Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

211 Chapter 211 : : Sect Master

"To think your Cold Heaven Sect was also just that, it seems like I overestimated your sect's capabilities

You want that Anti Cold Cream right? keep it, if I knew your sect was so poor I might have brought some more things along with me for donation

Patriarch Jiang, I thank you for accompanying me here, let's go back" Rex said as he turned around and started walking

Ji Mei's face was dark, she didn't agree with her sister's decision to give Rex Snowy Yin Lotus, according to her he would agree even if she gave him something else that but Rex was more prideful then she thought

Even though he said he didn't want the Anti Cold Cream anymore but there are many people including Jiang Shuang who had seen the whole course of action just now so if Rex left like that then the reputation of the sect will be completely ruined… in the future which type of Alchemist will come to them for business

As for Rex If he really made this cream or have a way to make it then he will be treasured by any sect, he may even use his authority in those sects to get back at them in the future

"Stop" Ji Mei shouted

But Rex completely ignored her words he just waved his hand without looking back

"I Said Stop" Ji Mei shouted as she waved her hand towards Rex and many sharp pointed ice crystal got condensed in the air and flew towards him

'Idiot… I was waiting for it all along' Rex laughed in his mind

"Courting death," Rex said as he turned around and waved his hand

'Nebula Hell's Flame + Cryokinesis + Pyrokinesis' (Rex)

Rex used Cryokinesis to decrease the temperature to increase the power of the flame and Pyrokinesis to precisely control the flame, he just got the flame a while ago so he didn't have much control over it even when it was an inborn flame

When Rex waved his hand the dark blue flame appeared around his hand and moved towards Ji Mei at a high speed

Everyone was shocked when they saw the strange blue flame because the temperature in room drooped by several folds when it appeared

The blue flame expanded as it moved towards Ji Mei, it even engulfed the table in its way, when it engulfed the table then instead of being burnt the whole table got frozen inside transparent crystal ice

When the sharp ice crystal released by Ji Mei entered the flame then instead of being melting they got converted into powder like the whole Yin type of Qi inside them got sucked out by the flame

Ji Mei got shocked by what she saw but soon that shock changed into horror when she noticed that the flame didn't stop after engulfing those ice crystals

'He is trying to kill me?' Only now Ji Mei understood that Rex didn't use the flame to defend against her attack but kill her

She never thought someone would have the guts to even think of killing her inside the Cold Heaven Sect

"Stop" A cold voice echoed inside the hall

Suddenly a thick wall made of crystal clear ice appeared in front of Ji Mei, the wall was supposed to block Rex's flame but when the flame touched the ice wall it only stopped advancing for a few seconds before it absorbed all the Yin Qi inside the ice wall and converted into white powdered snow

The flame could have easily engulfed Ji Mei but it stopped after it was only a few inches away from her and retracted back to Rex

Ji Mei was horrified when the blue flame was only a few inches away from her, she had never seen death from that close before

After Rex released the flame she could already guess that Rex's cultivation base was higher than her or he won't be able to control such strong flame

'Such power and ability, its definitely an Essence Flame' Jiang Kai and other's thought

'I can't kill her, although she is weak but who knows if this sect has a strong ancestor and there is also that mysterious woman' (Rex)

[You are lying to the wrong person, if I am right you wouldn't have killed her even if she was alone]

'Oh, why do you think so?' (Rex)

[In all this time you never killed a woman directly even for that Ba Jing you didn't kill her with your own hands directly or with your personality you wouldn't have let her go that easily, are you still following Jonathan's principles?]

