Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

213 Chapter 213 : : Business Card

Ji Biyu almost dropped the card because of the shock, she never saw something like that in her life before that's why it was very surprising for her

Jiang Shuang and other's were also very shocked to see something like that

Ji Biyu didn't have any idea of what to do with it so she wanted to ask about it but Rex spoke first

"You don't need to think much, this card cannot be used for now It can only be used once the organization I work for in other words… Shadow Lord's organization is opened for everyone

Don't think that this card is useless, on the contrary, it's very precious its a limited edition 5 Star card only available to people with high status, It's better if you refine it… you just need to drop a little blood on it refine it

The grade of a card represents the benefits and special features you get, for now, you only need to know that you will get a big discount on things if you make your purchase using it, once the organization makes its appearance it will also release a manual on News Feed on how to use it…. for now just keep it with you" Rex said with a smile

'A spirit tool for a business card?' (Ji Biyu)

Several horses were running inside her head, she never thought someone would be crazy enough to make a spirit tool in the shape of a card, and…. can someone really make a card like that?

She won't through it away even if Rex told her to, even though she didn't know it's grade it was after all a spirit tool in her eyes

Ji Biyu removed her glove on her right hand which exposed the shining white skin on her right hand

Rex noticed a small wisp of white fog coming from her skin when she removed her glove

'She probably has a special Physique' Rex thought

Ji Biyu made a small cut on her thumb using her first finger, a small drop of blood fell on the white card then card absorbed the blood drop and vibrated for a moment before it became normal again

Spirit Tool and Spirit Weapons requires blood to refine them, Rex used the same principle as them to make the card but the card could only be called a half spirit tool at most because only its surface and some parts are like a spirit tool the rest is only a circuit made using Array Circuit Tech

"It's time for me to leave" Rex clasped his hand and said goodbye to her

Ji Biyu also thanked him for the card then Rex turned around to leave with Jiang Shuang and others

Just when Rex was leaving he suddenly stopped and turned around to look at her

Although Rex could not see her expression he did notice a sudden jolt on her body

Rex then turned around and left with others

'Shadow Lord was it?' Ji Biyu murmured to herself as she looked at the white card in her hand

Ji Biyu and Ji Mei had the same surname, normally only two types of people have the same surname

And the other is when two people are a family

Ji Biyu and Ji Mei didn't look like teacher and disciple so if they are family then they can't be mother or daughter so whether they are related by blood or not they will call each other sister and the way Ji Biyu treats Ji Mei it was obvious who is elder and who is younger

When Rex just came to the Snow Jade City with Jiang Shuang and other's he got an idea

"Patriarch Jiang can we have a small talk," Rex asked with a smile

"Right now?" Jiang Shuang looked at him in surprise

Rex nodded

"Then let's talk inside the carriage, it has a soundproof array in it, we can talk there without any problem," Jiang Shuang said then walked to his private carriage

Few muscular men were standing outside the carriage, Jiang Shuang just nodded towards them and entered the carriage with Rex

Rex was a little surprised when he saw them because they were all in Core Forming stage cultivation base, the weakest was at the 1st stage and the strongest was at 4th stage

Rex entered the carriage with him

"So what does Master Ye want to talk about," Jiang Shuang asked curiously

"Let's drop the formalities, I heard your business is expanded over 30% of the whole Golden Bird Continent?" Rex asked seriously

"If we just talk about expanding then it's indeed true, but the situation is not as other's see it at many places the Myriad Auction House has good presence but at some places, it is oppressed by other forces, so if we talk about our strongholds it's less than 20% over the whole continent" Jiang Shuang sighed

'Reaching that point on your own without any backer is in itself a big achievement' Rex thought but he didn't say it out loud

"I see, so what are your future plans," Rex asked again

"I was thinking about focusing on increasing the status of the auction house in the places where it's oppressed instead of expanding the business… but why is Master Ye asking that" Jiang Shuang

He already saw that Rex works for someone else and that someone is not a normal entity so he gave up on trying to pull Rex in Myriad Auction House

"Then I will be direct, how about merging your organization with mine… I am representing the whole Frozen Flame organization" Rex said with a serious expression

"Is Master Ye talking about forming an Alliance? then we first need to at least see each other's organization, check the turnover and discuss the purpose of forming an alliance before making a decision" Jiang Shuang said after thinking for a while

'This man is clever than he looks… even after I showed him so many things he is still thinking rationally' Rex thought as he looked at him

"No you misunderstood, I am not talking about an alliance but merging the organizations, Myriad Auction House will become a part of my organization… in simple words, it's like a permanent alliance

We indeed need to check many things on each other's organization if we want to work together but… it's after confirming if you are really interested in it or not" Rex said

"Forgive me Master Ye but I am not interested" Jiang Shuang replied almost instantly

'Thought so…. if he really agreed that easily than I wouldn't have believed it that he was the one who took Myriad Auction House to its current heights' Rex thought

"I know that you must have tried pretty hard to reach this stage and want to make your organization reach new heights but… can you really do it alone? even if you have a long lifespan and want to take everything slowly does not mean that everything will be the same all the time…

It took you so many years to reach this stage but what about the future, there must be a time when you thought of expanding your organization around the whole continent didn't you? so you think that you could reach that stage alone like… how are you right now or you think that you have some heavenly luck that will let you reach that stage?" Rex said

Every word of Rex was like a sharp arrow piercing Jiang Shuang's heart

As a former successful businessman, it wasn't hard for Rex to guess Jiang Shuang's ideology, everyone dreams to do something big when they start likewise most rookie businessman also dreams to expand their business around the whole country then world but after facing many obstacles in life their dream starts to get small in size… from a big business tycoon, their expectations drop to a level that they even think that as long as they can keep their business stable they are fine

Only those who do not give up until the end are the last ones standing

Rex just tried to shake Jiang Shuang's will not only so that he throws in the towel and agree but to also decide his place in the future organization

"This… Master Ye, I know what you mean but… I will at least try to reach that point on my own rather than taking a shortcut like merging my organization, the feeling is not the same" Jiang Shuang said, he still remained calm and composed

'I know what he means, after all, I experienced that feeling too and it's awesome… but buddy sorry it's time for an emotional attack… he will figure it out soon anyway but I need him to agree right now, I don't want to waste much time' (Rex)

"You are right the feeling of achieving something on our own is really different, it's awesome but it's only when we had not sacrificed something precious to reach there when I was accompanying your daughter she was attacked by bandits working for some Young Master Zhu, were you able to do something about him?" Rex asked

Jiang Shuang didn't say anything

'Looks like I hit the soft spot but it means my guess was right' (Rex)

"So do you think he won't try something funny in the future he aside do you think no one will try these type of tricks in the future, you have many bodyguards around you so it also means that there are already many people who want you dead

if your organization was strong enough or you had a strong backer then other's wouldn't have touched you but right now you are like a snake without poison

If you merge with us I guarantee your whole family's safety at that time that puny little alchemist aside even the head of Alchemist Association will need to think ten times before making a move against you" Rex said

Jiang Shuang thought for a while then he shook his head

"There is no such thing as success without risk, when I started Myriad Auction Hose was just a small auction house in a city and I put a lot of efforts to raise it to this level so how can I destroy it with my own hands," Jiang Shuang said with a resolute expression

"When did I ever said that I need you to destroy the auction house?" Rex said with a smile

"Huh? But you just said merge.." Jiang Shuang was confused

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