"ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I HAD A GUEST HERE" A domineering voice came from behind him

Rex quickly turned around

There was no one behind him but then all the black fog in that area began to combine and a giant silhouette appeared out of nowhere

Rex could not see his exact appearance because most of his body was covered in the black fog but he could still see his shape

He had four legs and a big wolf like tail its body looked like something between a wolf and a dog who was covered in black smoke but his size was as big as a mammoth and thing that caught Rex's most attention was his two big blood red eyes staring at him

At that time when Rex saw him, he wanted to back off but he wasn't able to move his body at all, it wasn't because of any kind of force or trick it was because Rex was now experiencing an emotion he forgot a long time ago it was fear

The beast in front of Rex gave him a feeling that it could kill him anytime, even when Calm Mind nullified most of his fear and calmed him down he was still not able to remove this feeling from his heart

'Looks like its too late to step back now.. lets first see how strong he really is.. he can even speak like a human so he should also have a name' Rex did not make any useless move and focused on his breathing

'Appraisal: name, race and cultivation base' (Rex)

[Name: ?????

Race: ????

Cultivation base: Core Breaking stage]

'And I am fukked up' Rex looked at him expressionlessly

[Rex I don't want to make it worse but actually, the appraisal totally failed, the cultivation base you see is something I predicted after observing his aura but I also found out that his body is tougher than it should be according to his cultivation base]

'Rose you already know a spirit beast would not have same cultivation stages as cultivator they need to reach Calamity Lord stage and after that, they can start cultivating but even then their initial cultivation stage should be Sky Body Formation Stage so how can he have Core Breaking stage cultivation base' (Rex)

[I know but his Qi is more similar to that of a cultivator than a spirit beast and I didn't make a mistake]

'Then it only means he is not a normal spirit beast or maybe he is not a spirit beast at all instead he might be a mutated Demi-Human who had completed his full transformation and.. wait but then how can I not appraise him' Rex was getting more confused as he thought about it

"Did You Already Lost Your Sanity Out Of Fear And Hear I Thought I Finally Found Someone To Pass My Boredom" The Beast looked at Rex and shook his head

It even raised one paw to crush Rex

"What.. wait I am not here to fight" Rex hurriedly spoke

Seeing him speaking the beast retracted his paw

"How Amusing You Are Actually Calm Even Before Your Death" The Beast spoke

"I really am not here to fight you or snatch any of your treasure," Rex said

"OH Then Why Are You Here," The Beast asked in an amused tone

'Huh? did he believed me... wait he is probably mocking me' (Rex)

"This King Of Forest I want a small place in this forest to make my house I won't lie to you I want to make my house here so that I can use the resources in the forest but I am not making this request for free I will pay the rent for using that piece of land I can give you any pill or heaven and earth material you want as rent," Rex said

"King Of Forest? So That's What People Call Me These Days… As For You What Do You Think You Can Give That Can Satisfy Me" The Beast

"Spirit Pills" Rex thought then spoke

"Trash" The Beast

"Spirit Weapon" (Rex)

"Trash" The Beast

"Treasure Artifact" (Rex)

"Trash" The Beast

"Spi…." (Rex)

"Trash" The Beast

"You are" (Rex)

"Trash… Huh? YOU WANT TO DIE THAT BADLY" The Beast was furious when he saw that Rex insulted him

"Wait... I didn't mean that I was still speaking I wanted to say.. you are so mighty and majestic so how can I even think about insulting you but can the great King of the Forest tell me what does he want" Rex said with a forced smile

"That Fake Smile And Baseless Words Will Not Work On Me As for What I Want You Cannot Give Me What I Want… You Had The Courage To Come Here And Talk TO Me So As A Form Of Respect I Will Give You A Painless Death" The Beast said as he raised his paw towards Rex again

'Damn he just does not put me in his eyes… I can only escape for now' (Rex)

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Suddenly Rex disappeared from his place

When the Beast saw it he slightly narrowed his eyes

'Space Law.. a youngster that comprehended space low and not only that whether it was luck or coincidence he got teleportation ability after comprehending it.. huh? he appeared just 500 meters away looks like it is his limit for now if it was someone else he might have escaped easily but it's his bad luck that I am his opponent' The beast thought as a playful light flashed in his big red eyes

On the other side….

Rex appeared 500 meters away from the Beast and started flying away from him at his full speed

The initial range of Instant Transmission was only 300 meters but after Rex's cultivation increased its range also increased and now its 500 meters

'He is not chasing me… did he gave up that easily' Rex thought when he saw that no one was chasing him

Even though Rex thought that he still didn't slow down

Just at this time Rex's Spider-Sense kicked in at first he didn't felt anything weird but when he looked below him he saw something that he never thought in him wildest dreams

His own shadow stopped impersonating his movements and seem to develop its own consciousness it suddenly jumped out of the ground and caught Rex's legs

Although Rex moved to the side to dodge it but can someone escape from their shadow

The shadow changed it's shaped when it caught Rex's legs, it turned into many black cloth like strips and wrapped itself around Rex's body completely binding him

After completely immobilizing Rex the shadow started to pull him back in the direction of the beast

'Damn how could this type pf ability exist… that is definitely not a spirit beast, I really underestimated my opponent this time I need to escape quickly' Rex thought as he tried to break free from the shadow but it was useless no matter how much force or trick Rex used

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

[Alert!... Instant Transmission is blocked]

'What the.. wait this shadow.. if I can't escape from it then its not a Qi based attack or illusion, there is only one possibility I could think of and that is….' (Rex)

[Its the power of law that's the only possibility]

'But what Law is it I never heard of such strange law and he could do something like that using his law only means his comprehension of that law had already reached a very high stage...

Little Rose pray for your beloved Rex if I really die then my ghost will forever haunt that giant black dog... no wolf..ahh whatever it is' Rex gave up resisting and started running the gears in his head to think of a plan

Soon the shadow dragged him back to the beast and hanged him by his legs in front of the beast, it freed his whole body except his legs to hang him

It looked like Rex was hanging upside down on a roadside lantern

"Welcome Back... Why Were You Running Away" The Beast asked in a slightly mocking tone

'Because I don't want to die single' (Rex)

"Why do you think I was running away," Rex asked as he crossed his arms

"I Guessed," The Beast said

Rex did no used any flattery or words of respect anymore because he could see that the beast is more intelligent than Rex initially thought and he definitely does not like fake flattery instead he was more of a practical thinker

Which meant flattery won't get him anywhere but as long as he feels Rex is useful it won't kill him

"How Did You Comprehend the Space Law?, Did You Use A Space Law Instrument?" The Beast asked

Different Law contains a different rule that's why a user of a specific law cannot sense the rule of other laws, for example, someone who has comprehended a Fire Law cannot sense the rule of other laws they hadn't comprehended like water law

That's why the beast could not tell that Rex didn't used a Law at all

'I knew he would ask that' (Rex)

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