When the soft cream touched the surface of her tongue it started to melt at a rapid speed just like butter

The rich, creamy Ice Cream burst with flavors in her mouth gave a brand new definition of sweet heaven to her tongue, the ice cream was very soft and creamy coupled with the rich sweet taste it easily gained domination over all the taste buds on her tongue


She swallowed it down before she knew it

"How's it," Rex asked with a grin

Jiang Qing also looked at her

"It's… It's good no… it's delicious" Su Ling said, she wasn't able to hide the surprise on her face

She looked at Rex with big eyes

"What are you looking at if you want more then eat it yourself," Rex said while eating Ice Cream from his own cup

"Who... Who wants to eat from your cup" Su Ling glared at him for a moment before she picked up her spoon and started to eat from her cup

'That bastard is eating from the same spoon he used to feed me….. isn't it indirect..no forget it I need to erase this memory from my head' Su Ling cleared all her thoughts and focused on the Ice Cream

Jiang Qing was also curious about the taste so she also picked up her spoon and dug in

"This… its delicious is Master Ye also a chef?" Jiang Qing asked with sparkling eyes after she tasted the Ice Cream

"Its nothing you should taste the food made by my chief at home compared to his cooking this one can only be rated as a third class dish at most" Rex casually waved his hand

Jiang Qing looked at him her eyes filled with adoration

[Humans can be pretty shameless at times]

'Don't forget you are also a part of me' (Rex)

[Alas.. Rose also has thorns]

'Don't worry you are not bad enough that I need to call you thorn' (Rex)


When the other customers and waitress in the parlor saw all three of them eating the Ice Cream with those satisfied expressions and hears the nonstop praises coming from their mouths they subconsciously gulped their saliva

Everyone wanted to have a taste of the mysterious pink Ice Cream but they all were waiting for someone to make the first move and observe the result before risking to make a move themselves

As for word socialization, the women of Cold Snow Sect are not very familiar with it

Jiang Qing didn't have the time to focus on this kind of thing because she was focusing on her own Ice Cream

Soon she realized that ice cream left at the bottom of the cup was only enough for one scoop but before she could have the last scoop from the cup a foreign spoon broke her defense then it infiltrated her cup and stole the last bite in front of her own eyes

"Sister Su" Jiang Qing stared at Su Ling

"Hehe… aren't we sworn loving sisters what does a small portion of Ice Milk amount for" Su Ling said while eating her ice cream

Jiang Qing kept staring at her

"Sister Qing don't be angry at such small things I am sure this bast.. cough. I mean this brother will make more for us" Su Ling said as she looked at Rex

"You don't even know my full name and you want me to make more dessert for you" Rex looked at her

"Oh what does name matters, we are known by our actions," Su Ling said without any sign of embarrassment on her face

"I see then from now on I will call you Stupid Su" Rex said

"You will always be a bastard…" Su Ling said

"Stupid Su if you want more then make the order fast I am gonna leave after a while I also have other important business to attend to," Rex said as he when he noticed that it was almost night

Su Ling wanted to refute but for the ice cream she swallowed back her anger

"Please bring 10 more Ice Milk serves," Su Ling said to one of the waitresses near her

The waitress quickly nodded and soon brought back ten more serves of ice milk

This time Rex used a different kind of fruit than before these fruits looked similar to green apple, blueberries, walnut, and cocoa these were the fruits Rex got from continuously collecting all the new things he found in the Misty Maze Forest

It was just that at that time he knew about it but because of focusing on base development even the idea of making ice cream never came to him

Rex again started to make the ice cream with four new flavors

This time all the four fragrance were different from before every fragrance had its own charm and attracted the people with similar tastes

This time all the cup contained four layers of four different flavors in them

"What are you waiting for, dig in," Rex said when he saw that Jiang Qing and Su Ling were still staring at him

The mysterious technique Rex used to make the Ice Cream really surprised them but they decided to trust their tongues and enjoy the ice cream first

All the customers were looking at each other

Just at this time the door opened and a group of girls entered the parlor

All the girls were wearing the dress of inner disciples of Cold Heaven Sect except the leading one, her dress was not of only white color it also had a light shade of blue at many places

The girl looked older than Jiang Qing although her expression was cold like other women her every movement had a special elegance in them which made her look like a noble between commoners

"Junior Sister has seen senior Sister Su" Suddenly a girl who noticed her stood up and greeted her

When other women of the sect heard it they too stood up and greeted her

'Su? is that girl is from the same family as Stupid Su?' Rex thought

When Su Ling saw the women her expression also turned serious

"Someone, you know?" Rex spoke in a low tone

"She is Su Ning, just like Su Ling she is also from Su family so she is like an elder sister of Su Ling furthermore she is a core disciple here in Cold Heaven Sect" Jiang Qing on the side explained

Rex looked at the Su Ling who was now sitting her peace quietly like an obedient little girl

Su Ning just entered the hall when several unknown but very alluring fragrance attracted her attention

When she searched for the source of the smell she found Su Ling sitting at a table near the corner

Su Ling was quietly eating her ice cream while completely avoiding her gaze like she still didn't notice that Su Ning was there

"Senior Sister looks like the Parlor had added some new kind of Ice Milk to the menu, let's try it," One of the girls on the side said

Su Ning slightly nodded after she glanced at Jiang Qing and Rex for a second

Jiang Qing clasped her hand to greet her out of respect, as for Rex he just stared back at her and didn't respond

'Her skin is whiter….. it's not natural this just proves that my guess is correct, I have wasted enough time here its time to leave' Rex thought

"Give us that type of ice milk one for each" One of the girl on the right side of Su Ning said to the waitress while pointing at the ice cream on Rex's table

"This… respected senior they are not from the Parlor they are made by that gentleman himself" The woman said as she pointed towards Rex

"Huh?.." All the girls beside Su Ning including her looked at Rex

'Just my luck' (Rex)

Su Ning looked at Rex with her beautiful eyes for a second before she walked towards him

'Please don't come here… why me' (Rex)

Although Rex was shouting from inside he still looked calm and composed from outside

"Senior seem new to the city," Su Ning said in a polite tone although her tone didn't sound that polite to Rex but taking the women of Cold Heaven Sect as reference her tone was indeed very polite

'Senior? and when did the women here became that respectful… hmmm.. did I left some clue about my strength without realizing it?.. wait the only clue is….sigh to think someone would notice it this girl is very clever' (Rex)

"Haha Junior Fairy is indeed correct I am visiting this city for the first time, I don't know how to address you," Rex said with a smile while still sitting

Su Ning had reached Heaven Venerable middle stage at such young age this alone was enough for her to gain respect from everyone in the sect, even the elder in the sect will be polite to her but now that everyone saw that she was so respectful towards Rex they didn't understand what's going on

"I am Su Ning, Its a pleasure for junior to meet senior, Senior seems to know junior sister too I hope she didn't bother senior too much" Su Ning was very polite towards Rex

The girls beside her were confused by her behavior they even try to check the cultivation base of Rex but cultivation base aside they weren't even able to sense the presence of Qi from him

When Su Ling who was looking at Rex in shock heard her words she quickly stood up and greeted her

"No, It wasn't that big of a bother," Rex said with a slight smirk

Su Ling glared at Rex with a burning fire in her eyes

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