Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

207 Chapter 207 : : Mysterious Woman

The woman kept staring at Rex for a while

'He doesn't seem to be injured then…. is he using a spirit array to sleep in the forest? when did their value fell that much' The woman thought as she looked at Rex who was sleeping soundly without a single worry in the world

The woman pondered for a while before she touched her left earring, it was actually a communication jade

Communication jade is an advanced version of sound transmission talisman they are more durable and useful but they are more expensive compared to sound transmission talisman

{Let me check…. found it, he is probably the Alchemist named Ye Tian, he is brought here by the patriarch of Myriad Auction House and they claimed that he is also the one who made those strange potions... but he looks too young so they are probably deceived by him or they are lying to us

The woman then gave Rex a deep look before her body again turned into a mist cloud then she left the domain of array

In the afternoon...

Rex slowly opened his eyes

'It's not bad to see this scenery after waking up but the ground feels cold…. next time I will put a bed in my inventory too' Rex thought while flexing his arms

[By the way, someone came when you were asleep]

'A beast? how strong it was?' Rex asked curiously

[Not a beast but a human woman, moreover she easily passed through the array defense]

'What! then why didn't you woke me up?' Rex was shocked when he knew that a woman came and left easily while he was sleeping there defenselessly

[Because she didn't release any hostile intent towards you, and you were exhausted so I didn't wake you up and even after she came inside she only looked at you for a while before she left without doing anything to you]

'good so it means I am still pure' Rex sighed in relief


'Hmmm… but she came and left without doing anything to me…wrong there is definitely something wrong in this line... let's think it through' (Rex)

'Fast Clock' (Rex)

Everything appeared very slow to Rex, all the clues looked clear as a day the more he thought the more clearer the picture became

'She probably came here because the changes I made to this place earlier caught her attention, now let's consider the possibilities

If she was kind then she would have taken me to a more safe place, If she was greedy then she would have imprisoned me to ask questions like… what happened here? did a treasure born here? or something

But instead, she left me here without even taking my storage ring

If she was so rich and strong to not care about me and the spirit array then she won't come here looking in the first place

She is likely a schemer, the most troublesome type of people you could find in this world

Normally when one uses an array disc to set up an array then its only a one time use array after using it one time the disk will break and will become useless

There are also array disks that can be used multiple times but they are several times more expensive than the one time use array they also need timely maintenance and no one would think a teenager like Rex is using that kind of array

As for the array disk Rex made, they are of a totally different kind then those two they can be used infinitely as long as the disks are not broken

But not many could tell the difference between Rex's array disk and a normal array disk

'Rose if I am right, you should have seen the whole thing using my Spiritual Sense and Spider-Sense so if I want to see it again…' (Rex)

[I could do it.. but remember I could not see the colors using both Spiritual Sense and Spider-Sense]

'I know but black and white is fine too' (Rex)

Suddenly a holographic window appeared in front of his eyes, a black and white video started to play on it

But Rex could not hear the hear what the woman said because the women talked using the communication jade when using communication jade one could directly send Qi messages without speaking

Rex watched the whole video several times not to miss even a single details

'I was right she is a schemer' Rex said

[Why do you say that?]

'Let's assume I was in her place than when I pass the array and come here what would I do…. I will have many options to do many things but instead, she kept standing here while touching her jade earring… her earring is not normal its probably a communication jade

From Alfred's inheritance, we learned that many people make a request to craft a communication jade in different shapes and sizes to keep it hidden like a hair clip, brooch, and even in the form of a ring so why can't it be in the form of an earring

She probably informed her people about me… maybe someone is already keeping an eye on us' (Rex)

[I don't see anyone on the Mini-Map, so if someone is keeping a watch on you then he or she should be very strong]

'Wait… that's the clue' Rex's eyes lighted up

[Huh? which one]

'Strength…. yes strength is the clue, think Rose she could come here that easily it means she is very strong she should be at least around Core Forming peak stage or even above

And the way she used that cold mist and the fluctuation of Qi from her tells that she uses a cultivation technique similar to the women of this sect

And how many people in Cold Heaven Sect will be that strong, according to my knowledge even their core elders should just be in Core Forming Stage then the only people that can be this strong are their Grand Elder, Sect Master or Sect Ancestors.. if they have any that is

But the sect ancestors of such big sect's will likely live in an area restricted to other people which might even include their sect master so it can't be their sect ancestors

The only option is their sect master and grand elder, no matter which one it is they can easily know who am I once they filter the list of the current men guests… maybe they want to first use a talkative way with me to know what happened here after all in their view as long as I am inside this sect's region I can't run away…

Whatever as long as I get what I came for they can just forget about finding me again… let's head back for now' Rex flew in the direction of Cold Heaven Sect

[By the way, I also found the recipe of the cure for the women here, the good thing is you already have the things required to make it, but you still need to test the real thing to check if it's effective]

'Oh I knew you could do that so how did you found that' (Rex)

[When you got enlightened, actually I discovered that once you achieve enlightenment it also helps me solve problems easily when you are in that state]

'Good to know' (Rex)

When Rex came back to his room his sound transmission talisman reacted, Rex took it out to check the message

'Hehe… what a coincidence they agreed to the request today and that mysterious lady also saw me today' (Rex)

'So was that woman their Grand Elder?, anyway I will know once I see her' (Rex)

Rex agreed

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