Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

206 Chapter 206 : : Hundred World's Illusion Pyramid

Rex was just observing his flames but suddenly he seems to have remembered something he took back the flame and started to meditate

After a few minutes, Rex opened his eyes then looked at small rock lying on the ground

The small rock was about 60 meters away from him

Rex slowly raised his hand towards hit

Suddenly the rock trembled a little then it started to float in the air

'It worked… you saw it buddy I moved the rock without using Telekinesis' Rex exclaimed as he looked at the rock floating in the air

[So now you are able to manipulate the Psychic energy… it's way sooner than I expected]

Just now Rex noticed that after he breakthrough to Core Forming peak stage and his status rose he could now even sense the flow of the familiar energy he tried so hard to just have a feel before

Rex then tried to manipulate it and willed it to the move the rock, the process might be similar to Telekinesis but this time he did it on his own earlier when he first gained his Psychic abilities it was because of his high INT and Mind Arts… the bridge Rose built for him

In simple words earlier it was like a custom made ability but now he could manually make changes to it

'Yeah although it's not that easy I could somehow control it but I still don't have an idea to what extent I could control it…. let's try it' Rex thought

Rex then stood up and limbered up then he changed into a new set of clothes before raising his right hand towards the sky

'Aerokinesis + Pyrokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly the strong gusts of wind started to move in a circular motion, the speed of wind kept increasing with every second and soon a big tornado was formed

With time the tornado kept getting bigger until it was big enough to even reach the clouds

But it wasn't over there, the air inside the giant tornado becomes very hot then suddenly a fire appeared inside the tornado

In just a few seconds the whole tornado was engulfed in fire, the temperature in the surrounding increased rapidly melting all the snow around the giant tornado

The suction force of the tornado was so powerful that it sucked the clouds near it


[Due to certain actions you have obtained the skill 'Flame Tornado']

'Damn… it worked but a skill? not an ability' Rex snapped his fingers and the Flame Tornado disappeared

But his surrounding had already become unrecognizable, if earlier it was like a snow valley now it looked like a volcano had just exploded here a little while ago

[Skill = Ability + Knowledge]

'So is there anything different about Psychic skills that are different from Psychic Abilities I should know about' Rex asked

[Psychic skills are also ungraded like Psychic abilities but their power depends on Psychic ability, for example, the power of Flame Tornado depends on Aerokinesis and Pyrokinesis]

'The power of all my Psychic abilities depends on my mental strength so it's indirectly same with Psychic skills... well I have another good idea but it's just that this one is a little hard' Rex again set cross legged on the ground and took a deep breath before closing his eyes to focus

'Aerokinesis + Pyrokinesis + Cyrokinesis + Hydrokinesis' (Rex)

Rex tried to combine the effects of all four abilities at the same time

'Fast Clock + Calm Mind' (Rex)

Normally combining all these abilities at the same time was not possible with his current capabilities so he used Fast Clock and Calm Mind to support himself

Rex was very close to achieve success but just at this time a transparent white halo appeared behind his head

[Required condition met]

[Enlightenment achieved….. ]

Rex was in an enlightened state only for a short period of time but it helped him a lot, after the enlightenment was over he slowly opened his eyes

Rex looked at the sky with a smile

Suddenly the sky which was clears because of Flame Tornado was now covered in many clouds

Snow started to fall from the clouds

Rex looked at the clouds for a while before he snapped his finger and everything changed

The clouds dispersed like they were never there in the first place, the sky became clear the shining sun was now visible and the temperature rose quickly it felt like it was a hot day of summer in the grasslands not the all winter Cold Heaven Valley

Suddenly the atmosphere changed again there was a heavy rainfall going on this time

Rex's lips curled up in a smile as he looked at the notification from earlier

[Due to certain actions you have awakened the Psychic ability 'Atmokinesis']

Earlier he was only trying to gain a skill similar to the one Mother Beast used and made a cyclone like thing to attack him but due to sudden enlightenment he was able to awaken the Psychic ability 'Atmokinesis'

Atmokinesis is the Psychic skill that allows one to control the Atmosphere according to their own free will

'You saw what I just did… right?' (Rex)

[You just destroyed the ecosystem of this place]

'…' (Rex)

'That's not what I mean I am talking about this ability' Rex said in an excited tone

[It's a very strong ability but it's still incomplete you can't control the thunder in the atmosphere because you didn't obtain any ability related to it nor do you possess enough knowledge on it]

'We should be satisfied with what we ha…' Rex was just saying but he lost control over his body and suddenly fell to the ground

Rex tried to move his body but he could hardly move his hand

'This… my stamina is still up... right?' Rex said with a bitter smile

[Stamina is there but after gaining enlightenment and successfully creating Atmokinesis you used up all your mental strength in one go… right now you can forget about using any Psychic skill or ability]

'No wonder I feel so sleepy but why does it have to happen here, well it can't be helped' Rex took out four white disks from his Inventory and threw them in all four directions after summoning all his strength in his arms

When the disk fell to the ground they gave a silver luster before a white ray came from one disk and fell on another, the same things happened with each disk until all four of them were connected with white thread like ray

After all the disk were connected a transparent curtain was formed at every white ray link between the four disks and completely covered Rex

The bottom side of every white curtain was attached to the white ray link on the ground while the top side was connected to other transparent walls in the sky

It looked like a pyramid made of transparent white curtain had covered Rex

Soon the pyramid made of transparent curtain turned illusory and all the things inside the curtain disappeared including Rex like there was nothing inside it

'That's a Spirit Illusory Array until a very strong beast like Mother beast comes no one can enter it

If someone comes near the curtain and have any hostile intent towards me then wake me up immediately..okay then Good night buddy hot dreams' Rex said as he took the pillow he 'borrowed' from Luo Ru's room quite a while ago

[You mean sweet dreams…. right?]

'That's for kids I am a mature gentleman' Rex said as he cuddled with the pillow and went into a deep sleep

The spirit array Rex used was the Array Circuit Tech version of one of Alfred's signature array, its name was 'Hundred World's Illusion Pyramid'

Although the version Rex made was very weak because when Rex made it his cultivation base was not strong enough to complete it so he only made a simplified version of 'Hundred World's Illusion Pyramid' but it was still strong enough to even trap someone who had just entered Core Forming stage

After around an hour…..

A white beam of light landed in front of the array

When the light disappeared a silhouette of a woman appeared there

The woman was wearing a snow white dress which covered her entire body, even her face was covered by a veil

But even if her skin wasn't visible her figure and curves were more than enough to tell that she was a top notch beauty

The woman looked in the direction of the array like she could see through it

She looked at the array for a while then suddenly a white mist appeared around her and covered her whole body

Soon something incredible happened the woman's whole body merged with the mist and turned into a mist cloud

The mist cloud moved towards the white curtain, but instead of colliding it easily passed through it

When the mist cloud entered the place where Rex was sleeping it again transformed into the woman

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