mistake, they kept everything a secret and escaped to Western Continent

But to think these guys were idiot enough to start the same business again, these greedy people used the same contacts as before to sell children when they grow up.. they were lucky that the Puppet Sect didn't waste its energy in tracking them so they were still alive or we would have lost an important clue" The man reported everything he knew

"Sky Cloud Sect? hmm.. we have to increase our investigation speed we have wasted a lot of time here" The captain said

"Huh? did something happened captain" The man asked

"Hmmm.. I just got a message from the Elder, he said that the people chasing them has started to become suspicious if it goes on like this then it might not be long before they figure out that Elder is just there to distract them," The captain said solemnly

"Rest assured captain we have already found a clue now it won't be long before we get our target," The man said with confidence

"I hope things go as you said I am calling the team B now that we have a clue we can work together to increase our working speed," The captain said

"What about him," The man said as he looked at the middle-aged man tied on the chair

"He is not needed anymore but directly killing him would be a foolish mistake because it might leave a trail which can make those behind us suspicious

Bring him back to the place we found him then make his death look like an accident.. remember do not leave a clue and kill all the people behind this fake orphanage who knows about the target and this child selling business just like him" The captain said as he left the cottage

"Understood" The man saluted

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