Rex flew deeper inside the forest until he found a large open ground

'Let's see what it can do' (Rex)

'Cryokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly the whole snow blanket covering the forest floor moved like a lifelike creature

All the snow moved towards one point and got collected in a single place on its own

Soon a giant snowman was formed

'What a shame… I don't have a carrot to make its nose' Rex thought as he looked at the giant snowman in front of him

[Aren't you seem to forget something, we are not here to make a snow man]

'I know.. I just thought what a good place it is but I am all alone here, I should have brought the little green marshmallow with me' (Rex)

[Little green marshmallow?... You mean Ria]

'Hmmm… once I finish this mess I will pay her a visit' (Rex)

'Dash' (Rex)


When Rex used Dash his body got blurred for a second before he appeared 10 meters away from his previous position

'This Dash allows me to move at a very fast speed but I can only use it for a very short period of time and the farthest distance I could cover in that time is only 10 meters... no wonder 10 meters is its max range right now

Both Cryokinesis and Dash are just as I thought they were... now let's move to the next phase, Rose I want you to focus on making something that can solve the side effect problem the women of this sect suffer from as for me I will be in seclusion until I reach Core Forming peak stage' (Rex)

[Got it]

'Cryokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly the big snowman crumbled and transformed into a small hut made of glass like ice

Rex walked inside the hut

When Rex entered the small ice hut the snow on the ground completely covered the hut making it seem like a small snow hill

If Rex wanted to he could have directly leveled up but he decided to take it slow and do it manually but using Exp off course. to thoroughly understand the process of core forming in his dantian

Rex set in the middle of the hut and started to run his Yin Yang Great Balance Sacred Cultivation Technique

When Rex ran his cultivation technique his pure Yang Qi started to circulate through his first set of meridian making his body feel very hot, sweat covered his whole body

But just at that time the pure Yin Qi flowing through his second set of meridians cooled down to an extent where the sweat on his body started to freeze

Rex carefully guided the Yang Qi in his right dantian and Yin Qi in his left dantian respectively then he started to compress it

With time a small pebble like bead started to form in both of his dantian, both the beads kept absorbing the Qi supplied to them until their size increased to that of small rock and stopped increasing

[Level Up]

After Rex successfully stabilized the beads in both of his danitans he successfully achieved a breakthrough to Core Forming 1st stage

Rex kept cultivating for days and only did one or at most two breakthroughs in a day at most

With time the rock like beads got more refined and began to take a spherical shape

One was of golden color like it was made of gold while the other was of pure black color like it was brought from the abyss itself

Rex named the golden bead as True Yang Bead and the black bead as True Yin Bead

After Seven Days.....

[Level Up]

[Congratulation you successfully achieved a breakthrough to Core Forming peak stage]

[Required condition met]

[You can now choose to evolve]

[Would you like to see the evolution list: Yes/No]

Normally Rex would be very happy to see this notification but right now he wasn't in a condition to even look at them

Right now Rex was still sitting cross legged on the ground with closed eyes while running his cultivation technique but many parts of his body were frozen while some other parts were covered in wisps of a yellow flame

'This... what's happening, Is there something wrong with my cultivation technique?' Rex thought while trying to stabilize the restless Yang and Yin Qi in his body

After Rex breakthrough to Core Forming peak stage, many unexpected changes occurred in his body especially in his True Yang Bead and True Yin Bead

His True Yang Bead was now very hot in temperature there will occasionally be a light golden flame appearing and disappearing around it once in a while

As for the True Yin Bead, it was very cold even colder than the normal ice outside of Rex's ice hut

Fortunately Rex's skill 'Lesser Heat Resistance' and 'Lesser Cold Resistance' advanced in the last few days that helped him resist the effects of the abnormal heating and cooling condition of his body

[Lesser Heat Resistance(Lvl max)\u003e\u003e\u003eLesser Fire Resistance(Lvl 1)]

[Lesser Cold Resistance(Lvl max)\u003e\u003e\u003eLesser Ice Resistance(Lvl 1)]

Both 'Lesser Heat Resistance' and 'Lesser Cold Resistance' were the skills Rex got when he first reached Spirit King stage and converted his attributes less Qi into an attribute based Qi

[Don't worry there is nothing wrong in fact its actually a blessing in disguise, Its the special effect of our cultivation technique, fire is about to born from both of the beads]

'What!.. you serious' Rex exclaimed

Many high grade cultivation technique give special effect to their users, once the cultivator has comprehended it to a very high mastery and reached the desired cultivation stage

Some rare cultivation techniques even allow their user to develop a special Physique but such cultivation techniques are very rare and hard to practice

[Yes so let those beads absorb as much Qi they need because the flame you obtain will be closely related to the Qi they absorb]

Rex was very excited when he heard it but he was in a position where he could not celebrate it right now

'Wait you just said that the flame will be affected by the attribute it absorbs right? so what if I change the composition of my Yang Qi and Yin Qi... will it affect the flame' Rex asked in anticipation

[It obviously will]

'Hehe thought so... let's see normally the flame born at True Yang Bead will give birth to a flame with a strong light attribute but that type of flame is pretty useless in combat it will only be useful against dark Qi cultivators so I will decrease light attribute in my Yang Qi and increase the fire attribute before supplying to True Yang Bead

As for True Yin Bead normally it will prioritize Dark attribute which will normally deal damage over time and I prefer Ice attribute over it... actually I have a better idea I still have the frozen python I got from Zakiya when I met him for the first time

It contains very pure Yin Qi with a high concentration of Ice attribute in it' Rex thought then he took out the giant python from his inventory

The Giant Python used to be a Monster Emperor but now it was just a dead spirit beast which was frozen in a layer of black ice

Rex changed the composition of both his Yang Qi and Yin QI before supplying them to the respective bead

After five hours the beads stopped absorbing the Qi, Rex inspected the beads only to find that his True Yang Bead was now covered in a thin layer of dark red colored flame while his True Yin Bead was covered in a dark blue colored flame

'The flame on True Ying Bead is different from what I expected.... but it looks good too' (Rex)

Rex raised his right hand and a dark red flame appeared above it

When the flame appeared the temperature started to rise rapidly, it rose to an extent that even the walls of ice hut melted like wax

One has to know that the hut was not made of simple ice, Rex had used Cryokinesis to harden the ice several times when he made the hut

'Cryokinesis' (Rex)

Rex removed the hut along with the snow hill covering it from around him

Even when Rex removed the snow around him the red flame was so hot that the snow in 5 meters radius around him melted instantly

'Interesting this flame has strong fire attribute but it still contains some light attribute in it... I will name it Scarlet Heavenly Flame' Rex then made the red flame disappear

Rex snapped his fingers and the dark blue colored flame appeared above his hand

When the flame appeared the temperature dropped significantly, the ground around Rex where the snow was melted earlier because of red flame was now covered in crystal clear ice

'Although the ice produced by it is different compared to the black ice of Zakiya it is still very strong and it matches my taste... I will name it Nebula Hell's Flame' Rex nodded his in satisfaction as he looked at the dark blue flame

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