Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

212 Chapter 212 : : Mysterious Shadow Lord

Rex word's had a big impact on everyone just now

A little while ago Jiang Shuang and others had never even seen the Sect Master and Rex just told them her name this makes them wonder who Shadow Lord is, who knows so much about them while they never even heard about him before

Ji Biyu was slightly angry because Rex had revealed her real name in front of everyone but she was not impulsive enough to make any move without knowing anything about this mysterious Shadow Lord

"Then how about I give Master Ye two Snowy White Lotus in exchange of selling the recipe of that cream to us, off course the price of the recipe will have nothing to do with those two herbs," Ji Biyu asked

Jiang Shuang was angry when he heard it but he didn't say anything because both Rex and the Sect Master were stronger than his, his words won't carry much weight here at least not until he is outside

He was angry because no alchemist would want to sell their recipe to anyone especially when its one of a kind like Anti Cold Cream's recipe… just how many people would want it? if Rex plays his cards right then he could become an influential figure just using it and because of their meaning Ji Biyu's words were more like a threat instead of words

Even if she won't attack Rex she could still leak the news about this recipe out and make trouble for Rex but in that, she won't get anything

'I was wondering when she will ask this' (Rex)

"Selling the recipe? Hmmm…. I wonder what can you give me in exchange" Rex said with a smile

Everyone was shocked by his words including Ji Biyu she was sure Rex will refuse then she will give him benefits and use some threats to increase pressure

[Rex did you forgot even if they have the recipe it's useless without your abilities even if a Spirit Alchemy Emperor make the cream it won't have more than 9% of its original effects]

'Exactly' (Rex)


"So Master Ye what's your condition" Ji Biyu was still cautious so she asked about the price first

"I don't want anything special, earlier I was thinking of selling that cream in small packages with 100 high grade spirit stone for each to everyone… this price is not that high and many people could afford it

But after I sell the recipe to you I will change the price to 1000 High grade spirit stone for the next 100 years and of course its only for the people of your sect…. nothing else

The extra money I will get in the next 100 years will be my price for the recipe and just to make sure we both don't go back on our words we will sign a contract… how about it?" Rex asked with a smile

His words surprised Ji Biyu, the condition looked profitable for her on the surface but it wasn't that simple If she agreed then it will make the people of the sect angry towards her

She could guess the reason Rex didn't consider that she could also sell it is because of brand… his brand will probably be high because he made this cream's recipe himself

"May I ask what is the Alchemist rank of Master Ye?" Ji Biyu was still slightly cautious because the things were going too smoothly which was not something she expected

"I never joined the Alchemist Association and I don't follow their ranking system so it's hard to tell…. but even if I knew it I would prefer not to disclose these kinds of details until its a necessity," Rex said

"Then can Master Ye tell me what level of Alchemist can make this cream," Ji Biyu asked after thinking for a while

Rex just smiled but didn't answer

Ji Biyu was in a dilemma

"If Master Ye tells me that what I kind of Alchemist can refine it then I will give you 1000 High grade spirit stone," Ji Biyu said

Rex didn't speak

'If she agrees then I could make millions then what does 1000 worth' Rex said

"How about 10,000" Ji Biyu spoke

Rex was silent

"Then how about one more Snowy Yin Lotus, according to our previous deal I will give you one Snowy Yin Lotus for selling us the cream and if you answer my question I will give you one more of it" Ji Biyu greeted her teeth and said

"Sect Master…" Ji Mei again spoke but Ji Biyu signaled her to keep quiet

'Didn't she said that Snowy Yin Lotus are very rare and she has only a few of them, what about now?

