'Aerokinesis' (Rex)

After Rex changed the constitution of air inside the flame its temperature increased again and its color changed to clear orange from deep orange after Rex tried his best the core of the orange flame became white

The flame was now so hot that even the temperature in the surrounding increased by a lot, Rex was sure that if he is on the ground then the trees around him would have already started burning because right now he was using Pyrokinesis to decrease the temperature around his body or his clothes would have already turned to ashes by now

'Now let's see its strength' Rex threw the flame towards the tree below him


The second the small flame landed on the tree below him it spread and engulfed the whole tree in flames and in less than 10 seconds the tree turned into ashes, the trees around it were not spared either they too already started burning and that was not all Rex also saw the stones on the ground had started to melt

'Aerokinesis + Pyrokinesis' (Rex)

Rex quickly extinguished the flame using the full extent of his abilities

'This flame was way stronger than I initially thought, it can easily enter top 10 in monster flame ranking at the very least' Rex wiped the sweat on his forehead

After that Rex destroyed the house below the ground and headed in the direction of the inner zone of the forest

'Battle-Wings + Telekinesis + Aerokinesis' (Rex)

Rex used his wings, Telekinesis, and Aerokinesis in a combination to fly at the fastest speed possible because the Misty Maze Forest was very big he needed to cover a lot of distance in a short time

Rex flew continuously for two whole days, he only stopped once for eating and sleeping luckily he didn't encounter any spirit beast in these two days

'I have probably entered the inner zone today but there is nothing unusual.. let's keep flying even if I couldn't find it, it could find me and that's good too as long as it does not blindly attack me the second we meet' (Rex)


[Your skill 'Charm' has reached max level in Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer]

[Your skill 'Act' has reached max level in Skill \u0026 Ability Trainer]

[Required condition met]

['Act' can now advance]

[Skill 'Charm' and 'Act' have high compatibility]

[Would you like to merge Charm into Act to complete advancement: Yes/No]

'Huh? I have two options for advancing Act' (Rex)

[Yeah Act has reached its max level and it can further advance as for Charm it has also reached max level but it have no advancement route but its compatibility with Act is high so you can either directly advance Act or merge it with Charm to go on a new advancement route]

'So can you tell me the result I might get after choosing these option' (Rex)

[No we can only know what we will get after the advancement is complete]

'Then let's merge them, Charm is not that important to me anyway' Rex thought

[You sure last time we were just lucky to get an Epic grade skill it's not always same as the probability of gaining a high grade skill is very low]

'Yeah but I think it's better than letting it advance alone and I don't actually like Charm' Rex made his decision and clicked on Yes

[Merging skills..1%..24%..56%..74%..86%..97%.100%]

[Merging Complete]

[Congratulation, you obtained your first Legendary grade skill 'Divine Words']

"…" (Rex)


'Did I used my 100 years worth of luck just now or god is giving me my last gift.. you know I suddenly get a feeling that I am going to experience something bad soon' Rex thought as he looked at the boundless forest in his view

Rex took a deep breath and appraised the skill

[Divine Words:-

Type: Auto-Active

Grade: Legendary

Description: This skill will make your words feel like a prophecy to others all the targets affected by it will take your words for real without any doubt as long as they are affected by it and will go with the flow

This skill can only be triggered by your emotions as long as you are overly emotional about something while speaking then you will have a high chance of activating the skill, its effect also depends on the power of your emotions

Cool down: None

Cost: Emotions]

'What does it even mean.. and wait will it permanently take my emotions if I used iI' Rex was almost scared by it

[No it's just how you use mental strength it can be recovered in time]

'Sigh... I don't know how it works.. but it's an Auto-Active type so I can't actually activate it just because I want too... although I can switch it off' (Rex)

[Should I switch it off]

'No, let it be I actually want to see how it works… huh what is that' (Rex)

Rex was still flying while checking the skill but then something caught his attention

The mist in one area of forest was slightly black in color

Rex moved towards that area and landed on the ground near it

'It's very cold here' (Rex)

When Rex was close enough he realized that the temperature around that area was very low when he further investigated he found out that the ground and trees there had a thin layer of ice on them at certain places

Furthermore, it was not normal ice it was slightly black in color from inside, Rex dug out some black ice from the ground and placed it in his Inventory

'This is good research material.. the Yin Qi here is of so good quality it even has a high concentration of ice and dark element in it... I hat to admit it but its quality even surpasses my Yin Qi it must belong to a very strong spirit beast or heaven and earth treasure

If I absorb it then it will give me many benefits but this place is dangerous with my current strength if I start to cultivate here then it won't be good for me... sigh if that king of the forest really let me make a base here then it will be awesome' (Rex)

At first, Rex thought of using Aerokinesis to take all the Yin Qi but he failed he wasn't able to control the black mist mixed with Qi so he gave up

'Assassinate' (Rex)

Rex used Assassinate to decrease his presence because the deeper he goes inside the forest the more dangerous it becomes, after using the skill he again flew towards the inner region of the forest

Three more days passed just like that….

Rex even switched to his Bloodline Form to increase his strength and fly faster using his wings

Rex didn't even know that if he was still in the inner zone of the forest or was already inside the core zone

He was still thinking what to do but then he saw that a few miles away from him a big region was covered in black fog just like the one he witnessed three days ago but this time it was on a whole different level

Rex could not see the end of the region covered by the black fog, he used Pyrokinesis and increased the temperature around him to protect himself from the cold and went inside the region under black fog to see what was going on

'Just what the hell happened here.. is it something a spirit beast could do.. wait the strongest spirit beast here is the king of the forest then don't tell me he was the one who did it' Rex was shocked when he saw the condition of the forest inside the black fog

Everything inside that region whether it was trees or stones they were all covered by a thin layer of black ice, Rex even saw a giant python who was frozen by the black ice just by its aura alone Rex could conclude that he was a Monster Emperor

'Damn a Monster Emperor whose strength rivals a Golden Core Stage cultivator is in this condition.. Rose on another thought we should head back the king of the forest must be busy so we should not disturb him right now we can meet him some other day' Rex thought and hurried to go out of the region of black fog

[I agree]

Rex was just about to leave but…

"ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I HAD A GUEST HERE" A domineering voice came from behind him

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