"I have some other things to do, so I will leave first you can enjoy the dessert here with your sister," Rex said to Su Ning

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Before Su Ning could speak more Rex disappeared on the spot

Everyone was shocked including Su Ning but she soon calmed down

No one thought that Rex used space law related thing, Rex himself new it that no one will think like that's why he dares to use Instant Transmission to leave

Many expert have their own unique movement or escaping technique, just because they weren't able to see how Rex disappeared would not make them believe that he used space law but the fact that he was so strong that they weren't even able to track his movements

Only a very strong powerhouse like Zakiya could tell that he didn't move but teleport-ed with just one look

"This… Senior Sister how did you knew that he was an expert" One of the girls beside her asked in a low tone

"Look at the ice milk Senior made" Su Ning pointed at the ice cream Rex made

All the girl around her put all their attention on the ice cream but they didn't found a single thing

"See its frozen, don't you found anything weird with that?" Su Ning again gave them a clue

But no one understood what she was trying to say

Although usually, only women practice Ice related cultivation technique because they are more compatible with them but there are always exceptions like when a man born with a special physique that helps him in ice element cultivation technique so it wasn't that weird even if Rex practiced an ice element based cultivation technique

"You girls have become very naive… do you sense any ice elemental Qi from the ice milk" Su Ning directly asked

When the words came out of her mouth even Su Ling looked at the ice cream with a confused expression

Only Jiang Qing was not focusing on it because she never cultivated an ice element based technique so she wasn't much familiar with this type of Qi

"This… there is no Qi in it.. how did he freeze it" One of the girls said in confusion

"Yes.. if there is no Qi in it then he can't freeze it unless... unless he uses ice law" Another girl subconsciously spoke

When the words came out of her mouth the whole place turned quiet

"Now you understand... I too had comprehended Ice law and my mastery has reached Great Accomplishment after all this time that's why I know it's not easy to use it so precisely especially to just make ice milk without even damaging the cup

I can't even sense the presence of ice law in it which means Senior's mastery of the law had reached a very high level compared to me... maybe it's already at Perfection stage" Su Ning said with a senior face

Jiang Qing stared at Rex

According to what she knows Rex is an alchemist on top of that he had also comprehended earth law except for fire law so there was no way that he had also comprehended ice law but she decided to keep Rex's identity a secret, Su Ling was also her friend so she was sure that she won't leak any information about Rex


On the other side, Rex was already back to the outer sect area of Cold Heaven Sect after using the transmission array

The transmission array in the city can be used by any disciple or people belong to the sect and Rex has the guest token of the sect so as long as he pays the money for it he can freely use it

Rex was going back to the guest house right now

'Damn... even after searching for so long I still didn't found a single alone woman of this sect, why do all of them walk in groups even when they don't talk to each other that much.... looks like I have to try some other time' Rex sighed

When Rex just reached the guest house he saw Jiang Lie standing outside with a girl

Rex had already seen this girl before... she was an outer disciple who was in charge of managing the guest house, normally there should be an elder for this post but men guest aren't treated as much as women in Cold Heaven Sect

"Miss Qiao these ten bone cleansing pill is a gift to you from me' Jiang Lie handed her a white proclaim bottle

"I already told you, you are wasting your time I don't have any interest in you," The girl said to him as she turned and was about to leave

'Is this idiot trying to woo her using pills.. wait isn't it an opportunity' (Rex)

Rex stepped in the way of Miss Qiao

"Are you also with him?" Miss Qiao looked at Rex with slight angry eyes

"This miss you misunderstood me, it's true that I am with him but when I saw what he did I was truly disappointed in him as an apology please take this True Yin Pill, this is a special pill which can help you in further refine your Yin attribute Qi," Rex said as he took out a small bottle and uncapped it

A small golden pill was present in the bottle when the cap was opened the pill started to emit strong Yin attribute Qi in the surrounding

It quickly caught the attention of Miss Qiao

[Wait what pill, isn't it the Yin bead that is formed in the dantain of the dead people you converted in zombies for experiment]

'Yeah.. but it will still have a good effect on her..... at least as long as she doesn't know that it's made inside a zombie's body' (Rex)

Miss Qiao was curious about the pill so she observed it for while then she accepted it

"It's good that Miss Qiao accepted my apology," Rex said as he raised his hand for a handshake

Although handshake is not that common in this part of the continent but it's still something that is known by everyone

Miss Qiao wasn't surprised much surprised when Rex gave her such a precious gift many people who come to the guest house sends her many gifts to make friendly relation with her

Miss Qiao also accepted Rex's handshake, she already accepted the gift so she can't be too cold to him

'Analyze her whole body' (Rex)

[On it]

After a brief handshake, Rex said goodbye to her and walked towards the guest house

When Rex reached the main door he saw Jiang Lie staring at him

"What do you want?" Rex asked

"Huh? nothing" Jiang Lie said

Rex didn't speak more and entered the building

'Does Master Ye have interest in younger girls' Jiang Ye thought as he looked at the disappearing back of Rex

He wasn't angry on Rex for what he did whatsoever it wasn't just because Rex was an alchemist but he himself didn't have much feeling for Miss Qiao, he was just trying to form a good relationship with her for having a good footing in the sect and because he was captivated by her beauty he won't go as far as to call it love after all he only meet her few times since he came to the sect last time

Rex's room.....

'So what do you found' (Rex)

[Just as you guessed, although their cultivation technique slightly increases their cultivation speed and provides good strength compared to a normal cultivator at same cultivation stage but because of advancing at a fast speed while cultivating ice element it has a bad effect on their body

The ice attribute Qi had slightly frozen her meridian although it's not much serious right now but with time it can become lethal all the woman here above Earth Venerable cultivation stage probably takes a lot of Yang attribute based supplements to decrease the freezing effect

The ice attribute Qi had also affected her skin and muscles resulting in decrease in their body's flexibility and increase in hardness of their skin]

'No wonder... they all looked like ice sculptures so what do you think can we find the cure' (Rex)

[If it was before it was almost impossible but after obtaining the knowledge on various properties of herbs and coupled with our abilities it should be possible]

'Is we can really found the cure then we will have a good bargaining chip..... and a new stable source of income hehe...

For now, let's head out there are a lot of skills I want to try right now' (Rex)

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

The whole Cold Heaven Sect was actually located inside a vast forest

The whole forest actually came in the territory of Cold Heaven Sect that's why it was known as Cold Heaven Valley

Whether it was Outer area, Inner area or Core disciples and elders from all had the access to all parts of the forest

But the thing was the farther they go from the area of the sect the more dangerous it becomes because although the forest is a good place for a cultivator it is also the home of many strong beasts

That's why the sect allowed all the disciples to freely explore the forest so they could gain experience and test their skills in real battles here

Rex also came to this forest to test his new skills

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