But it's better if I agree because if I didn't, she will be suspicious and won't buy the recipe anyway…. getting one more Snowy Yin Lotus is way better than getting nothing… it's also better than the money because we can't buy it with money anyway' (Rex)

"Sigh… you are persistent okay I will tell you even if a Spirit Alchemy King refines it, it's effect won't surpass 7%, making this cream have two necessary requirements

One is that the alchemist's rank should be high… they should be at least a Spirit Alchemy King and the other is a special Yin attribute physique…. I think this much answers all your questions and if you doubt my words then we can sign a contract right now" Rex said with a grin

Rex's words dealt another blow to everyone

'No wonder he wasn't worried about selling the recipe…. looks like I am still too inexperienced' Jiang Shuang wanted to laugh when he saw the ugly faces of Ji Mei and the three elders behind her but he reluctantly held back

Jiang Kai was also like that he even averted his eyes from them to hold back his laughter, as for Jiang Qing she covered her mouth with her hands

Rex's words meant that he was at least at the same level as Spirit Alchemy King

Furthermore, if Ji Biyu really bought the recipe then wouldn't it mean that they have to pay ten times the price to buy the cream for hundred years just because they bought peace of paper

'This man…. is dangerous' Ji Biyu thought

Because of his young appearance, she always thought that he is inexperienced and can be fooled easily, In her life, she had always won in negotiations it was due to this ability that she became the Sect Master even when she was younger than other Sect Master candidate but when talking to Rex she felt like she was the one played again and again,

She felt like even a single mistake of her will deal a very big blow to the whole sect so she made a quick decision, she decided to finish the negotiations as fast as she could

"No need I believe Master Ye's words, Elder bring me two Snowy Yin Lotus," Ji Biyu said to the elder behind Ji Mei

Ji Biyu didn't doubt Rex's words, according to her understanding a high status Alchemist will not make such a lie with this much confidence that he even agreed to sign a contract

And Indeed even If Rex signs a contract it won't reveal anything all that he will write will be.. even a Spirit Alchemy King can't refine this cream with more than 7% effects… as for the special physique, he only told them about its type not even it's name so they know that he definitely won't reveal anything about the physique and without enough details a rule can't be added to the contract

The elder bowed towards her then left, soon she came back with a tray carrying two black boxes

Rex took a box and opened it, there was a crystal clear cube shaped ice block inside it

When Rex looked at it he saw that there was a white lotus blooming inside that ice block

Snowy Yin Lotus only blooms inside the special glacier ice, if they are taken out then they will wither in less than two hours

Rex checked the other box then put them in Inventory

When Rex looked at Ji Biyu she slightly nodded her head, the meaning was clear… please leave

Rex smiled then he took out a glamorous white colored card and gave it to Ji Biyu

Ji Biyu didn't understand his meaning but she still took the card, it looked like a normal rectangular card merchant use to advertise their product but it was different in some ways

First, it looked like pure white jade and the only thing written on it was FF at the bottom right corner

"It's a gift from Shadow Lord, try putting some Qi in it," Rex said with a smile

She was confused by Rex's words because normal things do not absorb Qi, only spirit tool has that capability but she was still curious about the card so she put some Qi in it

The card started to absorb a lot of Qi from her hand then many golden lines appeared on its surface for a second before they disappeared again, those lines were drawn in a very complex pattern appeared for a second before they disappeared… those lines looked more like a design to her rather than an array or a… circuit

'Is it a spirit tool?' She thought

Suddenly the surface of the white card released a white light then a holographic window appeared before her

At first whole window was black there was only a flame mask like symbol at its center, it was actually the same symbol Rex made for Frozen Flame Sect, and the FF on the card also meant Frozen Flame

The symbol on the screen soon disappeared and got replaced by new content

[Title: Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect

Grade: 5 Star

Balance: 0 $$

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e

Customer Care: \u003c\u003e]

$$ symbol was a new currency Rex.made to represent Spirit Stone

Except for Profile, Title and Balance all the options were grayed out

Rex was making these types of cards for a long time, even the SB v0.1 helmet he made was for the purpose for making them

As for the predefined title on the card, he had other cards too with different titles like… Inner Elder of Cold Heaven Sect, Grand Elder of Cold Heaven Sect… etc it was just about who was more qualified to receive it

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