Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

209 Chapter 209 : : Grand Elder

'This cream is really good it's way better then those expensive Yang attribute pills we need to use in a big amount but their effect can still not be compared to this, you can make a fortune if you sell it to people here' Su Ling said with a serious expression

"I will think about that but if you told anything about this cream to anyone then this book will make you pretty famous in the sect" Res said with a smile

"You smelly men are all same… I am not like you I won't tell anyone about it but If you tell about that book to anyone then we are enemies until death" Su Ling said while glaring at him

"By the way Stupid Su where did you got this book," Rex asked

"I bought it from a black market in a nearby city and I am not stupid" Su Ling replied

"I see… that aside thanks for the help, see you later" Rex waved his hand towards her

"Huh? wait where are my promised spirit stones and ice milk" Su Ling suddenly asked

"Oh about that, you just used my Anti Cold Cream and it was very expensive so even if we cut the price of spirit stones and Ice cream we talked about from the price of the cream you used, then you still have to pay me few hundred high grade spirit stone but seeing that we are friends I will forget about it," Rex said then he disappeared from his place

"Yoouu Bastasaarrddd" Su Ling shouted on top of her lungs but Rex had already left so he could not hear it

It only took Rex a few minutes to get back to his room

When Rex arrived in his room he jumped on the bed then took out the book he got from Su Ling… Plum Blossoms in Winter

[You aren't going to read it… do you?]

'Don't misunderstand… I am just reading it to understand the psychology of its victims… many poor souls are consumed by evil spirits because of this evil book so I will read it to find out how it attracts those poor innocent souls

Or else with my pure heart, I won't even touch such a despicable book… yeah I just thought of something if we ever find more books like that then we will buy them all so that other weak willed people won't be able to read them

See Rose, I am willing to sacrifice my uncontaminated mind just to save other…sigh… why heavens made me so kind and honest person' Rex said as he looked towards the vast sky through the window

[Indeed, your heart is pure as goblin's blood]

'Yes, you understand m…. wait isn't goblin's blood belongs to the impurest kind' Rex wondered


"…" (Rex)

Rex spent his time in reading the book until late at night before he went to sleep

Next morning….


Rex heard someone knocking on his door

He was ready this time

When Rex opened the door he saw Jiang Qing, Jiang Kai and an unfamiliar man standing outside the door

Rex nodded then looked at the man

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Name: Jiang Shuang

Cultivation stage: Heaven Venerable late stage]

Jiang Shuang was a middle aged man with short black hairs, he looked quite handsome for his age and his cultivation base was also high but he didn't have a domineering presence of a Heaven Venerable late stage

He was a businessman from the start so even though he reached such high cultivation base it was mostly based on pills, he didn't go through many life \u0026 death battles like normal cultivators

Jiang Shuang was the type of person who mainly cultivates for longevity, not for strength, if he wants to increase his overall strength he will hire guards instead of training himself

"I am Jiang Shuang, It a pleasure to meet you… Master Ye" Jiang Shuang said with a smile as he raised his hand towards Rex for a handshake

'A handshake?… did that Jiang Lie told him about it?' (Rex)

Rex accepted his handshake

"The pleasure is all mine" Rex returned with a smile

Jiang Shuang tried to see through Rex's cultivation base but he failed… so he guessed that either Rex is he stronger than him or he is using some technique or spirit tool to hide his cultivation base

"No.. Master Ye I am really delighted to meet you, I am also very grateful to you for saving my daughter on her way here," Jiang Shuang said with a smile

"Haha… Patriarch Jiang doesn't need to be so polite, I would have taken action anyway, after all, I was also accompanying Miss Jiang in the carriage" Rex said with a smile

'What do you think Rose, what kind of person is he?' (Rex)

[He seems like a kind person, after all, he is very polite to us, even when he have such a high status]

'Don't misunderstand its just a mask of a smile, you can find it on any professional businessman, In my memories did you ever saw me shouting at my client or humiliating them even when I really hated few of them

I didn't humiliate them or beaten them not because I was afraid of them or anything but reputation, they alone can do nothing to me but a businessman has many rivals even a small mistake of ours can be used to spoil our reputation and hinder our business if I really want to do something I will do it in shadows, not in daylight

This man is also the same…. but he might be genuinely polite to us because of saving his daughter… hmmm… whatever we will know soon' (Rex)

"Master Ye is just modest, I would like to have a long talk with you but its almost time for the meeting so it's better if we had there right now," Jiang Shuang said

Rex agreed

Jiang Shuang took Rex and others to a big hall near the wall that separates the outer area and inner area of the sect

When they reached the hall, Elder Jiang, Jiang Qing, and Rex entered the hall with Jiang Shuang

When Rex entered the hall he felt the temperature inside the hall was several times lower compared to outside

There was nothing too noteworthy in the hall, it was mostly empty

There was only a long oval shaped table inside the hall, the table only had chairs at its two main curved arcs

The side near Rex had only two empty chairs while on the other side there was only one chair and it was occupied

Rex saw that a woman who looked like she was in her late twenties was sitting there with her right leg folded on her left leg

Although she was the only one sitting there but she wasn't alone she had three women standing behind her

The woman had a cold expression on her face as she looked at Rex and Jiang Shuang, she didn't even bother to stand up or greet them

Rex just took one step towards the chair but Jiang Qing sent a message to stop him

Jiang Shuang also looked at Rex and slightly nodded

Rex looked at Jiang Qing for a split second before he pulled out a chair then sat on it with his right leg folded on his left leg just like the woman then looked at her straight in the eyes

"Impudence! how dare you sit before greeting grand elder" One of the women behind the grand elder said in an icy cold tone

The grand elder also stared at Rex coldly

"You seem to misunderstand something… I am here to negotiate, not to beg" Rex replied in a cold tone

The grand elder was furious when she heard it, she was just about to shout at him but then she seems to hold herself back so she remained silent and signaled the woman behind her to keep quiet

"Why is patriarch Jiang still standing" (Rex)

Jiang Shuang looked towards Rex for a while then he too sat on the other remaining chair

'She is not the woman that came yesterday but she is the grand elder so if I remove the possibility of that woman being grand elder then the only remaining option is…. sect master' (Rex)

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation base' (Rex)

[Name: Ji Mei

Cultivation base: Core Forming 5th stage]

'Weak… she is too weak to become a grand elder of a giant like Cold Heaven Sect… is she fake?

That aside she doesn't seem to be the type whom I can negotiate with taking in a roundabout way is useless for this arrogant woman.. using her greed or her short temper is a better option' (Rex)

"So what do you want to trade for," Ji Mei asked in a cold tone

'Oh so direct? no welcome and introductions whatsoever, she doesn't seem to be interested in the trade at all so why is she even talking… it's like she is forced…wait forced' Rex suddenly noticed the light blue jade earring of Ji Mei

Although Rex wasn't sure about the color but the shape and size of that earring was the same as the one that mysterious woman from before was wearing

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