Middle realm...

Misty Maze Forest…

At a certain place 2 miles below the surface, there was a big underground house

At this time Rex was sitting in a big hall in the house he was working on something like always the only different thing was he was wearing a silver helmet like equipment that covered his whole head

He was making a rectangular shaped card using, the card looked like it was made of transparent crystals after it was finished Rex threw it in the box beside him

The whole box was already filled with a lot of cards the same as this one

Rex then took out his headwear and sighed then he checked his inventory

'Even after hunting spirit beast for so many days I only got 34.4 more status point... the total is only 94.6 looks like I have no choice but to enter the inner zone of the forest so we need to make preparation we will first breakthrough to Heaven Venerable stage that way I would have a little insurance' Rex thought

[Even if we reach Heaven Venerable stage we will only have the confidence to run away so what's to the use... why don't we wait until we have the confidence to defeat it]

'You misunderstood I don't plan of fighting the king of the forest I am not foolish enough to think that I could defeat someone who had wiped out combined armies on its own with just my Heaven Venerable cultivation base…

I planned to cooperate instead according to what we know the king of the forest is highly intelligent and it wasn't too unreasonable at first, it didn't even harmed anyone until they went to core zone to attack it, it was only after that attack of allied armies that it became so furious that it didn't even allowed cultivators to enter the inner zone

So I think as long as I can give it enough profit and strike a deal with it… then it will let us use the resources in the forest…. and if the negotiations failed then we can just run that's the reason I plan to breakthrough to Heaven Venerable stage before meeting the king of the forest' (Rex)

[I see]

Rex then went to other hall and started cultivating

[Commencing breakthrough]

Unlike before Rex didn't tried to Level Up four times in a row but took it slow he waited at least two hours after every breakthrough to decrease the strain on his body

Next Morning....

'Now that the rest of the preparations are complete we just need to allocate the status points first and then we can head towards the inner zone … Rose we have a total of 154.6 status points right.. let's begin ' (Rex)

Rex started to add points in INT slowly in small sets

He turned off the notification to not get distracted while allocating points

Just when Rex added about 110 points in INT he received an alert notification, emergency notification are always turned on by Rex for the safety measurement

[Alert!.. your INT has reached the current limit of your physique if you add more points then the balance will break and it will do critical damage to your body]

'Look like I need to balance my other status too' (Rex)

'Mini-Status' (Rex)

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 980 P/ 980 P | reg 10 P/s

Yin Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Yang Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Cultivation stage: Heaven Venerable peak stage

STR: C+ (78%) WIS: D (42%)

AGI: D (45%) INT: B+ (60%)

VIT: D (39%) END: D (48%)

DEF: B+ (52%) SPT: E


Status Points: 154.6]

'Show me the points needed for increasing every grade' (Rex)

[G \u003e\u003e 5 \u003e\u003e F \u003e\u003e 10 \u003e\u003e E \u003e\u003e 20 \u003e\u003e D \u003e\u003e 40 \u003e\u003e C \u003e\u003e 80 \u003e\u003e B \u003e\u003e 160 \u003e\u003e A \u003e\u003e 320 \u003e\u003e ??]

'If I want to increase my mental strength further then I also need a strong body with good constitution so now what should I focus on first' (Rex)

'Add all remaining 44.6 points to AGI.. normally I will increase my STR but right now I don't even have a good movement art which satisfies my requirement so I should increase my AGI first' (Rex)

[Allocating status points….]

This time Rex didn't felt a headache but slight itching sensation all over his body

'Mini-Status' (Rex)

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 980 P / 980 P | reg 10 P/s

Yin Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Yang Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Cultivation stage: Heaven Venerable peak stage

STR: C+ (78%) WIS: D (42%)

AGI: C (07%) INT: B+ (60%)

VIT: D (39%) END: D (48%)

DEF: B+ (52%) SPT: E


Status Points: 0]

When Rex allocate points his Limit-Break also plays a role that's why he cannot accurately predict how much increase in status he would get after allocating points

After the point allocation was done Rex tried to move around to check how much his agility has improved

Rex soon found out that his body was now lighter than before and his muscles were now more active than before

'It's incredible.. just by improving one grade the effect is that good if my AGI rises to A rank or above then would i even need a movement art I can run faster then others could fly at that time.. off course only when their cultivation base is same as me' (Rex)

[Like its that easy, it takes a lot of effort to earn status points.. do you think you are a rich second generation young master of some big clan who could just get as many as spirit core they want]

'Am I not?' Rex asked with a smirk


[Even if you are with your current status in Sura clan who knows you might get a new type of poison with every spirit core you use]

Rex could only smile awkwardly

Rose's words were correct even if Rex decided to go back to the clan right away, the losses are not worth the profit for him, he may be overpowered in the lower realm but is it the same cause with upper realm who knows how many people will want him dead if he really goes back to the clan

He does not trust Ye Ying… she aside when it comes to life and death situation then the only one Rex trusts is Rose who is also a part of him, he also trusts Wang Cang and others but in a different way.. he believes that when its a matter of life and death they can't save his life even if they want to because of lack of strength but with Rose... Rex could save himself

'Show me the notifications I want to see which ability I got this time' Rex asked

[You awakened a new psychic ability 'Aerokinesis']

[You awakened a new psychic ability 'Pyrokinesis']

'Just two its to litt… wait... Aerokinesis and Pyrokinesis... no let's confirm tit first' (Rex)

'Appraisal' (Rex)


Type: Psychic

Grade: Ungraded

Description: It is the ability that allows you to freely control and manipulate the air and wind around you, you can also manage the gases composing the air

Cool down: None

Cost: None]


Type: Psychic

Grade: Ungraded

Description: It is the ability that allows you to create a fire and control it, you can also manage the temperature of the fire

Cool down: None

Cost: None]

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Rex appeared above the ground then flew towards the sky

After reaching Heaven Venerable stage it wasn't hard for someone to fly at low heights but Rex flew higher than that

'I hope it works' Rex took a deep breath

He could feel the strong gust of wind that was coming towards him

'Aerokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly when the gust of wind passed by Rex it completely ignored it or more like it made a gap for him so that it won't hurt him

'Hahahaha… just as I thought I can use it like that' (Rex)

Rex just formed a spherical barrier of flowing wind around him and because of that when the strong wind came towards him it didn't push him instead it changed its direction a little and passed by him

'If Aerokinesis works just as I thought then how about Pyrokinesis' Rex thought as he raised his right hand

'Pyrokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly a small light yellow flame appeared above his hand

'I see.. so when I used Pyrokinesis its actually making the atoms or chunk of atoms so active that their electrons are sucking up energy and jumping up and down the energy levels giving off photons while releasing this light that looks give fire its color.. its quite similar to how a normal flame is produced except the fact that it is not heating the atom but using a different way to advance them to excited state from the base state

If I am right I can also increase its temperature lets see how much hotter I can make it right now with my current strength' Rex thought

Rex started to increase the temperature of the small flame

When the temperature of flame increased its color became slightly red then totally red when Rex pushed it to the limit the red flame became deep orange

'Is it my current limit.. wait what if I use Aerokinesis to give it more oxygen to burn and increase its temperature' (Rex)

'Aerokinesis' (Rex)

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