'It's just a coincidence, but you had started to think too much, focus on your work don't be that curious it doesn't suit you' (Rex)

Rex snapped his fingers and the flame disappeared like it was never there, he then looked at the white mist that appeared out of nowhere in front of Ji Mei

The cold white mist turned into a mist cloud but then it suddenly disappeared and a woman appeared in that place, Rex could not see the face of that woman because it was covered with a veil

"I am the Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect, I sincerely apologize for Grand Elder's rude behavior" The woman's tone was cold but it somehow still had a unique alluring charm to it

"Sect Master you don't need to apologize for my sa.." Ji Mei hurriedly spoke but then the woman raised her towards her signally her to stop speaking so she quieted down

'What a facade, if she was really that worried about it then she would have come here when her grand elder was attacking me not when I was countering her, she was probably testing me

If I was weak then not only she would have directly snatched the cream from me she would also try to find how I got the cream using different methods but now that she had seen that I am strong she chose this way' Rex sneered at her in his mind

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Name: Ji Biyu

Cultivation stage: Golden Core 5th stage]

'Damn… Golden Core 5th stage it's good that I didn't overdo it, now that I think about it, this woman is likely thinking I have a strong backer that's why she is still being cautious and put the blame on the Grand Elder while she herself sat behind and watched the show' (Rex)

Although Rex is strong he is still not arrogant enough to think that he could directly fight a sect head on when it has a Golden Core stage Sect Master and many Core Forming stage elders

"Although our Grand Elder attacked you on impulse but it wasn't meant to any serious harm to you but you also attacked her… seeing that you only humiliated her and didn't harm her why don't we call it equal and forget about it" Ji Biyu said

'What a logic… she is saying all this so that she won't have to give anything in return for her grand elder's mistake… wait her surname is the same as the Grand Elder's but they don't look like teacher and disciple so it only means they are relative then she is… no wonder Ji Mei is a Grand Elder with such temper and strength' Rex thought

Rex nodded in agreement, it wasn't like he could do anything she was a Golden Core stage cultivator and a Sect Master so he needed to give some face

"Master Ye I heard you wanted the Snowy Yin Lotus in exchange for that cream, I admit that cream is precious when compared to a low grade spirit herb like Snowy Yin Lotus but this herb is very rare and even we have only a few of them right now that's why we wanted to know that who made this cream so that we can get more of it" Ji Biyu explained

"I already said I was the one who made it but if you don't believe it then it's your problem and I never said that I wanted to exchange the herb just for only that cream it was just a sample… the thing was your Grand Elder never listened to the whole thing

If I can make one then its obvious I can make more of it, what I was trying to say is if you let me have the herb then I can sell more of it to you in the future" Rex said with an expressionless face

His words caught Ji Biyu off guard, a continuous supply of that cream? although she didn't doubt that the price will be high but it's better than not getting it at all

As for Rex being the alchemist, after she saw that strange blue Essence Flame she believed that Rex might really be that alchemist

"I see its look like we were the ones at fault, then how about it Master Ye if you become my sect's alchemist I will give you two Snowy Yin Lotus instead of one… and I can also provide you a good yearly allowance" Ji Biyu said

'I knew she would ask it but…' (Rex)

"No, I work for Shadow Lord so I already joined Frozen Flame for my whole life, as for joining your sect I will be blunt your sect is not qualified," Rex said directly

"You…" Ji Mei was again furious when she heard it but when Rex looked at her she quickly shut up her mouth and kept standing behind Ji Biyu

"Master Ye although I don't know Shadow Lord nor did I ever heard about Frozen Flame but don't you think it's rude to judge a sect without knowing anything about it," Ji Biyu said in a slightly colder tone

"It actually sounds funny when it's coming from a Golden Core 5th stage cultivator, Miss Ji Biyu don't underestimate Shadow Lord those who knew his name are not alive to tell the tale," Rex said with a smirk

His words made everyone dumbstruck

'Did Elder Sister achieved a breakthrough to Golden Core 5th stage? wait even I don't know about it so how did he know that' (Ji Mei)

"Miss Ji Biyu?" Jiang Shuang and others subconsciously looked towards the Sect Master

'How does he know my real name?' Ji Biyu looked at Rex in shock

Except for her master and her sister only a few people knows her real name, other's only know her fake name

And as for cultivation base, she practices a special technique which lets her hide her cultivation base so even when someone is at same cultivation base as her they still cannot find her cultivation base

"Don't look at me like that it was all written in the file I got from Shadow Lord" Rex said while awkwardly

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