Having a dual spirit root of the same attribute is a great blessing to a cultivator because they will get twice the benefit for half the efforts in cultivation

Rex looked at the Su Ling who was still looking at him with great expectations

"Why do you want so much money," Rex asked curiously

"None of your business" Su Ling replied almost instantly while still arching her hands to receive the money

Rex's lips twitched

'Is it really the attitude of someone borrowing the money' (Rex)

"Then… I won't lend you anything" Rex ignored her and looked at the woman worker coming towards him

Su Ling face stiffened then she looked at Rex with glaring eyes but she still kept quiet and didn't make any trouble this time around

"This is your order" The woman was holding a tray with a storage ring placed in it

Rex took the storage ring then left the Snow Jade Pavilion with the two girls beside him

"So where should Master Ye wants to go next," Jiang Qing asked when they came out of the pavilion

"I already got what I came for but you went through all the efforts to accompany me here so if there is anything you want..Huh?..this.." Rex was just thanking Jiang Qing but suddenly a very familiar sweet smell assaulted his nose

"This sweet smell doesn't tell its from..." Rex looked in the direction where the smell was coming from

"What smell.. wait you pervert is smelling my fragrance" Su Ling quickly backed off while giving a disgusting look to Rex

Black lines appeared on Rex's forehead

Jiang Qing was also confused which smell Rex was talking about but before she could ask Rex ran down the road

Jiang Qing and Su Ling also followed him from behind

Rex's senses were way stronger than a normal person so it was pretty normal for them to not being able to detect the sweet smell

Rex kept running at a slow pace for several minutes without stopping, he took many turns before he finally arrived in front of the place where the source of the sweet smell was present

Rex looked at the wooden board hanging outside the building

The words… Snow Jade Ice Milk Parlor

'Isn't it an ice cream parlor?' Rex thought as he looked at the small white cup in the hands of a woman coming out of the shop

The content of the cup looked as same as vanilla white ice cream but the smell was just of sweet frozen milk

At this time Jiang Qing and Su Ling also caught up to Rex

"You bastard how can you run that fast can't you take a break we almost lost you on the way" Su Ling said as she adjusted her breathing

"Did Master Ye already knew about the Ice Milk, one of the specialties of Snow Jade City?" Jiang Qing asked when she found out that Rex was looking at the Snow Jade Ice Milk Parlor

"What Ice Milk… isn't it just degraded version of Ice Cream" Rex said as he turned to her

"Ice Cream?… can't you even read properly its Ice Milk, its a special dish that can only be found here in Snow Jade City, an old senior from our sect made the secret recipe to make Ice Milk a long time ago

As the name suggest the main ingredient to make this dish is milk but you know the milk that is used to make it comes from 8th grade monster beast Mountain Climbing Cow

Many people come from far away cities to just have a taste of it you know, I bet you can never find a more delicious sweet dish than this one anywhere else in the whole continent" Su Ling puffed out her chest and said in a prideful tone

She wanted to speak more but then she noticed that Rex was looking at her like he was looking at an idiot

"You… what's that expression mean" Su Ling glared at Rex

Rex ignored her and entered the parlor

Su Ling reluctantly followed him inside the parlor with Jiang Qing

When all three of them went in, a waitress guided them to an empty table

"Three serves of Ice Milk please" Jiang Qing made an order

It only took a few minutes for the waitress to come back and serve the dish

"Try it I wanna see how long you can keep that composed facade on your face," Su Ling said in a bad tone

Rex didn't reply to her, he took the small scoop of Ice Milk from the cup using the spoon then put it inside his mouth

Both Jiang Qing and Su Ling looked at Rex curiously they both wanted to see his response

After Rex took the bite he slightly frowned

"You call it Ice Milk it's just a waste of ingredients," Rex said in a bad tone but he still said it in a low voice so that it won't catch other's attentions

