Middle realm…

Blue Hills Inn…..

It was morning and Rex had already used all the pills and scanned the books he bought yesterday to increase his knowledge

But because he scanned the books so the knowledge he gained was not like memory inheritance he needed time to digest it only Rose could use it like a memory but it was still a lot beneficial for Rex because now he can easily appraise herbs and would have no problem in recognizing them

Right now he was sitting cross legged on his bed to cultivate, he was increasing his soul cultivation base

Rex opened his and exhaled

'I finally reached Dao Comprehension stage in soul cultivation its good that i don't need to comprehend another Dao because i already have one… that aside Rose show me my.. what to do list' (Rex)

What to do list.. is a list containing things that Rex wanted to do after coming to the middle realm, he made it when he was still in lower realm

[What to do list:-

1. Building a base

2. Establishing a research center

3. Making a smart brain

4. Building an influence

5. Forming a private army

6. Kicking a Dwarf into a bear pool


'Woah my the list is so big.. the first one is the hardest i need to find a good place to make a base, a place where i can easily find resources and get raw materials for my work…

Hmmm.. i can't just claim someone else's territory to make a base it will cause a lot of problems i need to find a place which does not belong to anyone and can provide good resources

Wait.. there is one, the Misty Maze Forest is a treasure trove we found so many good things in its outer zone then what's about its inner zone… or even core zone' Rex thought

[Its indeed a treasure trove but a treasure trove with a guardian.. you think you can defeat the king of forest in your current state]

'I know i will think about going there after i reach Heaven Venerable Stage at that time i would at least have the confidence to run away if needed' (Rex)

Rex looked at his status and sighed

'Hmm my current strength is still too weak help me breakthrough' (Rex)

[Although i don't think there a need to remind you but just in case don't rush to increase your cultivation base in one go, it gives a lot of strain to your body you should at least wait few days before doing it]

'I know but its fine for now, breakthrough to Earth Venerable stage is still under my current body limits' (Rex)

[Commencing breakthrough…]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

Rex felt that the spiritual Qi in his dantian which had turned into solid form is going through another refining further more he could feel a slight connection with the world, he could slightly feel the rules governing the world but when he tried to focus on them the feeling disappeared

Whether its is Human Venerable stage, Earth Venerable Stage or Heaven Venerable stage they only brings qualitative leap in spiritual Qi and let the cultivator faintly feel the rules of the world

That's why cultivator usually comprehend laws in these stage to further breakthrough and increase their strength but Rex didn't followed this usual route

[You successfully achieved breakthrough to Earth Venerable peak stage]

When Rex flexed his muscles he clearly felt that his body is at its limit if he tried to further breakthrough then his body might start to break as for Limi-Break it lets you break the physical limits but it does not heal the damage done to the body at that time

It means even it lets you increase your limits a little but once the body breaks its over

'This… ouch my body it feels like i was doing heavy labor work all night' Rex took out a HP potion and a muscle relaxing potion from his inventory then he drank them both at once

[I already warned you]

'That aside we lack few herbs required to make low grade Berserk potion, we didn't find it at Myriad Auction House so we need to buy it from somewhere else' (Rex)

[Why are you making so many potions we already have enough money]

'No we don't, it requires a lot of money to set up a good base although i could use Transmutate and use lower grade spirit stone to make higher grade spirit stone but it requires time and this idea still have many loopholes for example we won't be able to secure any trade routes to continuously buy materials needed in the future

That's why we will sell potions to make money.. we are almost getting 100 times their actual price after selling them and we can still make new recipes while doing it so its the best way for now' (Rex)

Rex wanted to take a bath but there were only a small shower instead of the bathtub or pool he imagined… but he also knew the reason behind it, it was because under the rule of most of the king's here common peoples cannot make a bath like that only nobles and royals can do that

For some reason according to people here, a bath represents someone's status Rex didn't understood this ideology but he chose not to think about it

After taking a shower Rex walked down the stairs and came to reception

Ariana and the little girl were sitting beside the counter at reception

When the girl saw Rex she started to stare at him

'Again?' (Rex)

Rex step by step slowly walk towards her

Ariana also saw that but she was just observing him and didn't said anything

When Rex was just one meter away from her and was about to take another step her expression began to change so he quickly stepped back

"Wait wait don't cry.. yeah let me show you something interesting" Rex said as he snapped his fingers then few colorful gems and silver coins appeared above his hand

Ariana also looked curiously she also wanted to no what would he do with these things

'Telekinesis + Transmutate' (Rex)

The things in Rex's hand started to float in the air and melted at a speed visible to the naked eyes

Then its shape changed and a little silver necklace appeared floating above his hand

When the girl saw it her eyes shined and she tried to grab it but Rex pulled it back

"You want it" Rex asked with a smile

The girl nodded her head like a rattle but her eyes were still glued on the silver necklace

"Then tell me your name" Rex asked

"..Em.. Emma" The girl said as she looked at Rex with pitiful eyes

"Then Emma its my meeting gift to you" Rex said as he gave it to Emma

Emma quickly snatched the necklace from Rex's hands then she held it tightly in both her hand and buried her head on her mother's chest for fear of Rex taking it back

[The gift strategy is really the best.. to think it even works on babies]

'Girls will be girls no matter the age' (Rex)

[But aren't you the same]

'I won't talk to you' (Rex)

Although Rex did it because he wanted to win the heart of the girl but there was another reason behind it which was to increase his familiarity with Ariana because he had a feeling that her ability to run such big business on her own might be useful in the future..

In simple words he wanted to build connections with her, for Rex it was same as his life on Earth as a businessman.. he was just forming connection with others so that they can invest in his business in the future and to attract their attention he needed to show his abilities

It was the reason he made the necklace here in front of Ariana instead of just making it in the room and tacking it out here, Airana's heart was in her child so instead of trying to win her it was easy to win a child's heart

Ariana could guess that too but she didn't mind it either because Rex's ability to make the necklace in seconds had catch her eye too

"Young Master i will pay for it" Ariana said after she saw that Emma now had not intention of giving it back

"No need how can i take money for a gift" Rex said with a smile

"Is Young Master an Artifact Refiner?" Ariana finally asked to confirm it

Although she never ever heard about someone refining something without a flame but after thinking that it was just a necklace not a weapon or a shield so it my be possible for experts

But one thing she was sure of is that only an expert Artifact Refiner could do that

"I only know one or two things about Artifact Refining that aside can you tell me a places where i could buy herbs, silk paper, raw metal.. these kind of things and in a big variety at that" Rex asked

Revealing top much in one go is not good either that much is fine for now if she is good enough then she can become an investor in the the business'' Rex thought

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