Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

210 Chapter 210 : : Negotiations

"So what do you want to trade for," Ji Mei asked in a cold tone

'Communication jade… it's definitely a communication jade and coupled with her behavior from earlier she is probably just following instruction… then the one who is negotiating is not her at all' Rex's eyes lit up

"I want Snowy Yin Lotus," Rex said without any change in his facial expression like he was just asking for a flower from their garden

But it wasn't the same case with the grand elder


She stood up from her chair and slapped the table while staring at Rex with cold eyes

"You dare ask for our Snowy Yin Lotus," Ji Mei said in an angry tone

Suddenly the temperature inside the room dropped

But Rex didn't respond, he kept sitting there without any change in his expression or body language

That much cold temperature didn't have much effect on Rex and Jiang Shuang

As for Jiang Kai although he felt cold but it was bearable, the worst condition was for Jiang Qing, she was wearing a full sleeved dress specially made to resist against cold but she was almost at her limit right now her body was even slightly shaking

'Pyrokinesis' (Rex)

Suddenly the temperature around the four of them increased, it was like they were standing in an open field on a sunny day

All three of them looked at Rex

Jiang Qing wanted to thank Rex but because it might disturb him she didn't say anything

The three women behind Ji Mei gave strange glances to Jiang Qing, just a while ago they saw her shivering but right now she looked very comfortable although they found it weird but they still didn't speak so as not to interfere in the conversation

When Ji Mei saw that Rex didn't respond to what she said she became angrier but just when she was about to speak she reluctantly stopped

'Just why is Elder Sister is so interested in him' Ji Mei thought

Then She quietly set on the chair again

'She is the worst actor I had ever seen… she should at least try to do it in a way I won't doubt her' (Rex)

"What can you give us in exchange for Snowy Yin Lotus," Ji Mei said in an unwillingly

Rex didn't speak he just took out the rectangular silver box and slide-ed it on the table towards her

Ji Mei caught it then opened the box, all she saw was the milky white cream inside it

"What is it?" She asked

"An Anti Cold Cream as for its effect you need to try it on someone who practices the same type of cultivation technique as you to see it, All you have to do is apply it on the body mostly the back," Rex said calmly

Ji Mei was gritting her teeth as she looked towards him

'Does he think we will give him Snowy Yin Lotus for a beauty cream?' She thought

Ji Mei raised her hand and was just about to smash the silver box with her hand but she reluctantly stopped her hand in the min air

After that woman left no one spoke again there was only silence in the hall

'Hmph… once Elder Sister examines that useless cream then I will show him what happens to those who show their arrogance in front of me' Ji Mei thought as she looked at Rex

In a different room…..

Two women were sitting around a small white jade table

One of them was wearing a white dress that covered her whole body, she was even covering her face with a veil… she was the same woman that entered Rex's array before

The other woman was a very old one, right now she was trying to analyze the milky white cream inside silver box

The silver box was the same one Rex gave to Ji Mei

"Elder Li did you found anything," The sect master asked

Elder Li shook her head

The Sect Master was slightly surprised when she saw her refusing

"Elder Li you have been the oldest senior Alchemist in the sect and you still can't analyze this cream," The sect master said

"It's not about experience sect master, we alchemist judge a pill by its appearance, smell, color….etc these factor allows us to recognize or analyze a pill or any medicine but this cream has a unique smell

The Alchemist who made it has probably achieved a very high stage in Pill Refining, that person had mixed all the herbs in such a manner that the cream now had the unique fragrance it does not have the fragrance of any individual herb…

It's like that person completely erased his or her traces while making it, now the only way to judge its effect is to test it on someone" Elder Li said

The sect master nodded she then used a sound transmission talisman to order one of the elders to bring an outer sect disciple urgently

She has the Communication jade does not mean that other elder in the sect will have it too

Soon a girl walked inside the hall and respectfully greeted Elder Li and the Sect Master

The girl did not recognize any of them but the elder that brought her had told her to be respectful to the ones inside the room and follow any of their commands without any question if she did that she will be rewarded

"Strip" Elder Li said

"…" The girl

"Cough…. don't misunderstand my words what I mean is remove your upper clothes, I am an alchemist of this sect and this one here is a highly respected Elder of the sect we wanted to test the effects of a certain medicine on someone with a low cultivation base like you

You are lucky that we chose you if you do what we told you to then you will be rewarded once we are done testing" Elder Li corrected her words

The girl was delighted to hear that she quickly followed her command without any question

Elder Li took out some cream on her fingers and lightly rubbed it on the girl's bareback

"Do you feel something different" Elder Li asked the girl

The girl was just about to speak but at that time the cream showed its effect

The cream absorbed a whole lot of Yin Qi from her body while curing the meridians and relieving the stiff muscles on her body at the same time

"Ahaa.." The girl subconsciously moaned then she quickly shut her mouth because of fear of leaving a bad impression on the two senior around her

She didn't know that right now they both were too shocked to care about these kinds of things

When the cream on her back completely turned into the cold mist, the Sect Master and Elder Li both hurriedly placed their hand on her left and right shoulders receptively and tried to analyze her body using Qi

When their Qi entered the girl's body she didn't dare resist it… or more like she could not resist it at all

After a while they both released her but they could see the shock in each other's eyes

There was no need to talk about it anymore

The Sect Master quickly sent a message to the Grand Elder

Inside the hall where the meeting was going on…..

Suddenly Ji Mei received a message when she heard it, she was so shocked that she almost fell off her chair

After a while, she calmed down and looked at Rex

Although the sect master didn't tell her about the effect of the cream but the way she told her to be respectful alone stated that Rex has likely won the negotiations

"You are lucky that we liked your product so we can negotiate but we the terms are a little changed we want to meet the Alchemist who made it then we can give you Snowy Yin Lotus," Ji Mei said with a forced smile

'So the real game begins now' (Rex)

Rex then unfolded his both legs then he put them on the table on each other

Ji Mei was angry after she saw Rex's action but now that he had the bargaining chip she couldn't act recklessly

"I was the one who made it," Rex said bluntly

"You… ahem we are serious about it, we only want to know which expert Alchemist made it, if you tell us that much and give us that cream then we can negotiate" Ji Mei said while clenching her fist

"Hmm… so you don't believe me then there is no need to negotiate at all just give me my Anti Cold Cream back and we will be on our separate ways" Rex said lazily as he stood up

Ji Mei's expression was distorted, she wanted to kill Rex on the spot but she knew that her sister highly values the trade so she can't do anything to him

"Wait we can't give it back to you, If you don't want to tell us about that Alchemist then we will exchange it for something else," Ji Mei said as she tries to hold back her anger

Rex gave her a deep look

Jiang Shuang was very embarrassed when he heard it

He was the one who brought Rex here but he didn't think that the grand elder will be so shameless to forcibly confiscate his things without completing the negotiations

"To think your Cold Heaven Sect was also just that, its seems like I overestimated you sect's capabilities

You want that Anti Cold Cream right? keep it, if I knew your sect was so poor I might have brought some more things along with me for donation

Patriarch Jiang, I thank you for accompanying me here, let's go back" Rex said as he turned around and started walking

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