"You… what did you just say" Su Ling looked at him with wide eyes, she even doubted if she had heard him wrong

"You want me to repeat it… okay then… this is trash even if I have never made ice cream I am damn sure I can make better than this one if I use the same ingredients used in to make it" Rex was very dissatisfied with the taste of the Ice Milk

'It doesn't even have a flavor, even the coo feeling and sweet taste it gives is mostly because of the milk and other ingredients are obtained from a high rank beast' (Rex)

"You are really shameless, you are even bluffing to this extent just because you don't want to lose face," Su Ling said in a bad tone

Jiang Qing didn't speak, she also found it hard to believe Rex's words because when she first tasted the Ice Milk even she wasn't able to keep her calm and composed expression

Usually, cultivators do not eat for a long time starting from months to even years because they don't need to and in this type of situation when the Snow Jade Ice Milk Parlor appeared, it easily won the hearts of almost all women in Cold Heaven Sect to an extent that they developed sweet tooth after all they didn't even have another dish like that to compare with Ice Milk

"It's better to show you using actions than words" Rex snapped his fingers and two big strawberries like fruit appeared in his hands

'It been a while since I had eaten an Ice Cream' Rex thought

'Telekinesis + Transmutate + Atomize + Cryokinesis' (Rex)

The Ice Milk in the all three small cups flew into the air with the two ripe fruits then the fruits started to melt at a speed visible to the naked eyes and started to mix with the viscous milk

[To think you are using so many special abilities to just make an Ice Cream aren't you afraid of triggering thunder retribution]

'What can I do… I neither have the equipment nor the time to slowly make an Ice Cream here and now that I have tasted something sweet I really want to try how an Ice Cream made of these high grade ingredients will taste like' (Rex)

Rex only extracted the flavor and sweet part of the fruit into the milk and converted it not crystallized from, as for the other components affecting the taste they were all removed or converted using Atomize

Although even after all that it wasn't the best result Rex could achieve but its overall quality has long surpassed the normal Ice Creams one could normally make

Soon a light pink colored spherical ball made of Ice Cream was floating above the table

Rex waved his hand and the ice cream got divided into three small balls and landed in one cup each

When Rex finished making it he noticed that all the pair of eyes in the parlor were quietly looking at him

When Rex looked at them they averted their eyes but without a doubt, their whole attention was on him

Only then he noticed that the flavored fragrance coming from the Ice Cream has long overshadowed the sweet fragrance of the Ice Milk

Other people didn't take any action because they were still thinking if the pink ball was even edible or it just has a good fragrance and the other reason was Rex was male

Rex ignored them he just took a scoop and put it in his mouth

'Delicious… without a doubt its the best Ice Cream I ate until now' Rex thought

Rex then again took a scoop and moved the spoon closer to Su Ling's mouth

"Say Aaaaa" Rex said a very casual tone

Su Ling's subconsciously opened her mouth and was about to take the bite but then she suddenly realized what she was doing, she quickly closed her mouth and stared at Rex with a red face

"You… what do you think you are doing" Su Ling spoke with a blushing face

"Can't you see I am feeding you" Rex replied honestly

"Why would you feed me …and you just ate from that spoon," She said without while keep averting her eyes from Rex so as not to make eye contact with him

"What are you… a child?" Rex said without any change in expression

"I am not a chil.." Su Ling refuted Rex while trying to hide her embarrassment

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

Just when she opened her mouth to speak Rex used Telekinesis to keep her mouth open and stuffed the spoon into her mouth

"Its the payback" Rex smirked at her

'Why does Master Ye is acting so childish with her, well at least they are getting along a little…. sigh now I don't need to worry about him being angry about before' Jiang Qing thought as she looked at Rex's smug face

Su Ling was really embarrassed she wanted to spit out the Ice Cream and leap at Rex for settling the score but suddenly at that time the alien flavor of Ice Cream stopped her in her tracks

"How's it," Rex asked with a grin

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